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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • It was the slap seen around the world.
  • 这是全世界都能看到的一记耳光。
  • Yeah, in one of the most surprising moments in Oscars history, actor Will Smith walked on stage and slapped Chris Rock for a joke that Rock made about Smith's wife's hair.
  • 是的,在奥斯卡历史上最令人惊讶的时刻之一,演员威尔·史密斯走上台,扇了克里斯·洛克一巴掌,因为他开了史密斯妻子头发的玩笑。
  • The altercation unfolded while Rock was presenting the Oscar for best documentary feature.
  • 争执发生在洛克颁发奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖的时候。
  • NPR's Mandalit del Barco was inside the Dolby Theatre, and she joins us now.
  • NPR新闻的曼达利特·德尔·巴可在杜比剧院为您带来详细报道。
  • Mandalit, I still sort of can't believe that this happened.
  • 曼达利特,我还是不敢相信会发生这种事。
  • Yeah. So this whole altercation between Chris Rock and Will Smith, I mean...
  • 克里斯·洛克和威尔·史密斯之间的争执,我是说…
  • Yeah. It was hard for us to absorb. You were actually there. So how'd it go down?
  • 是的。我们很难接受。 你在现场。 事情进展如何?
  • Yeah, it seemed like everybody inside the Dolby Theatre - we were confused.
  • 好像杜比剧院里的每个人都被搞糊涂了。
  • We didn't know if it was a gag.
  • 我们不知道这是不是恶作剧。
  • But then we realized it was real, and we just had our mouths hanging open and holding our breath, watching what was happening.
  • 但后来我们意识到这是真的,我们张大嘴巴,屏住呼吸,看着发生了什么。
  • We could hear what the TV viewers couldn't hear, and that - those were the words of a very angry-looking Will Smith sternly yelling at Chris Rock with the F word to stop talking about his wife.
  • 我们能听到电视观众听不到的声音,这是威尔·史密斯说的话,他看起来十分愤怒,用粗鄙的话语厉声呵斥克里斯·洛克,让他停止谈论他的妻子。
  • And, you know, I was up in the nosebleed section, in the balcony, so I couldn't see it, really, that close up.
  • 我当时在剧院楼座上,流鼻血的地方,所以我看不清,真的,这么近的距离。
  • But I spoke to a photographer from Shutterstock who was an eyewitness, and he said Smith walked up and swung his arm back and used his open palm to smack Chris Rock upside his face.
  • 但我问了一位来自Shutterstock的目击者,他说史密斯走了过来,抡起手臂,张开手掌朝克里斯·洛克的脸上打了一巴掌。
  • And because Chris Rock had a mic, the slap was amplified.
  • 因为克里斯·洛克有麦克风,这一巴掌被放大了。
  • You know, the Academy of Motion Pictures sent out a statement on Twitter saying that it does not condone violence of any form.
  • 美国电影学院在推特上发表了一份声明,称不会容忍任何形式的暴力。
  • And the LAPD says Chris Rock declined to file a police report.
  • 洛杉矶警方表示,克里斯·洛克拒绝提交警方报告。
  • Wow. So then - super awkward because then after all this goes down, Will Smith wins an Oscar.
  • 哇。 然后,非常尴尬,因为在这一切发生之后,威尔·史密斯赢得了奥斯卡奖。
  • He wins for best actor, and he has to get up and do an acceptance speech.
  • 他赢得了最佳男主角奖,却要站起来发表获奖感言。
  • I mean, we should just say, the joke that Chris Rock had made was about Jada Pinkett Smith's hair.
  • 我的意思是,我们应该说,克里斯·洛克开的那个玩笑是关于贾达·萍克特·史密斯的头发。
  • She has had to shave her head because she suffers from alopecia.
  • 因为患有脱发症,她不得不剃光头发。
  • So what did Will Smith say in his acceptance remarks?
  • 那么威尔·史密斯在获奖感言中说了什么呢?
  • When he went on stage, he was still very shaken by the whole thing, and he had tears streaming down his face.
  • 当他走上舞台的时候,他仍然被整件事吓坏了,泪水顺着脸颊流了下来。
  • And during his six-minute-long speech, he didn't say anything about his wife's condition. This is what he said.
  • 在长达6分钟的演讲中,他没有提到妻子的情况。 他是这么说的。
  • I want to apologize to the Academy.
  • 我想向学院道歉。
  • I want to apologize to my - all my fellow nominees.
  • 我想向所有提名的伙伴们道歉。
  • Smith said he hoped the Academy would invite him back in the future.
  • 史密斯说,他希望学院将来会邀请他回来。
  • And, you know, in "King Richard," Smith played Richard Williams, the father of tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams, a man who had been vilified in the press for some of the things he did to protect his daughters,
  • 在《国王理查德》中,史密斯扮演了网球巨星维纳斯和塞雷娜·威廉姆斯的父亲,他为了保护女儿而做了一些事情,因此受到了媒体的诋毁,
  • and Smith seemed to say that what he did was to protect his family.
  • 史密斯似乎说他所做的是为了保护他的家人。
  • Now, I know to do what we do, you got to be able to take abuse.
  • 现在,我知道我们要做什么,你必须能够接受虐待。
  • You got to be able to have people talk crazy about you.
  • 你得让人们疯狂地谈论你。
  • In this business, you got to be able to have people disrespecting you, and you got to smile, and you got to pretend like that's OK.
  • 干这行,你得能让别人不尊重你,你得面带微笑,还得装得若无其事。
  • You know, Smith said love can make you do some crazy things.
  • 史密斯说过,爱会让你做一些疯狂的事。


It was the slap seen around the world.


Yeah, in one of the most surprising moments in Oscars history, actor Will Smith walked on stage and slapped Chris Rock for a joke that Rock made about Smith's wife's hair.


The altercation unfolded while Rock was presenting the Oscar for best documentary feature.


NPR's Mandalit del Barco was inside the Dolby Theatre, and she joins us now.


Mandalit, I still sort of can't believe that this happened.


Yeah. Yeah.

是的。 是的。

So this whole altercation between Chris Rock and Will Smith, I mean...




It was hard for us to absorb. You were actually there. So how'd it go down?

我们很难接受。 你在现场。 事情进展如何?

Yeah, it seemed like everybody inside the Dolby Theatre - we were confused.


We didn't know if it was a gag.


But then we realized it was real, and we just had our mouths hanging open and holding our breath, watching what was happening.


We could hear what the TV viewers couldn't hear, and that - those were the words of a very angry-looking Will Smith sternly yelling at Chris Rock with the F word to stop talking about his wife.


And, you know, I was up in the nosebleed section, in the balcony, so I couldn't see it, really, that close up.


But I spoke to a photographer from Shutterstock who was an eyewitness, and he said Smith walked up and swung his arm back and used his open palm to smack Chris Rock upside his face.


And because Chris Rock had a mic, the slap was amplified.


You know, the Academy of Motion Pictures sent out a statement on Twitter saying that it does not condone violence of any form.


And the LAPD says Chris Rock declined to file a police report.


Wow. So then - super awkward because then after all this goes down, Will Smith wins an Oscar.

哇。 然后,非常尴尬,因为在这一切发生之后,威尔·史密斯赢得了奥斯卡奖。

He wins for best actor, and he has to get up and do an acceptance speech.


I mean, we should just say, the joke that Chris Rock had made was about Jada Pinkett Smith's hair.


She has had to shave her head because she suffers from alopecia.


So what did Will Smith say in his acceptance remarks?


When he went on stage, he was still very shaken by the whole thing, and he had tears streaming down his face.


And during his six-minute-long speech, he didn't say anything about his wife's condition. This is what he said.

在长达6分钟的演讲中,他没有提到妻子的情况。 他是这么说的。

I want to apologize to the Academy.


I want to apologize to my - all my fellow nominees.


Smith said he hoped the Academy would invite him back in the future.


And, you know, in "King Richard," Smith played Richard Williams, the father of tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams, a man who had been vilified in the press for some of the things he did to protect his daughters,


and Smith seemed to say that what he did was to protect his family.


Now, I know to do what we do, you got to be able to take abuse.


You got to be able to have people talk crazy about you.


In this business, you got to be able to have people disrespecting you, and you got to smile, and you got to pretend like that's OK.


You know, Smith said love can make you do some crazy things.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
sternly ['stə:nli]


adv. 严格地,严肃地,坚定地

absorb [əb'sɔ:b]


vt. 吸纳,吸引 ... 的注意,吞并

condone [kən'dəun]


vt. 宽恕;赦免

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的

acceptance [ək'septəns]


n. 接受(礼物、邀请、建议等),同意,认可,承兑

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

abuse [ə'bju:s,ə'bju:z]


n. 滥用,恶习
vt. 滥用,辱骂,虐待

eyewitness ['ai'witnis]


n. 目击者,见证人

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的

apologize [ə'pɔlədʒaiz]


vi. 道歉,谢罪





