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CRI News Report:嫦娥五号携月球样本返回地球 德国新法案未排除华为

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • China's Chang'e-5 probe has returned home with lunar samples after weeks of space travel.
  • 经过数周的太空旅行,中国嫦娥五号探测器带着月球样本返回地球。
  • It brought back the first new samples of rock and debris from the Moon in more than four decades.
  • 它从月球上带回了四十多年来的首批全新岩石及碎片样本。
  • The probe was launched on November 24 and landed on the near side of the moon a week later.
  • 该探测器于11月24日发射,一周后在月球近侧着陆。
  • Then, it collected samples from both the lunar surface and just beneath it.
  • 随后,它在月球表面和月球下方采集了样本。
  • President Xi Jinping has sent a congratulating message on the success of the mission.
  • 国家主席习近平已致电祝贺此次任务成功完成。
  • Figures from the European Union show that China remained the bloc's top trading partner as of October.
  • 来自欧盟的数据显示,截至十月,中国保持该集团的第一大贸易伙伴地位。
  • The EU's trade in goods with China in the first ten months stood close to 480 billion euros, roughly 580 billion U.S. dollars, up by 2.2 percent year on year.
  • 前十个月欧盟与中国的货物贸易额接近4800亿欧元,约合5800亿美元,同比增长2.2%。
  • Its trade in goods with the United States fell by over 11 percent to 460 billion euros.
  • 欧盟与美国的货物贸易额下降了11%以上,为4600亿欧元。
  • China overtook the U.S. as the EU's top trading partner in July.
  • 今年7月,中国取代美国成为欧盟最大的贸易伙伴。
  • The U.S. Federal Reserve says it will keep buying government bonds until the economy makes substantial progress.
  • 美国联邦储备委员会表示,在经济取得实质性进展前将继续购买政府债券。
  • It's seen as a step intended to reassure financial markets and keep long-term borrowing rates low indefinitely.
  • 外界认为这一举措旨在安抚金融市场,并无限期地将长期借款利率保持在低位。
  • The Fed also reiterated that it expects to keep its short-term benchmark interest rate near zero through at least 2023.
  • 美联储还重申,预计将把基准短期利率维持在接近于零的水平,至少持续到2023年。
  • The agency has kept its key rate there since March,
  • 自3月份以来,该机构一直将基准利率维持在这一水平,
  • when it took a range of extraordinary steps to fight the pandemic recession by keeping credit flowing.
  • 当时其采取了一系列非常规措施,通过保持信贷流动来对抗疫情导致的经济衰退。
  • Germany has approved a bill
  • 德国批准了一项法案,
  • that will require companies involved in setting up critical infrastructure such as high-speed 5G networks to guarantee that their equipment can't be used for sabotage, espionage or terrorism.
  • 将要求参与建立高速5G网络等关键基础设施的公司保证其设备不能用于破坏、间谍或恐怖主义。
  • Companies will be required to submit a document
  • 公司将被要求提交一份文件,
  • that contains details on how they ensure that components of critical systems can't be misused for illegal purposes.
  • 其中包含如何确保关键系统的组件不被滥用于非法目的的细节。
  • Any vendor that fails to meet the threshold for trustworthiness can be banned from operating equipment.
  • 任何未能达到可信度门槛的供应商都可能被禁止运营设备。
  • The measure doesn't amount to an outright ban on Huawei in Germany, as demanded by the United States.
  • 这项措施并不等同于德国按照美国的要求彻底禁止华为。
  • The Trump administration had threatened to cut off intelligence sharing with countries that use Huawei gear.
  • 特朗普政府曾威胁要切断与使用华为设备的国家的情报共享。
  • Huawei denies U.S. allegations of links to the Chinese government.
  • 华为否认了美国有关华为与中国政府有关联的指控。
  • Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has presented his government's COVID-19 national immunization plan.
  • 巴西总统雅伊尔·博索纳罗提出了巴西政府的新冠肺炎国家免疫计划。
  • Bolsonaro says the start date for vaccinations depends on approval by Brazil's regulator.
  • 博索纳罗表示,疫苗接种的开始日期取决于巴西监管机构的批准。
  • The plan presented shows priority for health workers and those most vulnerable to the disease.
  • 该计划显示,疫苗将优先提供给卫生工作者和最容易感染人群。
  • Last Friday, the Supreme Court ordered the government to provide the immunization strategy amid criticism of it not being provided sooner.
  • 上周五,巴西最高法院下令政府提供免疫战略,因为有人批评政府未及时予以提供。
  • Bolsonaro, who suffered from COVID-19 earlier this year, says he will not take any vaccine.
  • 博索纳罗曾于今年早些时候感染新冠肺炎,但他表示自已不会接种任何疫苗。
  • Brazil has recorded almost 183,000 deaths from COVID-19 since the outbreak began in the country.
  • 自新冠肺炎在巴西爆发以来,该国已记录了近18.3万例死亡病例。
  • The Chilean Institute of Public Health has authorized the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, as COVID-19 cases show a slight but sustained increase.
  • 由于新冠肺炎病例出现轻微但持续的增长,智利公共卫生研究所已授权使用辉瑞和德国生物新技术公司联合研发的疫苗。
  • Chile has signed deals to buy about 10 million doses from Pfizer,
  • 智利签署了向辉瑞公司购买约1000万剂疫苗的协议,
  • but the country's health ministry is yet to decide when to start the vaccination campaign.
  • 但该国卫生部尚未决定何时开始疫苗接种。
  • Healthcare workers, public transport drivers and the armed forces will be first in line to get the shot.
  • 医护人员、公共交通司机和武装部队将率先接种。
  • Pfizer's vaccine needs to be kept at extremely low temperatures, which is expected to complicate distribution across Chile's 4,000 km length.
  • 辉瑞公司的疫苗需要在极低的温度下保存,预计这将使智利4000公里长的土地上的疫苗分发工作变得复杂。
  • Chile has reached agreements with several laboratories to ensure 32.4 million doses for 16 million of the country's 19 million people.
  • 智利已与多家实验室达成协议,确保为该国1900万人口中的1600万人提供3240万剂疫苗。
  • Canada has signed an agreement with the United States to send a Canadian astronaut around the moon in 2023.
  • 加拿大与美国签署了一项协议,将在2023年送一名加拿大宇航员绕月飞行。
  • The Gateway Treaty includes a commitment to having a Canadian on board when the U.S. conducts a flyby of the moon in 2023,
  • 《门户条约》的内容包括,美国承诺在2023年让加拿大宇航员加入美国载人飞船绕月飞行任务,
  • as well as a second flight to a future international space station.
  • 以及飞往未来国际空间站。
  • But it will not include a moon landing.
  • 但这一条约不包括登月。
  • Canada will also contribute a robotic arm to help with the construction of the Lunar Gateway,
  • 加拿大还将提供一个机械臂,帮助建造月球门户,
  • which will allow for exploration of the lunar surface and assist future missions to Mars.
  • 以便探索月球表面,并协助未来的火星任务。


China's Chang'e-5 probe has returned home with lunar samples after weeks of space travel.
It brought back the first new samples of rock and debris from the Moon in more than four decades.
The probe was launched on November 24 and landed on the near side of the moon a week later. Then, it collected samples from both the lunar surface and just beneath it.
President Xi Jinping has sent a congratulating message on the success of the mission.

Figures from the European Union show that China remained the bloc's top trading partner as of October.
The EU's trade in goods with China in the first ten months stood close to 480 billion euros, roughly 580 billion U.S. dollars, up by 2.2 percent year on year.
Its trade in goods with the United States fell by over 11 percent to 460 billion euros.
China overtook the U.S. as the EU's top trading partner in July.
The U.S. Federal Reserve says it will keep buying government bonds until the economy makes substantial progress.
It's seen as a step intended to reassure financial markets and keep long-term borrowing rates low indefinitely.
The Fed also reiterated that it expects to keep its short-term benchmark interest rate near zero through at least 2023.
The agency has kept its key rate there since March, when it took a range of extraordinary steps to fight the pandemic recession by keeping credit flowing.
Germany has approved a bill that will require companies involved in setting up critical infrastructure such as high-speed 5G networks to guarantee that their equipment can't be used for sabotage, espionage or terrorism.
Companies will be required to submit a document that contains details on how they ensure that components of critical systems can't be misused for illegal purposes.
Any vendor that fails to meet the threshold for trustworthiness can be banned from operating equipment.
The measure doesn't amount to an outright ban on Huawei in Germany, as demanded by the United States.
The Trump administration had threatened to cut off intelligence sharing with countries that use Huawei gear.
Huawei denies U.S. allegations of links to the Chinese government.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has presented his government's COVID-19 national immunization plan.
Bolsonaro says the start date for vaccinations depends on approval by Brazil's regulator.
The plan presented shows priority for health workers and those most vulnerable to the disease.
Last Friday, the Supreme Court ordered the government to provide the immunization strategy amid criticism of it not being provided sooner.
Bolsonaro, who suffered from COVID-19 earlier this year, says he will not take any vaccine.
Brazil has recorded almost 183,000 deaths from COVID-19 since the outbreak began in the country.
The Chilean Institute of Public Health has authorized the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, as COVID-19 cases show a slight but sustained increase.
Chile has signed deals to buy about 10 million doses from Pfizer, but the country's health ministry is yet to decide when to start the vaccination campaign.
Healthcare workers, public transport drivers and the armed forces will be first in line to get the shot.
Pfizer's vaccine needs to be kept at extremely low temperatures, which is expected to complicate distribution across Chile's 4,000 km length.
Chile has reached agreements with several laboratories to ensure 32.4 million doses for 16 million of the country's 19 million people.
Canada has signed an agreement with the United States to send a Canadian astronaut around the moon in 2023.
The Gateway Treaty includes a commitment to having a Canadian on board when the U.S. conducts a flyby of the moon in 2023, as well as a second flight to a future international space station.
But it will not include a moon landing.
Canada will also contribute a robotic arm to help with the construction of the Lunar Gateway, which will allow for exploration of the lunar surface and assist future missions to Mars.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
reserve [ri'zə:v]


n. 预备品,贮存,候补
n. 克制,含蓄

construction [kən'strʌkʃən]


n. 建设,建造,结构,构造,建筑物

pandemic [pæn'demik]


adj. 全国流行的 n. (全国或全世界范围流行的)疾

assist [ə'sist]


n. 帮助,协助,协助的器械
vt. 帮助,协

vaccination [.væksi'neiʃən]


n. 接种疫苗,种痘

immunization [,imju:nai'zeiʃən, -ni'z-]


n. 免疫

gear [giə]


n. 齿轮,传动装置,设备,工具
v. 使适应

credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

reassure [ri:ə'ʃuə]


v. 使 ... 安心,再保证,重拾(信心等)

administration [ə'streiʃən]


n. 行政,管理,行政部门


关键字: 讲解 CRI 月球 疫苗 华为




