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CRI News Report:中国向津巴布韦受飓风影响灾区提供援助

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  • Food, purified water, blankets, tents...
  • 食物、纯净水、毯子、帐篷……
  • Relief goods that's worth 200-thousand U.S. dollars have been donated by the Chinese Embassy and Chinese community in Zimbabwe,
  • 中国驻津巴布韦大使馆当地华人社区捐赠了价值20万美元的救援物资,
  • to help those badly hit by Cyclone Idai.
  • 帮助因气旋“伊代”而受灾的津巴布韦民众。
  • Speaking at the handover ceremony of the goods, Chinese ambassador to Zimbabwe Guo Shaochun says
  • 中国驻津巴布韦大使郭少春在物品捐赠仪式上表示,
  • China stands ready to support Zimbabwe to go through the difficult times.
  • 中方愿意支持津巴布韦度过难关。
  • Guo suggests, besides the emergency aid to help relieve the disaster triggered by cyclone Idai,
  • 郭少春表示,除了向津巴布韦提供紧急援助,帮助缓解气旋“伊代”造成的影响之外,
  • more assistance is coming from China to help with Zimbabwe's development.
  • 中国还将提供更多援助,帮助津巴布韦发展。
  • "In the next few days, the Chinese government will provide more assistance through official channels.
  • “几天后,中国政府也会通过官方渠道向津巴布韦提供帮助并捐助资金。
  • We will donate funds and 10,165 tons of rice to the Zimbabwean people and drill 500 boreholes for Zimbabwe this year.
  • 今年,中方还将向津巴布韦人民提供10165吨大米,并为津方建设500孔水井。
  • We hope all these support will help Zimbabwean people to gain strength and confidence to overcome the difficulty."
  • 中方希望这些帮助能够给予津巴布韦人民力量和信心,克服当前的困难。”
  • Local groups such as the Chamber of Chinese Enterprises in Zimbabwe, the Chinese Federation of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe-China Business Association have contributed to the donations.
  • 此次捐助物资由津巴布韦中资企业商会、津巴布韦华商联合会,津巴布韦华人华侨联合总会等当地组织联合筹集。
  • The SinoZim Wildlife Foundation, an organization dedicated to protecting wild animals in Zimbabwe,
  • 中津野生动植物保护基金会致力于保护津巴布韦野生动物,
  • has also dispatched three inflatable rescue boats to the affected areas to help those who are still trapped.
  • 该组织也向灾区派出了三艘充气式救生艇,救助受困民众。
  • Zimbabwe-China Business Association Vice President Li Manjuan says
  • 津巴布韦华商会常务副会长李曼娟表示,
  • the Chinese community in Zimbabwe is eager to make their own contributions to the disaster relief efforts in spite of the economic hardship.
  • 尽管许多在津华商企业经营状况并不理想,但面对灾情仍然全力相助。
  • She says more relief goods are pouring in and will be delivered to the disaster-stricken areas in the coming days.
  • 她表示,一些救援物资已经运到,更多救援物资在未来几天就会到达灾区。
  • "The Chinese community, be it enterprises or individuals, is undergoing a hard time as the local economy is still sluggish.
  • “目前津巴布韦经济处于低谷,华人社区无论商户还是个人,都在经历一段艰难时期。
  • Yet they are actively making donations.
  • 但是,他们仍然积极捐赠物资。
  • We've collected several truckloads of goods in four days' time. And more donations are coming."
  • 我们在短短四天的时间里就收到了好几卡车的物资。更多的物资也将陆续到来。”
  • An official with Ministry of Defence and War Veterans Affairs has expressed his gratitude for the help from China.
  • 津巴布韦国防和退伍军人事务部的一位官员对中国的帮助表示感谢。
  • Permanent secretary Martin Rushwaya says the donations are due to relieve the sufferings of the victims.
  • 常务秘书马丁·鲁什瓦亚表示,这些捐助物资将减轻灾民们的痛苦。
  • "These donation of various assortments of food items and blankets by the Chinese embassy in conjunction with the Chinese business community
  • “中国使馆和在津华商社区捐赠的食品及毯子等物资,
  • will go a long way in alleviating the plight of the victims of the cyclone.
  • 将大大缓解灾民们的困境。
  • As the saying goes: a friend in need is a friend indeed."
  • 俗话说,患难见真情。”
  • The first batch of relief goods has been delivered to the cyclone-affected areas.
  • 第一批救援物资已经运往津巴布韦受灾区。
  • Cyclone Idai has killed at least 98 people in Zimbabwe. Hundreds are still missing.
  • 气旋“伊代”目前已造成津巴布韦98人死亡,数百人失踪。
  • Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa is visiting the worst-hit areas, leading the rescue operations.
  • 津巴布韦总统埃默森·姆南加古瓦正在灾情最严重地区视察,同时领导救援工作。
  • For CRI, I'm Gao Junya reporting from Harare, Zimbabwe.
  • CRI新闻,高君雅(音译)津巴布韦哈拉雷报道。


Food, purified water, blankets, tents...
Relief goods that's worth 200-thousand U.S. dollars have been donated by the Chinese Embassy and Chinese community in Zimbabwe, to help those badly hit by Cyclone Idai.
Speaking at the handover ceremony of the goods, Chinese ambassador to Zimbabwe Guo Shaochun says China stands ready to support Zimbabwe to go through the difficult times.
Guo suggests, besides the emergency aid to help relieve the disaster triggered by cyclone Idai, more assistance is coming from China to help with Zimbabwe's development.
"In the next few days, the Chinese government will provide more assistance through official channels. We will donate funds and 10,165 tons of rice to the Zimbabwean people and drill 500 boreholes for Zimbabwe this year. We hope all these support will help Zimbabwean people to gain strength and confidence to overcome the difficulty."
Local groups such as the Chamber of Chinese Enterprises in Zimbabwe, the Chinese Federation of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe-China Business Association have contributed to the donations.
The SinoZim Wildlife Foundation, an organization dedicated to protecting wild animals in Zimbabwe, has also dispatched three inflatable rescue boats to the affected areas to help those who are still trapped.

Zimbabwe-China Business Association Vice President Li Manjuan says the Chinese community in Zimbabwe is eager to make their own contributions to the disaster relief efforts in spite of the economic hardship.
She says more relief goods are pouring in and will be delivered to the disaster-stricken areas in the coming days.
"The Chinese community, be it enterprises or individuals, is undergoing a hard time as the local economy is still sluggish. Yet they are actively making donations. We've collected several truckloads of goods in four days' time. And more donations are coming."
An official with Ministry of Defence and War Veterans Affairs has expressed his gratitude for the help from China.
Permanent secretary Martin Rushwaya says the donations are due to relieve the sufferings of the victims.
"These donation of various assortments of food items and blankets by the Chinese embassy in conjunction with the Chinese business community will go a long way in alleviating the plight of the victims of the cyclone. As the saying goes: a friend in need is a friend indeed."
The first batch of relief goods has been delivered to the cyclone-affected areas.
Cyclone Idai has killed at least 98 people in Zimbabwe. Hundreds are still missing.
Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa is visiting the worst-hit areas, leading the rescue operations.
For CRI, I'm Gao Junya reporting from Harare, Zimbabwe.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
conjunction [kən'dʒʌŋkʃən]


n. 连词,结合,关联,(事件等的)同时发生

drill [dril]


n. 钻孔机,钻子,反复操练,播种机
v. 钻

hardship ['hɑ:dʃip]


n. 艰难,困苦

cyclone ['saikləun]


n. 旋风,飓风,气旋,旋风分离器

foundation [faun'deiʃən]


n. 基础,根据,建立
n. 粉底霜,基

spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

overcome [.əuvə'kʌm]


vt. 战胜,克服,(感情等)压倒,使受不了

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

relief [ri'li:f]


n. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比





