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  • Peter Ripken loves literature. The man from Frankfurt, Germany reads books by writers all over the world.
  • 彼得·瑞普肯来自德国的法兰克福市,他深爱文学,全世界作家的著作他都读。
  • And he learned years ago that not all nations permit writers to express themselves freely.
  • 多年以前,他了解到,不是所有的国家都允许作家自由的表达自己。
  • In fact, free expression can be quite dangerous in many places.
  • 实际上,自由表达在很多地方是非常危险的。
  • So, Ripken decided to act. He helped establish an organization to protect writers.
  • 所以,瑞普肯决定采取行动。他帮助建立了一个保护作家的组织。
  • The International Cities of Refuge Network, ICORN, was born in 1993.
  • 国际庇护城市网络(ICORN)于1993年成立。
  • Its founders sought to persuade cities, not central government, to give refuge to persecuted writers.
  • 这个组织的成立者劝说城市而并非中央政府给受迫害的作家提供庇护。
  • "I got involved in the program where persecuted writers are being given refuge in cities in Germany,
  • 在德国,该组织给受迫害的作家提供了庇护,
  • and Frankfurt was one of the first cities and I was involved right from the beginning, from the mid 90s, to set up this program.
  • 而且法兰克福是第一批参与该项目的城市之一,我从一开始,从90年代中期,就参与创建了这个项目。
  • The first organization was called "International Parliament of Writers."
  • 组织起初名为国际作家议会。
  • In 2006, then we came together and established ICORN - International Cities of Refuge Network."
  • 2006年,我们联合在一起创建了国际庇护城市网络(ICORN)。
  • It was not his original plan. He had a different view of his future as a young man.
  • 这并不是瑞普肯一开始的计划,年少时,他对未来有着不同的看法。
  • "When I was 15 I was thinking, because of my reading obsession, to become a bookseller when I was 15, sort of graduating from primary school.
  • “在我15岁的时候,因为我痴迷读书,所以我想成为一个书商,那时我差不多是小学毕业的年纪。
  • And then my mother said, 'You do your high school diploma first and then you can still become a bookseller' and so on. So she influenced me on that."
  • 然后我母亲跟我说,你得先获得你的高中文凭,然后你仍然可以选择成为一个书商,还有一些类似的话。所以在这个选择上母亲影响了我。”
  • A bookseller he did not become. Instead, in the late 1960s, Peter Ripken began a five year stint as a manager in an aid organization working in Africa.
  • 后来瑞普肯没有成为一个书商。在20世纪60年代末期,彼得·瑞普肯在非洲的一个援助组织担任了五年的经理。
  • But his affinity for the written word remained strong. And then he got a call.
  • 但是他对书仍然有很多的喜爱。后来他接到一个电话。
  • Then I was being asked, 'Can you help us, somebody has defected our radio station?'
  • 那个人问我,你能帮助我们吗?有人损坏了我们的无线电台。
  • So, I worked for three years at that radio station, Voice of Germany that is the equivalent to Voice of America.
  • 后来,我在那家电台工作了3年,节目是德国之声,跟美国之声类似。
  • I worked as a deputy editor for the Africa section and I liked it.
  • 我的工作是节目在非洲区的副总编,我喜欢这份工作。
  • But when somebody else came and said 'we have this organization promoting African, Asian, Latin American literature
  • 但是当另外一个人跟我说,我们成立了一个促进非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲文学发展的组织,
  • and we need somebody with your background to follow a person who has left us, can you do it, do you want to do it?'"
  • 我们现在需要一个有你这样背景的人来顶替离开的人的位置,你可以做吗?你想做吗?
  • Ripken did not hesitate. "I said yes. I thought maybe I do that five years but I did it for 20 because it was so interesting meeting authors,
  • 瑞普肯没有迟疑。“我答应了。我想我可能会做个五年,但我做了20年,因为和作家们会面、
  • traveling to literary conferences, doing workshops with publishers and authors.
  • 去参加文学会议、与出版商和作家一起做研讨会是非常有趣的事情。
  • That was so varied, so interesting that I did it for 20 years!"
  • 工作内容非常丰富多样,很有趣,所以这份工作我整整做了20年!”
  • Peter Ripken grew up reading German authors. But his interests broadened to other European and American literature.
  • 彼得·瑞普肯是阅读德国作家的作品长大的。但他的兴趣扩展到其他欧洲国家的文学和美国文学。
  • Then, he found what he calls books 'outside of the norm.' This helped grow his interest in political developments in other regions.
  • 然后,他把书看作是规则之外的东西。这帮助他提升了他对其它地区的政治发展问题的兴趣。
  • "I read mostly novels. I started early reading African, Arab, Indian authors, Latin American authors.
  • “我读的大多是小说。我很早就开始阅读非洲、阿拉伯、印度和拉丁美洲的作家的作品。
  • That was one thing, and going with it I had a strong interest in political developments in other continents.
  • 这是一方面,同时我对其他大洲的政治发展也有浓厚的兴趣。
  • I'm especially interested in political developments in Africa and the Arab world.
  • 我对非洲和阿拉伯世界的政治发展特别感兴趣。
  • And I've made efforts to find out by traveling, by meeting people, by going to conferences. And these two elements have shaped my life."
  • 我通过旅行、与人接触、参加各种会议来努力找到答案。这两个因素塑造了我的人生。”
  • Peter Ripken has written one book himself. At the height of the anti-apartheid struggle, he wrote a handbook on Southern Africa.
  • 彼得·瑞普肯自己也曾写了一本书,那是在反种族隔离最激烈的时候,他写了一本关于非洲南部的手册。
  • But poetry came along later for Ripken, and with a little pressure.
  • 但是,后来诗歌进入了瑞普肯的生活,而且还是带着一些压力。
  • "I remember a Moroccan poet at one time told me, 'You Europeans, you are doing everything to kill poetry.'
  • “我记得之前有个摩洛哥诗人告诉我,你们欧洲人正在千方百计的毁掉诗歌。
  • And I wanted to prove to him that I was not killing poetry, so I read poetry and I edited anthologies."
  • 我想证明给他看,我没有在毁掉诗歌,所以我开始读诗,编辑诗的选集。”
  • Last year Peter Ripken retired after several years as ICORN's chairman.
  • 去年,彼得·瑞普肯在担任几年国际庇护城市网络(ICORN)的主席后退休了。
  • But he is still active in the organization. He and many others are developing relationships with new partners and supporters.
  • 但是他仍然活跃在这个组织中。他和其他许多人正在与新的合作伙伴和支持者发展关系。
  • The goal is to increase the group's capacity to protect and promote writers and artists at risk around the world.
  • 他们的目标是提高该组织在全世界保护和促进面临危险的作家和艺术家发展的能力。
  • More than 60 cities have joined the network, and no less than 170 writers and artists have found shelter in an ICORN member city.
  • 超过60个城市已经加入了这个网络,不少于170名作家和艺术家在ICORN的一个成员城市找到了避难所。
  • In 2016, International Cities of Refuge Network celebrated its 10-year anniversary.
  • 2016年,国际庇护城市网络(ICORN)庆祝成立十周年。
  • And Ripken says he will continue to stay busy in the world of arts and literature.
  • 瑞普肯说,他将继续在文学和艺术领域忙碌。
  • "There's one project we are setting up, a cultural center in southern Spain for encounters between writers and artists from Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Spain, France and Germany.
  • “我们正在西班牙南部建立一个文化中心,供来自阿尔及利亚、突尼斯、摩洛哥、西班牙、法国和德国的作家和艺术家交流。
  • I'm involved there. I'm involved in an information center in Southern Africa.
  • 我参与了这个事情。我也参与了在非洲南部建立一个信息中心。
  • I am preparing with a friend a handbook of African literature. And corresponding with people and, partly I must say, also traveling."
  • 我正在和一个朋友准备一个非洲文学的手册。我也跟人们通信,还有一个不得不提的事情就是旅游。”
  • Peter Ripken hopes to be remembered as somebody who promoted creativity and supported literature as a political tool and source of enjoyment.
  • 彼得·瑞普肯希望人们把他看作一个提升了创造力、支持文学作为一种政治工具和享受的来源的人而铭记他。
  • "At one time I was over political. For example, I read literature at a time as literature with a "brandish fist," as a political weapon.
  • 有时候,我读文学太过于政治化了,比如,有时候我把文学当做带有挥舞的拳头的文学来读,当做一种政治武器来读。
  • I looked at the content and it was only later that I discovered that literature in itself is pleasure.
  • 我看着这些内容,后来我才意识到文学本身就是一种乐趣。
  • Reading can move you, enlighten you and to convey to others this notion that I think is what I believe is my main motivation. What makes me tick!"
  • 阅读可以使你感动,带给你启发,而且可以给别人传达一个理念,就是我所相信的文学是我主要的动力来源。文学是我活着的动力!”


nS;^F(Z&~d~GUCU1! fact实际上


But it was still a humiliating defeat for a party which has been in government for 65 of the past 78 yearsits worst, in fact, since 1914.

l3.2gZI]ii] to寻求


The president again sought to link the war with security at home.


3.involved in涉及到;参与


There are several system steps involved in the generation of each report.


4.set up建立


First, I will show you how to set up a standard socket connection.


5.came along出现


Earlier sports globalisation was a by-product of imperialism. The bats, balls, rackets and clubs came along with the gunboats and opium.

ie=_WL7|L7jYg^uo~e|^ risk处于危险中


If people want unnecessarily to put their lives at risk, I guess that is their prerogative. But they have no right to jeopardize that of their partner in the process.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
capacity [kə'pæsiti]


n. 能力,容量,容积; 资格,职位

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

jeopardize ['dʒepədaiz]


vt. 危害,使受危困,使陷危地

affinity [ə'finiti]


n. 姻亲,密切关系,吸引力

literary ['litərəri]


adj. 文学的

enlighten [in'laitn]


v. 授与 ... 知识,启发,启蒙

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

stint [stint]


v. 节省,限制,停止 n. 节约,限制,定额的工作 n

socket ['sɔkit]


n. 插座,插口,穴孔 vt. 装上或插入插座

convey [kən'vei]


vt. 传达,表达,运输,转移





