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来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A nice big hug. They say there's nothing like a boy and his dog. She's just my little snuggle bug.
  • 来个大大的拥抱吧。人们说世上没什么能比得上一个男孩和他的狗狗了。她就是我的小宝贝。
  • Roman McConn has had over a thousand. This is my pal Cheeto. The seven-year-old and his mom started project Freedom Ride to rescue dogs from kill shelters.
  • 罗曼·麦肯已经有超过一千条狗了。这是我的好朋友奇多。这个七岁的小男孩和他的母亲一块策划了一个自由行计划,以从庇护所里拯救小狗。
  • In December 6th of 2016 we transported 31 dogs and that was it. That was gonna be our only chance but then we just kept going.
  • 在2016年12月6日,我们运回了31条狗,这就是我们所做的事情。这是我们唯一的机会,我们就是坚持了下来。
  • Roman's mom Jane started videotaping her son with different dogs.
  • 罗曼的妈妈开始录儿子不同的狗在一块的视频。
  • We got asked if the dog was kid-friendly and it was much easier to just answer it with him making the videos.
  • 我们得知道这些狗是不是儿童友好型的狗,所以让我儿子跟这些狗拍视频来发现答案就再简单不过了。
  • Roman wasn't natural. It takes a little while for her to get used to. very soft too, i should tell you.
  • 但是罗曼拍视频时并不是很自然。让她适应这个得需要一段时间,我得告诉你它摸起来非常柔软。
  • And people couldn't help fall in love with the little boy and the dogs who just needed a chance.
  • 人们忍不住爱上这个小男孩和这些需要帮助的狗狗。
  • Like running in circles. It was hilarious all right.
  • 就像在绕圈圈,这很搞笑好吧。
  • Good dogs and a great little boy spreading his love and saving lives. Those are my shoes!
  • 一群可爱的狗狗们和一个散播爱意的棒棒的小男孩。这是我的鞋!



A nice big hug. They say there's nothing like a boy and his dog. She's just my little snuggle bug. Roman McConn has had over a thousand. This is my pal Cheeto. The seven-year-old and his mom started project Freedom Ride to rescue dogs from kill shelters. In December 6th of 2016 we transported 31 dogs and that was it. That was gonna be our only chance but then we just kept going.




Roman's mom Jane started videotaping her son with different dogs. We got asked if the dog was kid-friendly and it was much easier to just answer it with him making the videos. Roman wasn't natural. It takes a little while for her to get used to. very soft too, i should tell you. And people couldn't help fall in love with the little boy and the dogs who just needed a chance. Like running in circles. It was hilarious all right. Good dogs and a great little boy spreading his love and saving lives. Those are my shoes!



重点单词   查看全部解释    
hilarious [hi'lɛəriəs]


adj. 欢闹的,愉快的

rescue ['reskju:]


vt. 营救,援救
n. 营救,救援


关键字: 新闻 NBC 夜间




