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  • I'm Shirley Griffith. And I'm Steve Ember with the Special English program, People in America.
  • 我是雪梨·格里菲斯。我是史蒂夫·恩贝尔。这里是VOA慢速英语栏目《美国人物志》。
  • Every week, we tell about someone important in the history of the United States.
  • 每周我们都会讲述美国历史上的一位重要人物。
  • Today, we complete the story of writer F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • 今天,我们将讲完弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德的故事。
  • In nineteen twenty-five, just five years after his first novel appeared, F. Scott Fitzgerald published "The Great Gatsby."
  • 1925年,弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德的第一部小说出版仅五年后,《了不起的盖茨比》就出版了。
  • It was a major event in American writing.
  • 这是美国著作中的重要事件。
  • "The Great Gatsby" is a story about success -- American success -- and what one must do to gain it.
  • 《了不起的盖茨比》是关于成功—美国式成功—以及为了成功所付出的故事。
  • It is a story about appearance and reality. It is a story about love, hate, loyalty, and disloyalty.
  • 这是关于表象和现实的故事,是关于爱、恨、忠诚以及背叛的故事。
  • This is how the story begins: "In my younger years, my father gave me some advice.
  • 故事开头是这样的:“我年纪还轻,阅历不深的时候,我父亲教导过我一句话。
  • The ability to do what is good and right is not given out equally at birth.
  • 在出生时做好事的能力并非平等。
  • The rich and powerful -- who should have it -- often do not. And those who were born knowing neither good nor right, sometimes know it best. "
  • 应该做好事的富人和有权之人却往往做不到。那些不知道什么是好什么是权利的人,最能了解。”
  • Jay Gatsby, the main character in the book, learns this moral lesson. He dies at the end of the story.
  • 书中的主角,杰·盖茨比受到了这种道德上的教训。故事结尾他死了。
  • Yet his spirit survives, because of his great gift for hope. It was the kind of hope, Fitzgerald said, that he had never found in any person.
  • 但是他的精神常在,因为他对希望有天赋。菲茨杰拉德说过,这种希望是在他任何其他人身上都未曾发现的。
  • Yet it was hope that used Gatsby and finally, in the end, destroyed him.
  • 但是正是这种希望利用了盖茨比,最终毁掉了他。
  • Gatsby is a self-made man. Almost everything about his life is invented -- even his name.
  • 盖茨比是一个靠自己力量成功的人。他几乎所有的一切都是虚构的—他的名字也是。
  • He was born Jimmy Gatz. As a child, Jimmy Gatz sets a daily program of self-improvement.
  • 他的本名叫做吉米·加茨。童年时,吉米·加茨就制定了一个自我提升的日常计划。
  • These are the things he feels he must do every day to make himself a success.
  • 他认为这些事情都是为了成功必须做的。
  • When Jimmy Gatz invents himself as Jay Gatsby, part of his dream of success is the love of a beautiful woman.
  • 当吉米·加茨把自己变成杰·盖茨比的时候,成功一部分梦想就是一位漂亮女性的爱。
  • He finds the woman to love -- as Fitzgerald did -- while training in the army during World War One.
  • 在二战参军期间,他找到了自己爱的人,正如菲茨杰拉德一样。
  • The other part of his dream is to be very rich. That, too, was part of Fitzgerald's dream.
  • 成功另一部分就是变得富有。那个也是菲茨杰拉德的部分梦想。
  • In just three years, Gatsby gains more money than he thought possible.
  • 近三年的时间,盖茨比就变得超出他想象的有钱。
  • All he needs to do now is to claim the woman he loves. In those same three years, however, she has married someone else.
  • 现在他所需要去做的就是向他爱的人表白。但是在那三年里,那位女士已经和别人结婚了。
  • The story of "The Great Gatsby" is told by a narrator, Nick Carraway.
  • 《了不起的盖茨比》的故事是由尼克·卡拉威讲述的。
  • When Gatsby seeks to renew his earlier love, Carraway says, "I would not ask too much. You cannot repeat the past. "
  • 当盖茨比决定和前爱再续前缘时,卡拉威说,“我不会要求太多。住昔不能重现。”
  • Gatsby answers, "Cannot repeat the past. Why, of course you can!"
  • 盖茨比回答,“住昔不能重现。为什么,当然能!”
  • For a brief time, Gatsby seems to succeed. He does not know that he can never succeed completely.
  • 在一个短暂时间内,盖茨比似乎就要成功了。他并不知道他永远不可能完全成功。
  • The woman he loves, Daisy Buchanan, is part of the very rich world that Fitzgerald found so different.
  • 黛西·布坎南,他爱的那个女人,是属于那个非常富有的世界的,菲茨杰拉德发现那个世界是那么的不同。
  • It is a group that does not share what it has with people like Jay Gatsby.
  • 那是一个容不下杰·盖茨比这样的人的世界。
  • Fitzgerald wrote: "They were careless people. They smashed up things and creatures.
  • 菲茨杰拉德写到:“他们是粗心大意的人。他们砸碎了东西,毁灭了人。
  • Then they retreated back into their money, or their great carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together.
  • 然后就退缩到自己的金钱或者麻木不仁或者不管什么使他们留在一起的东西之中,
  • They retreated and let other people clean up the messes they had made."
  • 让别人去收拾他们的烂摊子……”
  • The mess they make in "The Great Gatsby" is a tragic one. They hit a woman with a car, and kill her.
  • 他们在《了不起的盖茨比》中所制造的混乱是一场悲剧。他们开车撞到了一名女士并杀了她。
  • Gatsby accepts the blame, so Daisy will not be charged. He, then, is killed by the dead woman's husband.
  • 盖茨比承担了责任,这样黛西就不会被起诉。然后他被死去女人的丈夫所杀害。
  • Not even Gatsby's few friends come to his funeral.
  • 没有任何朋友去盖茨比的葬礼。
  • Of all the hundreds of people who came to his parties, no one will come when the party is over.
  • 去过他派对的几百号人中,没有一个去了。
  • After Gatsby's death, Nick Carraway, the storyteller, says:
  • 盖茨比死后,故事的讲述者尼克·卡拉威说道:
  • "I thought of Gatsby's wonder when he first recognized the green light at the end of Daisy's boat dock.
  • 我也想到了盖茨比第一次认出了黛西的码头尽头的那盏绿灯时所感到的惊奇。
  • He had come a long way to this blue lawn. His dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to hold it.
  • 他经历了漫长的道路才来到这片蓝色的草坪上,他的梦一定就像是近在眼前,他几乎不可能抓不住的。
  • He did not know that it was already behind him . . .
  • 他不知道那个梦已经丢在他背后了...
  • "Gatsby believed in the future that, year by year, moves away from us...
  • 盖茨比信奉这盏绿灯,这个一年年在我们眼前渐渐远去的极乐的未来...
  • So we beat on -- boats against the current -- carried back endlessly into the past. "
  • 于是我们奋力向前划,逆流向上的小舟,不停地倒退,进入过去。”
  • "The Great Gatsby" was not the popular success F. Scott Fitzgerald expected.
  • 《了不起的盖茨比》并没有成功流行。
  • Yet other writers saw immediately how skillful he had become. His first books showed that he could write.
  • 但是其他作家立即看到他的写作变得更加有技巧了。他的第一部书证明他会写作。
  • "The Great Gatsby" proved that he had become an expert in the art of writing.
  • 《了不起的盖茨比》则证明他已经成为了写作艺术界的专家。
  • The story is told by a third person. He is a part of the story, but he rejects the story he is telling.
  • 小说是以第三人方式叙述的。他也是故事中的一部分,但是他很排斥他讲述的这个故事。
  • His answers are like those heard in an ancient Greek play. The chorus in the play tells us what to think about what we see.
  • 他的回答就像是古希腊戏剧一样。戏剧中的合唱队告诉我们如何思考我们看到的。
  • "The Great Gatsby" is a short novel whose writing shines like a jewel.
  • 《了不起的盖茨比》是一篇短篇小说,其写作就像一件珠宝一样闪耀。
  • The picture it paints of life in America at that time -- the parties, the automobiles, the endless fields of waste -- are unforgettable.
  • 故事中描绘出了那个时期美国的生活—聚会、汽车、无止境的浪费—都让人难以忘怀。
  • Fitzgerald wrote at great speed to make money. Yet no matter how fast he wrote, he could not stay out of debt.
  • 菲茨杰拉德写作速度很快,这样才能快速挣钱,但是无论他写的有多快,他总是负债累累。
  • By the end of the nineteen twenties, the Jazz Age had ended. Hard times were coming for the country and for the Fitzgeralds.
  • 1920年代末,爵士时代结束了。对于这个国家和菲茨杰拉德而言,困难的时代到来了。
  • In nineteen-thirty, Zelda Fitzgerald became mentally sick. She lived most of the rest of her life in mental hospitals.
  • 1930年,泽尔达·菲茨杰拉德出现了精神问题。她余生大部分时间都在精神病院度过。
  • Scott Fitzgerald also became sick from drinking too much alcohol. And he had developed the disease diabetes.
  • 斯科特·菲茨杰拉德也因酗酒而患病。他患上了糖尿病。
  • In nineteen thirty-one, the Fitzgeralds returned to the United States from Europe.
  • 1931年,菲茨杰拉德一家从欧洲搬至美国。
  • Zelda entered a mental hospital in the state of Maryland. Scott lived nearby in the city of Baltimore.
  • 泽尔达进了马里兰州的一家精神病院,斯科特则住在附近的巴尔的摩市。
  • Zelda lived until nineteen forty-seven. She died in a fire at another mental hospital.
  • 泽尔达直到1947年去世,死于另一家精神病院的火灾中。
  • In nineteen thirty-four, Fitzgerald wrote another novel, "Tender is the Night." He thought it was his best.
  • 1934年,菲茨杰拉德写了另一本小说《夜色温柔》。他认为这是他最好的一部作品。
  • Many critics disagreed. They said Fitzgerald no longer recognized what was happening in the United States.
  • 但很多评论家则不同意。他们说菲茨杰拉德不再清楚美国发生的事情了。
  • They said he did not understand what was important to the country during the great economic depression.
  • 他们说他并不理解在经济萧条时期,对美国而言什么才是最重要的。
  • "Tender is the Night" tells the story of a young American doctor and his marriage to a rich, beautiful patient.
  • 《夜色温柔》讲述的是一名年轻的美国医生以及他和富有且漂亮的病人结婚的故事。
  • In the early part of his life, he believes in success through hard work. Slowly, however, his wife's great wealth ruins him.
  • 在他生命的早期,他相信成功是依靠艰苦的努力。但是慢慢地他妻子的巨额财富摧毁了他。
  • His energy is weakened, his work destroyed. His wife recovers her health while he becomes worse.
  • 他的精力削弱,他的工作被破坏,他的妻子恢复了健康,而他却越来越糟糕。
  • In the end, she seems to have stolen his energy and intelligence.
  • 最终,她似乎偷走了他的精力和才智。
  • In nineteen thirty-six, Fitzgerald wrote a book he called "The Crack-Up."
  • 1936年,菲茨杰拉德写了一部名为《崩溃》的书。
  • It describes his own breakdown, and how he attempted to put himself and his life together.
  • 书中描述了他自己的崩溃,以及他如何试图将自己和生活相结合。
  • "It seemed a romantic business to be a successful writer," he said. "Of course. . . You were never satisfied.
  • “成为一名成功的作家看似是一件浪漫的事业,”他说。“当然...你永远不会满足。
  • But I, for one, would not have chosen any other work. "
  • 但是我却不会选择任何其他工作。”
  • At the age of thirty-nine, he realized that his life had cracked into pieces.
  • 39岁的时候,他意识到他的生命破成了碎片。
  • It became a time for him to look at himself. He realized that he had not taken care of the people and things he loved.
  • 是时候考虑自己了。他意识到他没有珍视他爱的人和事。
  • "I had not been a very good caretaker of most of the things left in my hands," he said, "even of my own skills. "
  • “我并不是一个好的看管着,没有好好看护手里的人和物,”他说,“就连自己的技能都没能看护好。”
  • Out of the wreckage of his life and health, he tried to rebuild himself.
  • 脱离破碎的生活和健康,他试图重建自己。
  • Fitzgerald had always written many stories. Some were very good. Others were not good.
  • 菲茨杰拉德写过很多故事,故事有好有坏。
  • He wrote quickly for the money he always needed.
  • 因为总是需要钱,所以他写的很快。
  • After his crack-up, however, he discovered he was no longer welcome at the magazines that had paid him well.
  • 但是在经历崩溃后,他发现他不再受杂志社的欢迎了,这个杂志之前为他提供不错的报酬。
  • So, to earn a living, he moved to Hollywood and began writing for the motion picture industry.
  • 所以,为了谋生,他搬到了好莱坞并开始为电影行业写剧本。
  • He had stopped drinking. He planned to start writing novels and short stories again. It was too late.
  • 他戒了酒并计划写小说和短篇故事,但是一切都太晚了。
  • His health was ruined. He died in Hollywood in nineteen forty at the age of forty-four.
  • 他的身体被摧垮,1940年,44岁的菲茨杰拉德去世了。
  • There were few people who could believe that he had not died years before.
  • 很多人都以为他早在多年前去世了。
  • Fitzgerald was working on a novel when he died. He called it "The Last Tycoon."
  • 死时,菲茨杰拉德正在完成一本小书《最后的大亨》。
  • Fitzgerald's friend from Princeton University, the literary critic Edmund Wilson, helped to get it published.
  • 菲茨杰拉德的朋友,来自普林斯顿大学的文学评论家埃德蒙·威尔逊帮助出版了这本小书。
  • Wilson did the same thing for a book of Fitzgerald's notes and other pieces of writing, called "The Crack-Up."
  • 威尔逊也帮助出版了菲茨杰拉德的小说笔记以及其他作品《崩溃》。
  • These books re-established Fitzgerald's fame as both an observer of his times and a skilled artist.
  • 这些书重建了菲茨杰拉德作为时代观察者和一名有技巧的作家的声誉。
  • That fame rests on just a few books and stories, but it seems secure.
  • 虽然其声誉仅停留在这几本书和小说中,但却似乎十分稳当。



I'm Shirley Griffith. And I'm Steve Ember with the Special English program, People in America. Every week, we tell about someone important in the history of the United States. Today, we complete the story of writer F. Scott Fitzgerald.


In nineteen twenty-five, just five years after his first novel appeared, F. Scott Fitzgerald published "The Great Gatsby." It was a major event in American writing.
"The Great Gatsby" is a story about success -- American success -- and what one must do to gain it.


It is a story about appearance and reality. It is a story about love, hate, loyalty, and disloyalty. This is how the story begins:


"In my younger years, my father gave me some advice. The ability to do what is good and right is not given out equally at birth. The rich and powerful -- who should have it -- often do not. And those who were born knowing neither good nor right, sometimes know it best. "


Jay Gatsby, the main character in the book, learns this moral lesson. He dies at the end of the story. Yet his spirit survives, because of his great gift for hope. It was the kind of hope, Fitzgerald said, that he had never found in any person. Yet it was hope that used Gatsby and finally, in the end, destroyed him.


Gatsby is a self-made man. Almost everything about his life is invented -- even his name. He was born Jimmy Gatz. As a child, Jimmy Gatz sets a daily program of self-improvement. These are the things he feels he must do every day to make himself a success.
When Jimmy Gatz invents himself as Jay Gatsby, part of his dream of success is the love of a beautiful woman. He finds the woman to love -- as Fitzgerald did -- while training in the army during World War One.


The other part of his dream is to be very rich. That, too, was part of Fitzgerald's dream. In just three years, Gatsby gains more money than he thought possible. All he needs to do now is to claim the woman he loves. In those same three years, however, she has married someone else.


The story of "The Great Gatsby" is told by a narrator, Nick Carraway. When Gatsby seeks to renew his earlier love, Carraway says, "I would not ask too much. You cannot repeat the past. " Gatsby answers, "Cannot repeat the past. Why, of course you can!"
For a brief time, Gatsby seems to succeed. He does not know that he can never succeed completely. The woman he loves, Daisy Buchanan, is part of the very rich world that Fitzgerald found so different. It is a group that does not share what it has with people like jay Gatsby. Fitzgerald wrote:


"They were careless people. They smashed up things and creatures. Then they retreated back into their money, or their great carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together. They retreated and let other people clean up the messes they had made."
The mess they make in "The Great Gatsby" is a tragic one. They hit a woman with a car, and kill her. Gatsby accepts the blame, so Daisy will not be charged. He, then, is killed by the dead woman's husband.


Not even Gatsby's few friends come to his funeral. Of all the hundreds of people who came to his parties, no one will come when the party is over. After Gatsby's death, Nick Carraway, the storyteller, says:


"I thought of Gatsby's wonder when he first recognized the green light at the end of Daisy's boat dock. He had come a long way to this blue lawn. His dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to hold it. He did not know that it was already behind him . . .


"Gatsby believed in the future that, year by year, moves away from us...
"So we beat on -- boats against the current -- carried back endlessly into the past. "


"The Great Gatsby" was not the popular success F. Scott Fitzgerald expected. Yet other writers saw immediately how skillful he had become. His first books showed that he could write. "The Great Gatsby" proved that he had become an expert in the art of writing.


The story is told by a third person. He is a part of the story, but he rejects the story he is telling. His answers are like those heard in an ancient Greek play. The chorus in the play tells us what to think about what we see.


"The Great Gatsby" is a short novel whose writing shines like a jewel. The picture it paints of life in America at that time -- the parties, the automobiles, the endless fields of waste -- are unforgettable.




Fitzgerald wrote at great speed to make money. Yet no matter how fast he wrote, he could not stay out of debt. By the end of the nineteen twenties, the Jazz Age had ended. Hard times were coming for the country and for the Fitzgeralds.


In nineteen-thirty, Zelda Fitzgerald became mentally sick. She lived most of the rest of her life in mental hospitals. Scott Fitzgerald also became sick from drinking too much alcohol. And he had developed the disease diabetes.


In nineteen thirty-one, the Fitzgeralds returned to the United States from Europe. Zelda entered a mental hospital in the state of Maryland. Scott lived nearby in the city of Baltimore. Zelda lived until nineteen forty-seven. She died in a fire at another mental hospital.
In nineteen thirty-four, Fitzgerald wrote another novel, "Tender is the Night." He thought it was his best. Many critics disagreed. They said Fitzgerald no longer recognized what was happening in the United States. They said he did not understand what was important to the country during the great economic depression.


"Tender is the Night" tells the story of a young American doctor and his marriage to a rich, beautiful patient. In the early part of his life, he believes in success through hard work. Slowly, however, his wife's great wealth ruins him. His energy is weakened, his work destroyed. His wife recovers her health while he becomes worse. In the end, she seems to have stolen his energy and intelligence.


In nineteen thirty-six, Fitzgerald wrote a book he called "The Crack-Up." It describes his own breakdown, and how he attempted to put himself and his life together. "It seemed a romantic business to be a successful writer," he said. "Of course. . . You were never satisfied. But I, for one, would not have chosen any other work. "


At the age of thirty-nine, he realized that his life had cracked into pieces.It became a time for him to look at himself. He realized that he had not taken care of the people and things he loved. "I had not been a very good caretaker of most of the things left in my hands," he said, "even of my own skills. " Out of the wreckage of his life and health, he tried to rebuild himself.


Fitzgerald had always written many stories. Some were very good. Others were not good. He wrote quickly for the money he always needed. After his crack-up, however, he discovered he was no longer welcome at the magazines that had paid him well. So, to earn a living, he moved to Hollywood and began writing for the motion picture industry.


He had stopped drinking. He planned to start writing novels and short stories again. It was too late. His health was ruined. He died in Hollywood in nineteen forty at the age of forty-four. There were few people who could believe that he had not died years before.
Fitzgerald was working on a novel when he died. He called it "The Last Tycoon."


Fitzgerald's friend from Princeton University, the literary critic Edmund Wilson, helped to get it published. Wilson did the same thing for a book of Fitzgerald's notes and other pieces of writing, called "The Crack-Up."


These books re-established Fitzgerald's fame as both an observer of his times and a skilled artist. That fame rests on just a few books and stories, but it seems secure.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

loyalty ['lɔiəlti]


n. 忠诚,忠心

determined [di'tə:mind]


adj. 坚毅的,下定决心的

mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精

literary ['litərəri]


adj. 文学的

carelessness ['kɛəlisnis]


n. 粗心

skillful ['skilfəl]


adj. 熟练的,灵巧的

lawn [lɔ:n]


n. 草地,草坪
n. 上等细麻布

secure [si'kjuə]


adj. 安全的,牢靠的,稳妥的
vt. 固定

intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报





