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  • This is Scientific American - 60-Second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.
  • 这里是科学美国人——60秒科学。我是克里斯托弗·因塔利亚塔。
  • Ever order a drink, and feel stiffed on the pour?
  • 在点的酒上来以后,你在倒酒时有没有觉得很不方便?
  • Well, before you bother the bartender, take a closer look at the size of your glass.
  • 在麻烦服务员以前,请你仔细观察一下酒杯的大小。
  • "So people will generally perceive there to be less in larger containers, than in smaller ones."
  • “一般来说,人们认为大容器里面的酒比小容器里的少。”
  • Theresa Marteau, a behavioral scientist at the University of Cambridge, in England.
  • 英国剑桥大学行为科学家特丽萨·马尔托说。
  • She and her colleagues had analyzed how larger portions - and larger plates - lure us into eating more food.
  • 她和同事就大份量和大盘子如何诱使我们吃更多食物进行了分析。
  • And they wondered: could the same be true for alcohol?
  • 他们想知道:这对酒类是否同样适用?
  • So the researchers convinced the staff at a local bar to run an experiment:
  • 研究人员说服当地一家酒吧的工作人员进行了一项实验:
  • every two weeks, for four months, they'd rotate the bar's wine glasses from the standard 300 milliliter size,
  • 在四个月的时间里,每隔两周轮流将酒吧里酒杯300毫升的标准容量
  • to either slightly larger - 370 milliliters, or slightly smaller - 250 milliliters.
  • 调至370毫升的大容量和250毫升的小容量。
  • And see how the size of the glass affected patrons' drinking habits,
  • 然后观察酒杯的容量如何影响顾客的饮酒习惯,
  • even though the pour, the volume of alcoholic beverage, was unchanged.
  • 在这一过程中,酒精饮料的倾倒和分量保持不变。
  • Turns out, serving wine in smaller glasses had no measurable effect.
  • 结果发现,用小容量酒杯供应酒没有产生明显的影响。
  • But the large glasses boosted wine sales 10 percent —
  • 但是使用大容量酒杯使酒的销售量上涨了10%,
  • even after controlling for day of the week, temperature, holidays and so on.
  • 这是在控制供应天数,计算温度和假日等影响后得出的结果。
  • The reason? "When the wine, the same volume, is being served in a larger glass,
  • 原因是什么?“同样分量的酒以大容量酒杯供应时,
  • then people are probably perceiving they've got less in there."
  • 人们可能会认为酒杯里的酒少了。”
  • Which, she says, means they might drink more, assuming they haven't hit their nightly limit.
  • 她说,这表明顾客在还能喝的情况下,可能会喝更多的酒。
  • Or, they might just feel less satisfied with the pour, and buy another round.
  • 或者,他们可能会在倒酒时感到不太满意,然后会再买一杯。
  • The study appears in the journal BMC Public Health.
  • 这一研究结果发表在《英国医学委员会公共健康》期刊上。
  • Aside from altering her own habits - "I do use smaller glasses, yes"—
  • 除了改变自己的习惯以外,马尔托表示她本人用小容量酒杯饮酒,
  • Marteau says that, if subsequent studies confirm this effect,
  • 她说,如果后续研究能确认这一影响,
  • public health officials might consider mandating a certain average glass size.
  • 那公共建康官员可能会考虑对酒杯的平均容量进行规定。
  • "Specifying the size, the maximum size in which wine can be sold
  • “对各类酒在出售时可以供应的酒杯容量进行规定,明确最大容量,
  • could be a measure that's introduced to reduce the overconsumption of alcohol that seems to be cued by the glass size."
  • 这一措施可以减少因酒杯容量而引发的酒精过度消费情况。”
  • Until that happens, the bar in the study now always serves its wine in the larger glasses.
  • 在规定出台前,进行实验的酒吧仍在用大容量酒杯供应酒。
  • Thanks for listening Scientific American - 60-Second Science Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.
  • 谢谢大家收听科学美国人——60秒科学。我是克里斯托弗·因塔利亚塔。



This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.
Ever order a drink, and feel stiffed on the pour? Well, before you bother the bartender, take a closer look at the size of your glass. "So people will generally perceive there to be less in larger containers, than in smaller ones." Theresa Marteau, a behavioral scientist at the University of Cambridge, in England.
She and her colleagues had analyzed how larger portionsand larger plateslure us into eating more food. And they wondered: could the same be true for alcohol?
So the researchers convinced the staff at a local bar to run an experiment: every two weeks, for four months, they'd rotate the bar's wine glasses from the standard 300 milliliter size, to either slightly larger — 370 milliliters, or slightly smaller — 250 milliliters. And see how the size of the glass affected patrons' drinking habits, even though the pour, the volume of alcoholic beverage, was unchanged.



Turns out, serving wine in smaller glasses had no measurable effect. But the large glasses boosted wine sales 10 percenteven after controlling for day of the week, temperature, holidays and so on. The reason? "When the wine, the same volume, is being served in a larger glass, then people are probably perceiving they've got less in there." Which, she says, means they might drink more, assuming they haven't hit their nightly limit. Or, they might just feel less satisfied with the pour, and buy another round. The study appears in the journal BMC Public Health.
Aside from altering her own habits — "I do use smaller glasses, yes"—Marteau says that, if subsequent studies confirm this effect, public health officials might consider mandating a certain average glass size. "Specifying the size, the maximum size in which wine can be sold could be a measure that's introduced to reduce the overconsumption of alcohol that seems to be cued by the glass size." Until that happens, the bar in the study now always serves its wine in the larger glasses.
Thanks for listening Scientific American - 60-Second Science Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

measurable ['meʒərəbəl]


adj. 可测量的

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]


n. 温度,气温,体温,发烧

perceive [pə'si:v]


vt. 察觉,感觉,认知,理解

alcohol ['ælkəhɔl]


n. 酒精,乙醇,酒

vary ['vɛəri]


v. 变化,改变,使多样化

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的





