1.They used a giant scientific tool called LIGO—which stands for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory.
stand for 代表;支持;象征;担任…的候选人
AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
AIDS是的首字母缩写 。
I would like to see him stand for re-election.
我希望看到他竞选连任 。
2.Their job was to watch for these gravitational waves. They have been looking on and off since 2002.
on and off 断断续续地,不时地
Sam was flicking a flashlight on and off.
萨姆啪啪不停地把手电筒开了又关 。
It rained on and off all day.
哩哩啦啦下了一天雨 。