Prison officials in South Carolina tonight are making history on death row -- using three executioners with rifles, firing from 15ft away at the same time to shoot this double murderer in the heart.
67-year-old Brad Sigmon chose to die this way over the electric chair and lethal injection after a number of executions using injections have gone wrong.
Prison officials in the death chamber have struggled using needles and finding veins.
Sigmon's attorney says a firing squad felt more humane.
"Knowing that the bullets are going to break the bones in his chest and destroy his heart, or risk a 20-minute-long execution strapped to a gurney with your lungs filling with blood and fluid. This is an impossible choice."

Across America, nearly two dozen states have a death penalty and most of them are still by lethal injection.
But now, five states allow firing squads.
In Idaho last year, they tried eight times to kill this serial killer by lethal injection, and failed.
On Wednesday, lawmakers in response passed a bill to make a firing squad, the state's primary death penalty.
In South Carolina tonight, Brad Sigmon's ex-girlfriend told USA Today to remember her parents who he beat to death with a baseball bat, saying that "I didn't get to see them grow old."