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  • Hmm. And of course, this battle is getting underway very quickly.
  • 嗯。当然,这场战斗很快就要拉开序幕了。
  • Tonight, Tuesday night, we are expecting both Harris and Walz to appear at a campaign rally in Philadelphia in the important state of Pennsylvania, to kind of introduce Walz to the world as her running mate.
  • 今晚,周二晚上,我们预计哈里斯和瓦尔兹都将出席在宾夕法尼亚州重要城市费城举行的竞选集会,向全世界介绍瓦尔兹作为她的竞选伙伴。
  • Then they're going on this rapid campaign swing through major battleground states in the coming days.
  • 然后,在接下来的几天里,他们将在主要的战场州进行快速的竞选活动。
  • You have to imagine that from now until November, Walz is going to be a permanent resident of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania.
  • 想象一下,从现在到11月,瓦尔兹将成为密歇根州、威斯康星州、宾夕法尼亚州的常住居民。
  • I was listening to the FiveThirtyEight podcast the other day, and they called it, I think, "Wishiconchiganzia" as a portmanteau.
  • 前几天我在听FiveThirtyEight的播客,他们把它叫做,我想,“Wishiconchiganzia”,是个混合词。
  • Maybe I'm getting that wrong, but I do feel like at this point, we do need a word to just say these three states that are critically important. Michconsiganzia. Yeah, exactly. You're saying it much better than me.
  • 也许我搞错了,但我确实觉得在这一点上,我们确实需要一个词来表示这三个至关重要的状态。 没错。 你说得比我好多了。
  • But I think it's also important here to think about what would Walz actually be as vice president if Harris is to win this race? And we haven't talked about chemistry.
  • 但是我认为在这里思考如果哈里斯赢得这场竞选,瓦尔兹实际上会成为什么样的副总统也很重要?而且我们还没有谈到化学反应。
  • I know that's part of how Harris made this decision.
  • 我知道这是哈里斯做出这个决定的部分原因。
  • And I just think, like, thinking forward to the future, if they win, if he is her number two, like, what is that chemistry going to look like?
  • 我只是在想,展望未来,如果他们赢了,如果他是她的二号人物,那么他们之间会产生怎样的化学反应呢?
  • What will he be like as a vice president, especially as the running mate of such a historic candidate?
  • 他作为副总统会是什么样子,尤其是作为这样一位具有历史意义的候选人的竞选伙伴?
  • It's a really good question because we have seen, you know, these candidates emerge and have such a quick audition process, and a lot of them don't necessarily have a lot of experience working with Harris.
  • 这是一个非常好的问题,因为我们已经看到,你知道,这些候选人出现了,并且有这样一个快速的试镜过程,而且他们中的很多人不一定有很多与哈里斯合作的经验。
  • You know, there are times when your work as a governor intersects with the White House and there might have been some interactions there.
  • 你知道,有时候你作为州长的工作会与白宫产生交集,可能会有一些互动。
  • But, you know, Tim Walz is somebody who has not been the most prominent of Democrats on the national stage.
  • 但是,你知道,蒂姆·瓦尔兹并不是在全国舞台上最杰出的民主党人之一。
  • He has run the Democratic Governors Association, so there is some overlap there.
  • 他曾管理过民主党州长协会,所以在这方面存在一些重叠。
  • But it's rare that you get running mates who have a ton of experience with each other. People represent different states.
  • 但很少有竞选伙伴彼此之间有大量的合作经验。他们来自不同的州。
  • They may be a governor and a senator whose paths don't cross a whole lot.
  • 他们可能是一位州长和一位参议员,他们的道路并没有太多交集。
  • I think Walz is probably someone she knows less well than some of the other front-runners for this job.
  • 我认为,沃尔兹可能是她不太了解的人,不像其他一些这个职位的领先候选人。
  • But, you know, I think a lot of times these processes are feeling out for chemistry between the two sides.
  • 但是,你知道,我认为很多时候这些过程是在摸索双方之间的化学反应。
  • And you can do interviews and kind of get a sense for how well you'd work together.
  • 并且你可以进行面试,了解一下你们一起工作的默契程度。
  • And I think that the feeling on the Democratic side is that Walz is just somebody who's kind of not just broadly agreeable to the electorate but kind of a broadly agreeable politician who can work with other people.
  • 我认为,民主党方面的感觉是,沃尔兹是一个不仅能得到选民广泛认同,而且能与其他人合作的政治家。
  • And that's what the Harris campaign is kind of banking on.
  • 这就是哈里斯竞选团队所指望的。
  • Mm-hmm.That to me feels like the big question that I'm looking out for in the next few weeks of getting that sense of the chemistry between them, what it's like to actually see them on a stage together, talking together, how he talks about her.
  • 对我来说,这是我在接下来几周里关注的一个大问题,我想了解一下他们之间的化学反应,看看他们在舞台上一起的样子,一起聊天,他是如何谈论她的。
  • Like, I think that's going to be something that we're going to be keeping our eye on.
  • 比如说,我认为这是我们将密切关注的事情。
  • Aaron, for you briefly, what is the question that you're going to be asking in the next couple of weeks about how this is all playing out?
  • 亚伦,简单地说,在接下来的几周里,你要问的问题是,这一切会如何发展?
  • I think the big thing here is, does Walz present some kind of a balance to Harris?
  • 我认为这里的关键是,瓦尔兹是否与哈里斯构成某种平衡?
  • Do people focus on the record and the more progressive things that he's done as governor, or do they look at him and kind of see his demeanor and his, you know, rural roots, and do they kind of view him as reassuring them if they have some qualms about Kamala Harris being too liberal?
  • 人们关注的是他作为州长的政绩和更进步的事情,还是他们看着他,看到他的举止和他的,你知道,农村出身,他们是否认为如果他们对卡马拉·哈里斯过于自由有一些疑虑,他会让他们放心?
  • And Harris has gone with someone who probably doesn't provide as much balance as some others would.
  • 而哈里斯选择了一个可能不像其他人那样能提供那么多平衡的人。
  • But Walz has also shown that he can appeal to moderate- and even conservative-leaning voters in the past.
  • 但是瓦尔兹过去也表明,他可以吸引温和派甚至是倾向保守派的选民。
  • And sometimes you can campaign differently than you conducted yourself in office.
  • 有时,你的竞选活动与你在任时的表现会有所不同。
  • And so Walz is going to campaign somewhat differently than he's governed in Minnesota, probably.
  • 因此,沃尔兹在明尼苏达州的竞选活动可能会与他的施政方式有所不同。
  • But he is somebody that the Harris campaign, I think, thinks can craft a message that is going to balance out the ticket, if not necessarily on the policy front, then kind of on a personal-appeal front.
  • 但我认为,哈里斯的竞选团队认为,他能够传达出一种信息,即使不一定在政策方面,也能在个人吸引力方面平衡选票。
  • Interesting. Well, we'll see if it plays out that way.
  • 有意思。好吧,我们看看事情是否会这样发展。
  • Aaron is a senior political reporter for The Post again. Aaron, thank you so much for being here. And I'll see you later this week.
  • 亚伦再次成为《华盛顿邮报》的高级政治记者。亚伦,非常感谢你来到这里。我们这周晚些时候再见。
  • By then, who knows what will have happened in this race?
  • 到那时,谁知道这场比赛中会发生什么呢?
  • Thanks, Martine, and don't forget to subscribe to "The Campaign Moment" newsletter.
  • 谢谢,马丁,别忘了订阅“竞选时刻”时事通讯。


Hmm. And of course, this battle is getting underway very quickly.


Tonight, Tuesday night, we are expecting both Harris and Walz to appear at a campaign rally in Philadelphia in the important state of Pennsylvania, to kind of introduce Walz to the world as her running mate.


Then they're going on this rapid campaign swing through major battleground states in the coming days.


You have to imagine that from now until November, Walz is going to be a permanent resident of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania.


I was listening to the FiveThirtyEight podcast the other day, and they called it, I think, "Wishiconchiganzia" as a portmanteau.


Maybe I'm getting that wrong, but I do feel like at this point, we do need a word to just say these three states that are critically important. Michconsiganzia. Yeah, exactly. You're saying it much better than me.

也许我搞错了,但我确实觉得在这一点上,我们确实需要一个词来表示这三个至关重要的状态。 没错。 你说得比我好多了。

But I think it's also important here to think about what would Walz actually be as vice president if Harris is to win this race? And we haven't talked about chemistry.


I know that's part of how Harris made this decision.


And I just think, like, thinking forward to the future, if they win, if he is her number two, like, what is that chemistry going to look like?


What will he be like as a vice president, especially as the running mate of such a historic candidate?


It's a really good question because we have seen, you know, these candidates emerge and have such a quick audition process, and a lot of them don't necessarily have a lot of experience working with Harris.


You know, there are times when your work as a governor intersects with the White House and there might have been some interactions there.


But, you know, Tim Walz is somebody who has not been the most prominent of Democrats on the national stage.


He has run the Democratic Governors Association, so there is some overlap there.


But it's rare that you get running mates who have a ton of experience with each other. People represent different states.


They may be a governor and a senator whose paths don't cross a whole lot.


I think Walz is probably someone she knows less well than some of the other front-runners for this job.


But, you know, I think a lot of times these processes are feeling out for chemistry between the two sides.


And you can do interviews and kind of get a sense for how well you'd work together.


And I think that the feeling on the Democratic side is that Walz is just somebody who's kind of not just broadly agreeable to the electorate but kind of a broadly agreeable politician who can work with other people.


And that's what the Harris campaign is kind of banking on.


Mm-hmm.That to me feels like the big question that I'm looking out for in the next few weeks of getting that sense of the chemistry between them, what it's like to actually see them on a stage together, talking together, how he talks about her.


Like, I think that's going to be something that we're going to be keeping our eye on.


Aaron, for you briefly, what is the question that you're going to be asking in the next couple of weeks about how this is all playing out?


I think the big thing here is, does Walz present some kind of a balance to Harris?


Do people focus on the record and the more progressive things that he's done as governor, or do they look at him and kind of see his demeanor and his, you know, rural roots, and do they kind of view him as reassuring them if they have some qualms about Kamala Harris being too liberal?


And Harris has gone with someone who probably doesn't provide as much balance as some others would.


But Walz has also shown that he can appeal to moderate- and even conservative-leaning voters in the past.


And sometimes you can campaign differently than you conducted yourself in office.


And so Walz is going to campaign somewhat differently than he's governed in Minnesota, probably.


But he is somebody that the Harris campaign, I think, thinks can craft a message that is going to balance out the ticket, if not necessarily on the policy front, then kind of on a personal-appeal front.


Interesting. Well, we'll see if it plays out that way.


Aaron is a senior political reporter for The Post again. Aaron, thank you so much for being here. And I'll see you later this week.


By then, who knows what will have happened in this race?


Thanks, Martine, and don't forget to subscribe to "The Campaign Moment" newsletter.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
swing [swiŋ]


n. 摇摆,改变,冲力
v. 摇摆,旋转,动摇

reassuring [,ri:ə'ʃuəriŋ]


adj. 可靠的;安心的;鼓气的 v. 使放心(reas

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者



n. 良心之谴责;不安

democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

audition [ɔ:'diʃən]


n. 听,听力,试听

agreeable [ə'gri:əbəl]


adj. 愉快的,和蔼可亲的,欣然同意的,一致的

appeal [ə'pi:l]


n. 恳求,上诉,吸引力
n. 诉诸裁决

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

emerge [i'mə:dʒ]


vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来





