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经济学人:一周要闻 美国疾控中心发布"口罩令"最新指南

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  • Hungary passed a law to hand control of state universities to foundations.
  • 匈牙利通过了一项法律,将国立大学的控制权移交给基金会。
  • These are likely to be run by ruling-party supporters, who can appoint their successors.
  • 这些基金会很可能由执政党的支持者管理,后者可以指定继任者。
  • This arrangement cannot be changed without a two-thirds majority in parliament.
  • 如果在议会没有赢得三分之二的多数席位,这一决定将无法改变。
  • Critics griped that the ruling party had in effect given itself permanent control of higher education.
  • 批评人士抱怨称,执政党实际上垄断了对高等教育的永久控制权。
  • Arlene Foster said she would step down as Northern Ireland's first minister (or premier) in June
  • 阿琳·福斯特(Arlene Foster)表示,她将于今年6月辞去北爱尔兰首席部长(或总理)一职,
  • following a revolt against her leadership in her Democratic Unionist Party.
  • 此前她在民主统一党内的领导地位遭到了反对。
  • Its members have become increasingly agitated by the post-Brexit deal for Northern Ireland,
  • 脱欧后的“北爱尔兰议定书”令其成员国愈发不安,
  • which in effect creates a border for goods crossing from mainland Britain.
  • 该协议实际上为从英国大陆过境的商品创造了一条边界。
  • Somalia's president promised to reverse legislation that would extend his term in office by two years, after fighting broke out in the capital, Mogadishu.
  • 在首都摩加迪沙爆发冲突后,索马里总统承诺撤销将他的任期延长两年的立法。
  • Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed was supposed to have stepped down in February.
  • 穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉希·穆罕默德本应在二月份下台。
  • More than 80 people were killed when a fire, caused by an oxygen cylinder, erupted at a hospital treating COVID-19 patients in Baghdad.
  • 巴格达一家救治新冠患者的医院因氧气瓶引发火灾,造成80多人死亡。
  • In a leaked audio tape Muhammad Javad Zarif, Iran's foreign minister, said that the Revolutionary Guard dictates foreign policy
  • 在一段泄露的录音中,伊朗外长穆罕默德·贾瓦德·扎里夫表示,伊朗的外交政策由革命卫队主导,
  • and took Iran into Syria's civil war at the urging of Russia.
  • 并在俄罗斯的敦促下将伊朗卷入叙利亚内战。
  • He also said that Russia tried to stop Iran from agreeing to a nuclear deal in 2015.
  • 他还表示,俄罗斯曾试图阻挠伊朗在2015年达成一项核协议。
  • Talks to revive the deal, which America ditched in 2018, resumed in Vienna.
  • 美国在2018年退出了该协议,而旨在重返该协议的谈判在维也纳举行。
  • In Israel Benny Gantz, the leader of the Blue and White party, was appointed justice minister
  • 在以色列,蓝白党领袖本尼·甘茨被任命为司法部长。
  • after Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, tried to slide a member of his own party, Likud, into the position.
  • 此前,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡试图举荐自己政党利库德集团(Likud)的一名成员。
  • Mr Netanyahu's move was deemed illegal by the attorney-general, as it violated the coalition agreement with Mr Gantz.
  • 内塔尼亚胡的举动被总检察长认为是非法的,违反了与甘茨的联盟条约。
  • The appointment is a sensitive issue: Mr Netanyahu is on trial for corruption.
  • 这一任命是一个敏感的问题:内塔尼亚胡正在因腐败受审。
  • Israel recorded no new daily COVID-19 deaths for the first time in ten months.
  • 以色列单日无新增新冠死亡病例,为10个月来首次。
  • Thousands of people took to the streets in Colombia, to protest against a controversial tax reform.
  • 哥伦比亚数千人走上街头,抗议有争议的税收改革法案。
  • In the city of Cali a 1pm curfew was put in place after several buses were burned.
  • 在卡利市,几辆公共汽车被烧毁后,当地时间下午1点开始实施了宵禁。
  • Trade union leaders, who have been organising the protests, called for another gathering in May.
  • 组织抗议活动的工会领导人呼吁在5月再举行一次集会。
  • Coronavirus briefs
  • 疫情一览
  • Japan declared a state of emergency in Tokyo and three other prefectures.
  • 日本宣布东京和其他三个县进入紧急状态。
  • Unlike previous restrictions, bars selling alcohol and shopping malls were told to close.
  • 与之前的限制措施不同,酒吧和购物中心被要求停止营业。
  • Chile will keep its borders closed for another month, even though the number of new COVID-19 cases is easing.
  • 尽管新冠肺炎病例数量有所减少,智利仍将继续关闭边境一个月。
  • America's Centres for Disease Control revised its advice on wearing masks.
  • 美国疾病控制中心修订了佩戴口罩的相关指南。
  • Fully vaccinated people do not need to wear one outside, it said, except in crowded venues, like sports stadiums.
  • 该指南称,完全接种疫苗的人在室外无需戴口罩,但在体育场等拥挤的场所仍然需要佩戴。
  • Americans were allowed to receive the one-shot Johnson & Johnson jab again after regulators ended their suspension of the vaccine.
  • 在监管机构终止暂停接种疫苗后,美国人获准再次注射强生公司的一针剂疫苗。
  • They had been investigating claims that it caused blood clots.
  • 他们一直在对有关强生疫苗会导致血栓的说法展开调查。
  • America said it would donate up to 60m doses of the AstraZeneca jab to other countries.
  • 美国表示将向其他国家捐赠多达6000万剂阿斯利康疫苗。
  • The vaccine has not been approved for use in the US.
  • 该疫苗尚未在美国获准使用。


Hungary passed a law to hand control of state universities to foundations. These are likely to be run by ruling-party supporters, who can appoint their successors. This arrangement cannot be changed without a two-thirds majority in parliament. Critics griped that the ruling party had in effect given itself permanent control of higher education.


Arlene Foster said she would step down as Northern Irelands first minister (or premier) in June following a revolt against her leadership in her Democratic Unionist Party. Its members have become increasingly agitated by the post-Brexit deal for Northern Ireland, which in effect creates a border for goods crossing from mainland Britain.

阿琳·福斯特(Arlene Foster)表示,她将于今年6月辞去北爱尔兰首席部长(或总理)一职,此前她在民主统一党内的领导地位遭到了反对。脱欧后的“北爱尔兰议定书”令其成员国愈发不安,该协议实际上为从英国大陆过境的商品创造了一条边界。

Somalias president promised to reverse legislation that would extend his term in office by two years, after fighting broke out in the capital, Mogadishu. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed was supposed to have stepped down in February.



More than 80 people were killed when a fire, caused by an oxygen cylinder, erupted at a hospital treating COVID-19 patients in Baghdad.


In a leaked audio tape Muhammad Javad Zarif, Irans foreign minister, said that the Revolutionary Guard dictates foreign policy and took Iran into Syrias civil war at the urging of Russia. He also said that Russia tried to stop Iran from agreeing to a nuclear deal in 2015. Talks to revive the deal, which America ditched in 2018, resumed in Vienna.


In Israel Benny Gantz, the leader of the Blue and White party, was appointed justice minister after Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, tried to slide a member of his own party, Likud, into the position. Mr Netanyahus move was deemed illegal by the attorney-general, as it violated the coalition agreement with Mr Gantz. The appointment is a sensitive issue: Mr Netanyahu is on trial for corruption.


Israel recorded no new daily COVID-19 deaths for the first time in ten months.


Thousands of people took to the streets in Colombia, to protest against a controversial tax reform. In the city of Cali a 1pm curfew was put in place after several buses were burned. Trade union leaders, who have been organising the protests, called for another gathering in May.


Coronavirus briefs


Japan declared a state of emergency in Tokyo and three other prefectures. Unlike previous restrictions, bars selling alcohol and shopping malls were told to close.


Chile will keep its borders closed for another month, even though the number of new COVID-19 cases is easing.


Americas Centres for Disease Control revised its advice on wearing masks. Fully vaccinated people do not need to wear one outside, it said, except in crowded venues, like sports stadiums.


Americans were allowed to receive the one-shot Johnson & Johnson jab again after regulators ended their suspension of the vaccine. They had been investigating claims that it caused blood clots.


America said it would donate up to 60m doses of the AstraZeneca jab to other countries. The vaccine has not been approved for use in the US.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

border ['bɔ:də]


n. 边界,边境,边缘
vt. 与 ... 接

extend [iks'tend]


v. 扩充,延伸,伸展,扩展

reform [ri'fɔ:m]


v. 改革,改造,革新
n. 改革,改良

agitated ['ædʒiteitid]


adj. 激动不安的,焦虑的 动词agitate的过去式

cylinder ['silində]


n. 汽缸,圆筒,圆柱体

resumed [ri'zju:m, -'zu:m]


n. 履历;个人简历;摘要 vt. 重新开始;重新获得

revolutionary [.revə'lu:ʃənəri]


adj. 革命的
n. 革命者

majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派

illegal [i'li:gəl]


adj. 不合法的,非法的
n. 非法移民





