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BBC纪录片《文明》第9集 第4期:艺术之岛

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • This is one answer art makes to the woes of the modern world,not only to its brutality but also to its frantic materialism,and it's a very Zen answer.
  • 这是艺术对这个现代世界的悲叹所做出的回答 回答的不仅是世界的残酷 还有疯狂的唯物主义 这个答案充满了禅意
  • In 1987,the Japanese entrepreneur Soichiro Fukutake decided that Japanese cities had become living hells of inhuman alienation and gross consumerism.
  • 一九八七年 日本企业家福武总一郎 认为日本的城市已经变成了人间地狱 充斥着非人的冷漠与粗恶的消费主义
  • He bought half the island of Naoshima in the Seto inland sea,and on it he created an art island.
  • 他买下了濑户内海中直岛町的半座岛屿 并将其建成了一座艺术之岛
  • It would be both a shrine to great works of modern art and, in its own right, a place of contemplation.
  • 这里既是展出现代艺术杰出作品的圣地 也是个沉思的好地方
  • People would come and immerse themselves in its aesthetic power and spiritual purity.
  • 人们总会来此 让自己沉浸在 这里美学的力量和精神的纯净中
  • And, as they did so, all the ugliness and violence of contemporary life would be washed away.
  • 在此过程中 现代生活所有的丑恶暴力 都被冲刷得一干二净
  • They would be put in touch with the elemental forms of the universe and so with their true selves.
  • 参观者能够接触到 宇宙形成的基本形态 进而触及到真正的自己
  • You might call it retinal yoga,healing through purified vision.
  • 你可以称之为"视网膜瑜伽" 通过纯净的视觉得到治愈
  • In its radical simplicity, the Chichu Art Museum,designed by architect Tadao Ando,
  • 这座极简主义的地中美术馆 由建筑师安藤忠雄设计
  • is a testament to the enduring moral faith of modernism and its core belief that the renewal of civilisation only comes about when the stale clutter of the past has been cleared away.
  • 是历久弥坚的现代主义道德信念的实证 其中心思想是 文明的复兴 只有在过去的陈旧喧嚣 被清扫一空时才会到来
  • A century ago, the prophets of modernism tried to pull down the pillars on which art had rested for thousands of years -
  • 一个世纪之前 现代主义的提倡者 试图推倒 艺术已经栖身几千年的支柱
  • ..the human figure and face,the drama of nature's abundance......and the endless treasury of stories sacred and profane.
  • 即人类的形体与面孔 讲述丰富人性的戏剧 以及无穷无尽的 或神圣或异教的故事宝库


This is one answer art makes to the woes of the modern world,not only to its brutality but also to its frantic materialism,and it's a very Zen answer.

这是艺术对这个现代世界的悲叹所做出的回答 回答的不仅是世界的残酷 还有疯狂的唯物主义 这个答案充满了禅意

In 1987,the Japanese entrepreneur Soichiro Fukutake decided that Japanese cities had become living hells of inhuman alienation and gross consumerism.

一九八七年 日本企业家福武总一郎 认为日本的城市已经变成了人间地狱 充斥着非人的冷漠与粗恶的消费主义


He bought half the island of Naoshima in the Seto inland sea,and on it he created an art island.

他买下了濑户内海中直岛町的半座岛屿 并将其建成了一座艺术之岛

It would be both a shrine to great works of modern art and, in its own right, a place of contemplation.

这里既是展出现代艺术杰出作品的圣地 也是个沉思的好地方

People would come and immerse themselves in its aesthetic power and spiritual purity.

人们总会来此 让自己沉浸在 这里美学的力量和精神的纯净中

And, as they did so, all the ugliness and violence of contemporary life would be washed away.

在此过程中 现代生活所有的丑恶暴力 都被冲刷得一干二净

They would be put in touch with the elemental forms of the universe and so with their true selves.

参观者能够接触到 宇宙形成的基本形态 进而触及到真正的自己

You might call it retinal yoga,healing through purified vision.

你可以称之为"视网膜瑜伽" 通过纯净的视觉得到治愈

In its radical simplicity, the Chichu Art Museum,designed by architect Tadao Ando,

这座极简主义的地中美术馆 由建筑师安藤忠雄设计

is a testament to the enduring moral faith of modernism and its core belief that the renewal of civilisation only comes about when the stale clutter of the past has been cleared away.

是历久弥坚的现代主义道德信念的实证 其中心思想是 文明的复兴 只有在过去的陈旧喧嚣 被清扫一空时才会到来

A century ago, the prophets of modernism tried to pull down the pillars on which art had rested for thousands of years -

一个世纪之前 现代主义的提倡者 试图推倒 艺术已经栖身几千年的支柱

..the human figure and face,the drama of nature's abundance......and the endless treasury of stories sacred and profane.

即人类的形体与面孔 讲述丰富人性的戏剧 以及无穷无尽的 或神圣或异教的故事宝库

重点单词   查看全部解释    
immerse [i'mə:s]


vt. 浸,陷入

entrepreneur [.ɔntrəprə'nə:]


n. 企业家,主办者,承包商

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

elemental [.eli'mentl]


adj. 元素的,基本的,自然力的 n. 元素

frantic ['fræntik]


adj. 疯狂的,狂乱的

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

brutality [bru:'tæləti]


n. 残忍,无慈悲,野蛮的行为

treasury ['treʒəri]


n. 国库,宝库 (大写)财政部,国债

shrine [ʃrain]


n. 圣地,神龛,庙 v. 将 ... 置于神龛内,把

sacred ['seikrid]


adj. 神圣的,受尊重的





