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BBC纪录片《文明》第9集 第2期:集中营的艺术之母

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Childless herself, she would become an art mother to the children of Theresienstadt, fierce and inspiring.
  • 膝下无子的她之后成为特雷津集中营里 孩子们充满热情与启发性的艺术之母
  • In this building, she held art classes and gave the children a momentary escape, if only in their imaginations.
  • 她在这个楼里上美术课 提供给孩子们一个 尽管只存在于想象中的喘息之地
  • After the war, two suitcases Friedl had hidden were found in the camp.
  • 战后 弗利德藏在集中营的两个箱子 被发现了
  • They contained 4,500 pieces of art made by the children.
  • 箱子里装了四千五百幅 儿童创作的画作
  • These pictures are full of flights--literally-- of fancy.
  • 这些画上充满了真正意义上的飞驰的幻想
  • This is a dream of flying.
  • 这是飞翔之梦
  • When we want to be somewhere else,we dream of flight,and there is this figure, who is not a witch,who is flying over a bed.
  • 当我们想去往他处 就会梦到能够飞翔 这个在床上空飞的人物 并不是巫婆
  • And there's a little figure with red hair who's having the dream,and with an arm extended like a conductor conducting celestial music.
  • 这儿还有个正在做梦的红发小人 一支手臂高高举起 像是一名正在指挥美妙音乐的指挥
  • Who is she? She's Ella Steinova,and she lives, she survives.
  • 她是谁 她是艾拉·斯泰诺娃 而且她活着 她活下来了
  • Good for her. One in the bloody eye for the damn Nazis.
  • 太好了 该死的纳粹功亏一篑
  • She survived, bless her.
  • 她活下来了 祝福她
  • And this is a picture of enormous butterflies that have landed on a huge bloom of glorious colour.
  • 这幅画画的是巨大的蝴蝶栖息在 一大片璀璨绽放的色彩中
  • This is Ruth,Ruth Gutmannova, who does not survive, who is murdered,presumably at Auschwitz.And we have slippery things--
  • 作者是露丝 露丝·古特曼诺娃 她没能活下来 大概是在奥斯维辛集中营被杀害 我们看到这些滑溜溜的东西
  • jellyfish and eels and seaweed and sea anemones--and it's all suspended beautifully in a place they can't get at you, underwater.
  • 水母和泥鳅 以及海草和海葵 都美丽地在水中游动 在水下这个你不会被打扰的世界
  • And the flight continues.
  • 飞翔的梦继续
  • There's another very poignant view by a nine-year-old looking out of a window towards an imaginary landscape of light and air.
  • 这是另一个令人心酸的视角 一名九岁孩子望向窗外 望向一片想象中流动着光与风的土地
  • Here, one of trains here. It's amazing.
  • 这是一列火车 非常惊人
  • And there's no sense yet that trains are.....the angel of death, really.
  • 而且在画中完全看不出这火车 是现实中的死亡天使
  • So, so profoundly moving.
  • 多么 多么动人


Childless herself, she would become an art mother to the children of Theresienstadt, fierce and inspiring.

膝下无子的她之后成为特雷津集中营里 孩子们充满热情与启发性的艺术之母

In this building, she held art classes and gave the children a momentary escape, if only in their imaginations.

她在这个楼里上美术课 提供给孩子们一个 尽管只存在于想象中的喘息之地

After the war, two suitcases Friedl had hidden were found in the camp.

战后 弗利德藏在集中营的两个箱子 被发现了

They contained 4,500 pieces of art made by the children.

箱子里装了四千五百幅 儿童创作的画作

These pictures are full of flights--literally-- of fancy.



This is a dream of flying.


When we want to be somewhere else,we dream of flight,and there is this figure, who is not a witch,who is flying over a bed.

当我们想去往他处 就会梦到能够飞翔 这个在床上空飞的人物 并不是巫婆

And there's a little figure with red hair who's having the dream,and with an arm extended like a conductor conducting celestial music.

这儿还有个正在做梦的红发小人 一支手臂高高举起 像是一名正在指挥美妙音乐的指挥

Who is she? She's Ella Steinova,and she lives, she survives.

她是谁 她是艾拉·斯泰诺娃 而且她活着 她活下来了

Good for her. One in the bloody eye for the damn Nazis.

太好了 该死的纳粹功亏一篑

She survived, bless her.

她活下来了 祝福她

And this is a picture of enormous butterflies that have landed on a huge bloom of glorious colour.

这幅画画的是巨大的蝴蝶栖息在 一大片璀璨绽放的色彩中

This is Ruth,Ruth Gutmannova, who does not survive, who is murdered,presumably at Auschwitz.

作者是露丝 露丝·古特曼诺娃 她没能活下来 大概是在奥斯维辛集中营被杀害

And we have slippery things-- jellyfish and eels and seaweed and sea anemones--and it's all suspended beautifully in a place they can't get at you, underwater.

我们看到这些滑溜溜的东西 水母和泥鳅 以及海草和海葵 都美丽地在水中游动 在水下这个你不会被打扰的世界

And the flight continues.


There's another very poignant view by a nine-year-old looking out of a window towards an imaginary landscape of light and air.

这是另一个令人心酸的视角 一名九岁孩子望向窗外 望向一片想象中流动着光与风的土地

Here, one of trains here. It's amazing.

这是一列火车 非常惊人

And there's no sense yet that trains are.....the angel of death, really.

而且在画中完全看不出这火车 是现实中的死亡天使

So, so profoundly moving.

多么 多么动人

重点单词   查看全部解释    
contained [kən'teind]


adj. 泰然自若的,从容的;被控制的 v. 包含;遏制

poignant ['pɔinənt]


adj. 悲伤的,痛切的,严厉的,尖锐的,剧烈的,浓烈的

imaginary [i'mædʒinəri]


adj. 想象的,虚构的

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

inspiring [in'spaiəriŋ]


adj. 令人振奋的,激励人的,鼓舞人心的

slippery ['slipəri]


adj. 滑的,狡猾的,不可靠的

enormous [i'nɔ:məs]


adj. 巨大的,庞大的

landscape ['lændskeip]


n. 风景,山水,风景画
v. 美化景观

survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃





