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BBC纪录片《文明》第9集 第3期:感受生命与自由

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • One I really love, it's a cut-out at the bottom here by Eliana Mandlova,
  • 我特别喜爱的是下面的这一幅拼贴画 由埃利安娜·曼德洛娃
  • who also doesn't make it out,and it's again an aerial view of an imaginary landscape of trees and mountains,
  • 她也没能幸存 同样也是一幅鸟瞰图 描绘了一片幻想中有山有树的风景
  • but the imaginary landscape is made from a piece of official filing paper of some sort, and dates and columns.
  • 纸张制作的 有日期和表格 但是这片幻想风景是由办公填表用纸之类的
  • And here the material of bureaucracy, filing paper,has been turned by art into a place these children could go to for a while and feel alive and feel free.
  • 在这里官僚主义的产物 填表用纸 被艺术转变成了一个 这些孩子可以暂时去往感受生命与自由的地方
  • Of the 15,000 children who passed through Theresienstadt,barely 150 survived.
  • 曾在特雷津集中营生活过的一万五千名儿童中 只有一百五十名活了下来
  • Friedl Dicker-Brandeis was murdered at Auschwitz on 9th October 1944.
  • 弗利德·迪克-布朗德斯于1944年10月9日 在奥斯维辛惨遭谋杀
  • But thanks to her, the imprint of her young pupils' vitality remains inextinguishable.
  • 但多亏了她 她那群幼小学生的画作 得以保存 栩栩如生 永不消逝
  • Each picture defies the dehumanisation that was the condition of the Holocaust.
  • 每一幅画都表达着对人性灭绝的抗议 而这正是犹太人大屠杀的真实境况
  • But each picture also begs a larger question.
  • 但每一幅画也都在问着一个更大的问题
  • What was art to do in the face of a century of total war and genocide...
  • 在这狼烟四起 种族屠杀的世纪面前 艺术能做什么
  • A century of revolution...
  • 面对这个革命的世纪
  • A century of profound social and technological change...
  • 这个正进行着深刻的社会和科技变革的世纪
  • That's one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind.
  • "这是我个人的一小步 却是人类的一大步"
  • A century in which all the hard-won rules of art were themselves torn up and thrown aside?
  • 这个世纪中所有来之不易的艺术准则 被打破并弃之荒野
  • Was art destined to become no more than a Sunday afternoon distraction?
  • 难道艺术注定要堕落为 仅供人们假日消遣的俗物吗
  • Or would it seek to be something deeper, more lasting,a way of re-envisioning the world?
  • 还是说它期望成为更加深沉持久的事物 在人们的想象里重塑世界的样貌
  • Would it be content to occupy a corner of our lives or aim to be at the centre of it?
  • 艺术是满足于占据我们生活的边角缝隙 还是意图成为我们生活的中心
  • Is the art of our own time just so much buzz and fashion,a hot investment for the rich,or is it an absolute necessity,the light from humanity's vital spark?
  • 我们这个时代的艺术 到底是浮华于表 仅供富人投资的玩物 还是不可或缺的必需品 映照出人性的勃勃光华


One I really love, it's a cut-out at the bottom here by Eliana Mandlova,

我特别喜爱的是下面的这一幅拼贴画 由埃利安娜·曼德洛娃

who also doesn't make it out,and it's again an aerial view of an imaginary landscape of trees and mountains,

她也没能幸存 同样也是一幅鸟瞰图 描绘了一片幻想中有山有树的风景

but the imaginary landscape is made from a piece of official filing paper of some sort, and dates and columns.

纸张制作的 有日期和表格 但是这片幻想风景是由办公填表用纸之类的

And here the material of bureaucracy, filing paper,has been turned by art into a place these children could go to for a while and feel alive and feel free.

在这里官僚主义的产物 填表用纸 被艺术转变成了一个 这些孩子可以暂时去往感受生命与自由的地方

Of the 15,000 children who passed through Theresienstadt,barely 150 survived.

曾在特雷津集中营生活过的一万五千名儿童中 只有一百五十名活了下来

Friedl Dicker-Brandeis was murdered at Auschwitz on 9th October 1944.

弗利德·迪克-布朗德斯于1944年10月9日 在奥斯维辛惨遭谋杀


But thanks to her, the imprint of her young pupils' vitality remains inextinguishable.

但多亏了她 她那群幼小学生的画作 得以保存 栩栩如生 永不消逝

Each picture defies the dehumanisation that was the condition of the Holocaust.

每一幅画都表达着对人性灭绝的抗议 而这正是犹太人大屠杀的真实境况

But each picture also begs a larger question.


What was art to do in the face of a century of total war and genocide...

在这狼烟四起 种族屠杀的世纪面前 艺术能做什么

A century of revolution...


A century of profound social and technological change...


That's one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind.

"这是我个人的一小步 却是人类的一大步"

A century in which all the hard-won rules of art were themselves torn up and thrown aside?

这个世纪中所有来之不易的艺术准则 被打破并弃之荒野

Was art destined to become no more than a Sunday afternoon distraction?

难道艺术注定要堕落为 仅供人们假日消遣的俗物吗

Or would it seek to be something deeper, more lasting,a way of re-envisioning the world?

还是说它期望成为更加深沉持久的事物 在人们的想象里重塑世界的样貌

Would it be content to occupy a corner of our lives or aim to be at the centre of it?

艺术是满足于占据我们生活的边角缝隙 还是意图成为我们生活的中心

Is the art of our own time just so much buzz and fashion,a hot investment for the rich,or is it an absolute necessity,the light from humanity's vital spark?

我们这个时代的艺术 到底是浮华于表 仅供富人投资的玩物 还是不可或缺的必需品 映照出人性的勃勃光华

重点单词   查看全部解释    
landscape ['lændskeip]


n. 风景,山水,风景画
v. 美化景观

filing ['failiŋ]


n. 锉(文件的整理汇集)

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

bureaucracy [bjuə'rɔkrəsi]


n. 官僚制度,官僚主义

imprint ['imprint,im'print]


vt. 刻上记号(加特征,印刷,盖印,压印,铭记)

vital ['vaitl]


adj. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,致命的

humanity [hju:'mæniti]


n. 人类,人性,人道,慈爱,(复)人文学科

imaginary [i'mædʒinəri]


adj. 想象的,虚构的

spark [spɑ:k]


n. 火花,朝气,情人,俗丽的年轻人

occupy ['ɔkjupai]


vt. 占领,占用,占据,使忙碌,使从事





