Bartley leaves anyway, riding a red mare and leading a grey pony.
不管怎样 巴特利还是骑着一匹红色的母马、牵着一匹灰色的小马离开了
And his sisters tell their mother to go after him, give him her blessing and a bit of bread.
他的妹妹们让母亲跟着他去 给他带一些祝福和一点面包
She does. And while she's gone, the sister has discovered that the clothes are Michaels.
母亲跟着去了 但是她走后 妹妹发现衣服是迈克尔的
Maura returns and says that she couldn't catch Bartley, because she had a terrible vision.
母亲莫拉回来了 说自己赶不上巴特利 因为她出现了严重的幻觉
She saw Bartley riding the red mare and riding beside him was dead Michael.
她看见巴特利骑着红色的母马 而在他旁边骑马的是死了的迈克尔
Soon after, some villagers bring in Bartley's body.
不久后 村民们带来了巴特利的尸体
The grey pony knocked him into the sea where he drowned, because this family cannot catch a damn break.
那匹灰色的小马把他撞到海里淹死了 因为这家人一直很倒霉
Maura has no more sons. But she accepts her fate, saying:
莫拉一个儿子都没有了 不过她接受了命运 她说:
"They're all gone now. And there isn't anything more the sea can do to me…
“现在他们都不在了 大海再也不能对我做什么了……
I'll have no call now to be up crying and praying when the wind breaks from the south.
现在 当风从南方吹来的时候 我再也不需要哭泣和祈祷
And you can hear the surf is in the east and the surf is in the west, making a great stir with the two noises.
你听 那是东边的浪花和西边的浪花的声音 用这两种噪音来制造巨大的骚动吧
And they hitting one on the other…I won't care what way the sea is when the other women will be keening."
Thank you thought bubble. That was fatalistic.
谢谢思想泡泡 宿命论者哈
You can see Synge's attention to realistic detail with the bread cooking in the cottage stove.
我们可以看到辛格对现实细节的关注 在小屋里烤面包什么的
And you can hear it in the dialect.
He was so concerned that the setting be realistic that he imported Erin fabrics
他很在意布景的逼真度 甚至进口了爱尔兰布料
and tried to make sure the set gave off the correct smells.
But there's more than realism here too.
The play has links to greek tragedy and also to celtic mythology,
especially to the malevolent spirit called the "Puca" who often appears as a horse.
For Synge, the natural and the supernatural were linked among the rural Irish. As Yeats wrote after Synge's death:
对辛格来说 自然事物和超自然事物在爱尔兰的乡村中是联系在一起的 正如叶芝在辛格死后写道:
"He loves all that has edge, all that is salt in the mouth, all that is rough to the hand,
“他爱一切有棱角的东西 爱一切有味道的东西 爱一切不规整的东西
All that heightens the emotions by contest, all that stings into life the sense of tragedy."
爱一切因竞争而激化情感的东西 爱一切给生活带来悲剧感的东西。”
But Irish writers weren't only reinventing theater in Ireland.

They were reimagining theatre in England too. Because english theater came to modernism a lot more slowly.
还重塑了英国戏剧 因为英国戏剧进入现代主义的速度要慢得多
Melodramas gave way to hand-wringing "Social problem plays" That ultimately reinforced the bourgeois order
“情景剧”让位于绝望的“社会问题剧” 这些剧最终强化了中产阶级的秩序
and really weren't that different from domestic melodramas.
I mean, if you're gonna promote a conservative moral order, at least have everyone died in an avalanche, right?
我的意思是 如果你要提倡保守的道德秩序 至少要让每个人都死于雪崩 对吧
But along came two Irishmen to rehabilitate english drama and they did it with wit
但后来出现了两个为英国戏剧正名的爱尔兰人 他们用智慧做到了这一点
and to wit Oscar Fingal O'Flaherty Wills Wilde, aka oscar Wilde.
即奥斯卡·芬戈尔·奥弗拉尔迪·威尔斯·王尔德 又名奥斯卡·王尔德
When he was at university, he told a friend: I'll be a poet, a writer, a dramatist.
Somehow or other I'll be famous and if not famous, notorious.
不管怎样 我会出名 如果不出名 那就出臭名”
And he was right. Totally right.
他是对的 非常对
After writing the tragedy "Vera", and then the censored symbolist drama "Salome",
Wilde had his first theatrical hit—"Lady Windermere's Fan" In 1892
于1892年出了一部大作 即《温德米尔夫人的粉丝》
about a seemingly unfaithful husband it looks like a Social Problem Play.
该剧讲述了一个不忠的丈夫的故事 感觉是一部“社会问题剧”
It seems to resolve conventionally the way that Social Comedies and Problem Plays are supposed to.
Nice and comfortable. Bourgeois people out of trouble.
很好、很舒服 让中产阶级人民脱离了困境
But Wilde spends most of the play making fun of society and undercutting the whole idea of conventional morals.
不过 该剧的大部分内容都是王尔德在取笑社会 削弱整个传统道德观念
The play demonstrates his belief that quote:
"We should treat all the trivial things of life seriously, and all the seriousthings of life with sincere and studied triviality."
“我们应该认真对待生活中的一切琐事 用真诚、认真的态度对待生活中一切严肃的事情。”
His most brilliant and subversive work is the 1895 play "The Importance of Being Earnest", one of the great stage comedies.
他最出色、最具颠覆性的作品是1895年的戏剧《认真的重要性》 这部剧是最伟大的舞台喜剧之一
It's a sparkling whirl of disguise coincidence and mistaken identity.
And there's a bit about muffins that you might say I am particularly fond of.
还有一些你可能会说“我非常耐的”的 松饼
But amidst all the snack food..., earnest is also earnestly undermining comfortable
conventional beliefs about love, marriage, family, and hard work.
It argues that the truth, the thing that's usually at the core of any problem play, is actually overrated and unstable.
它认为 “真相”通常是所有问题戏剧的核心 但它其实被高估了 而且不稳定
The same year that Ernest premiered, Wilde was put on trial for "gross indecency", which at the time was a euphemism for being gay.
就在《欧内斯特》首演的同一年 王尔德因“严重猥亵罪”而受审 “严重猥亵”是当时同性恋的委婉说法
He served two years hard labor and died penniless a few years later of meningitis.
他服了两年苦役 几年后死于脑膜炎 身无分文
In "De Profundis", his final work he wrote:
在他最后的作品《从苦难的深渊中发出呼喊声》中 他写道:
I took the drama the most objective form known to art and made it as personal a mode of expression as the lyric or the sonnet.
我把戏剧看作艺术中最客观的形式 把它看作一种个人的表达方式 就像抒情诗或十四行诗一样
And george bernard shaw did that too.
A brilliant critic and political philosopher, his plays are both brainy comedies and articulations
萧伯纳是一位才华横溢的评论家和政治哲学家 他的戏剧既是睿智的喜剧
of his particular and sometimes weird beliefs about men, women, evolutio, and and civil society.
Shaw was a huge fan of ebsen, paying tribute to him in "The quintessence of Ibsenisam".
萧伯纳是易卜生的忠实粉丝 他在《易卜生精髓》中向他致敬
Like Ibsen, he believed that the theater could help audiences
和易卜生一样 他相信戏剧可以帮助观众
see through the fictions of conventional morality and into life as it really is.
看穿传统道德的虚构 了解生活的本来面目
He used humor as a social critique in plays that are spikier and more pointed than Wilde's.
他在戏剧中用幽默的方式批判社会 所以他的批判比王尔德要更尖锐
His works "Pygmalion", "Man and superman", "Major barbara",
And "Mrs. Warren's Profession" include debates and dialectics, a dance of ideas.
以及《华伦夫人的职业》都包含辩论和辩证法 思想在起舞
Some of these ideas are provocative, contrarian, and even dangerous.
What drama can do, he wrote, is to take this unmeaning haphazard show of life that means nothing to you
and arrange it in such a way as to make you think very much more deeply about it than you ever dreamed.
并用这样一种方式对其进行管理 使你对生活的思考比你想象中的更加深刻
That is drama and that is a very important public service to render.
这就是戏剧 也是一种非常重要的公共服务
Thanks for watching. Next time we're gonna take a look at symbolism,
谢谢观看 下节课我们将讨论象征主义、
Surrealism and also dadaism, a theatrical form that makes literally no sense on purpose.
超现实主义、还有达达主义 一种完全没有意义的戏剧形式
But until then, flapjack, carburetor, culottes, I mean, curtain!