There were a lot of surrealist factions, splits, and fights. but
当时有很多超现实主义的派别、分裂和斗争 但是
The basic idea was to merge the internal subjective world and external reality into one awesome super reality.
Like Dada, surrealism found logic drab and boring where Dada favored the random surrealism went big for "automatism",
和达达主义很像 超现实主义也发现逻辑单调乏味 而达达主义偏爱一种在“自动主义”上大行其道的随机的超现实主义
an idea that the artist should just write or do whatever came into their head,
sort of like a stream of consciousness but with even less control.
有点像意识流 但控制力更弱
In the first surrealist manifesto Burton defined the movement as "pure psychic automatism,
在第一篇超现实主义宣言中 伯顿将这一运动定义为“纯粹的精神自动性
by which one in tends to express verbally in writing or by any other method, the real functioning of the mind."
通过这种自动性 人们倾向于用书面或者其他任何方式来口头表达心灵的真实功能。”
This the Surrealists hoped would help the artist tap into something powerful elemental and something fundamentally unflinchingly human.
As Burton wrote in surrealism's second manifesto, the idea of surrealism aims quite simply
正如伯顿在超现实主义第二宣言中所写 超现实主义的目的很简单
at the total recovery of our psychic force by a means which is nothing
other than the dizzying descent into ourselves, the perpetual excursion into the midst of forbidden territory.
来彻底恢复我们的精神力量 这是一种对禁地的无休止的探索
Even though "The Breasts of Tiresias" precedes the movement, it's still probably the most famous surrealist play.
虽说《泰瑞西斯的乳房》先于这场运动 但它大概仍是最著名的超现实主义戏剧
Tiresias is tired of being a woman. when her breasts turn into balloons and float away, she becomes a man.
泰瑞西斯厌倦了做女人 当她的乳房变成气球飘走时她变成了男人
And then she makes her husband dress up as a woman.
She sets off to conquer the world and campaign against childbirth.
她开始去征服世界 参加反对生育的运动
But her husband finds a way to have children, 40,000 of them. And he and Tiresias reconcile.
但她的丈夫却找到了生孩子的方法 生了4万只毛孩子 之后他和泰瑞西斯和解了
For closer look at these movements, let's explore an influential play that was written even before Apollinaris.
为了更了解这些运动 我们来探究在《梦神之旅》前创作的一部比较有影响力的戏剧
It has elements of symbolism, Dadaism, surrealism, and even naturalism,
but somehow manages to be more vulgar than any manifesto would allow.
但是 它比任何宣言所界定的粗俗程度都更粗俗
Meet Alfred Jarry's ugly, violent, and sadistically funny "Ubu Roi", which Jarry first drafted as a teenager.
来见见阿尔弗雷德·雅里的丑陋的、暴力的、有趣的“愚比王” 雅里最初把他描绘成一个十几岁的少年
Initially staged as a puppet play, it was a merciless satire of Jarry's high school physics teacher. but also a parody of Macbeth.
这部剧最初是作为一出木偶戏上演的 是雅里对他的高中物理老师的无情讽刺 同时它也是对麦克白的拙劣模仿
Jarry convinced Looney Poe to stage it at the Theatre De L'oeuvre in 1896.
1896年 雅里说服卢金坡在巴黎作品剧院上演了这部剧
The play is naturalist in its emphasis on degradation, almost like a roughs play.
这部剧是自然主义风格 强调堕落 更像是一部粗野剧
But symbolist in its concentration on chaos and excess.

It's also a forerunner of Dada and surrealism in its fascination with nonsense and nightmare.
因为对无稽之谈和噩梦的迷恋 所以它也是达达主义和超现实主义的先驱
The actors are supposed to wear full-body costumes that restrict their movements and acoustic masks that flatten their voices into a monotone.
演员们必须穿上全身戏服来限制他们的动作 还要戴上隔音面具让他们的声音变得单调乏味
Translation has a hard time capturing just how crude and scatological this play is.
But know that its first word is mera, which is a riff on the French word "merde", meaning "poop".
它的第一个单词就是“mera” 是对法语单词“merde”的重复 意思是“便便”
And then everyone gets killed with a toilet brush, come a long way from neoclassicism and the unities, haven't we?
之后所有人都被马桶刷搞死了 和新古典主义跨度太大 是不是?
Take us even further thought-bubble.
Pa Ubu is a noble who is obsessed with food, money, and poop.
帕乌干是一个贵族 他痴迷于食物、金钱和便便
He's a creature of pure it. imagine Homer Simpson. But way less likeable.
他是一个很纯粹的人 想象一下荷马·辛普森 但是没有那么讨人喜欢
His wife Ma Ubu convinces him to kill the king of Poland.
He then holds a banquet and serves a poop covered toilet brush, poisoning a bunch of people.
之后他举行了一场宴会 弄了一坨屎 屎上面盖了一个马桶刷 毒死了一群人
But the Polish king's son Boo Gorilla escapes and his dad's ghost tells him to get revenge.
但是波兰国王的儿子布戈拉逃跑了 他父亲的鬼魂让他复仇
Meanwhile, back at the palace, it turns out that a guy who came to the throne
与此同时 在皇宫里 一个以一种非常不卫生的方式
by murdering everyone in a really unsanitary way is not a good king.
After holding an orgy to celebrate, he taxes the peasants and...brains a lot of people, including all the nobles.
在举行狂欢庆祝之后 他开始向农民征税 还挖了很多人的脑子 包括所有的贵族
He imprisons his sidekick captain Dorder who escapes and convinces the Russian Czar to declare war against Ubu.
他囚禁了他的死党博杜 但是博杜逃走了并说服沙皇向乌布宣战
Ubu places a cardboard cutout of a horse around his neck and goes to battle while Ma ransacks a crypt looking for cash.
乌布在脖子上挂了一个马的纸板然后去打仗了 而玛则在地窖里寻找金钱
Ubu and the Czar fight. Ubu loses and escapes to a cave in Lithuania, where he's attacked by a bear.
乌布和沙皇开战了 乌布输了 逃到了立陶宛的一个山洞里 在那里他被一只熊袭击了
Ma Ubu escapes and meets Pa at the cave. He throws the bear corpse at her. Then beats her up.
玛乌布也逃跑了 在山洞里遇到了帕 帕把熊的尸体扔向她 然后痛打了她一顿
Begala and his army arrive and beat both of them up.
再后来贝加拉和他的军队来了 把他们都痛打了一顿
But the Ubu escape on a boat bound for Paris where Ubu is pretty sure he can get a job as Minister of Finance.
但是乌布乘船逃往了巴黎 乌布很确定自己能在那里得到一份财政部长的工作
Thanks thought-bubble.
I'm queasy for all sorts of reasons.
我感到恶心 因为各种原因
On the first night, the audience heard the first word "poop", and they ride it. Closing down the show for 15 minutes.
第一晚 当观众听到第一个词“粪便”时 他们就开始嘲弄了 演出被暂停了15分钟
Yeats was there. And he later wrote "what more is possible after us, the savage God."
叶慈也在那里 他后来写道:“继我们之后 啥都有可能 野蛮的上帝”
The performance eventually continued but the play closed that same night。
演出最终继续进行了 不过当晚就结束了
And it wasn't revived again until after Jarry's early death from tuberculosis
后来也一直没有复演 直到雅里因肺结核
and excessive drinking, specifically a cocktail of absinthe, vinegar, and ink.
May be the tale of the Ubu doesn't seem like a great play.
But it's a pivotal work in modernism because of the conventions that it appends.
但它是现代主义的关键作品 因为它附加了一些惯例
And also because it's one of the first works of theatre to take an openly hostile stance
toward the audience, actively trying to cause offence.
The play's whole argument, if you want to credit Ubu Roi with having an argument, is that greedy grasping bourgeois life is...and ugly.
如果你想相信《愚比王》的论点的话 这部剧的全部论点就是 贪婪的资产阶级生活是丑陋的
And that's how it made its bourgeois audience look and feel.
Weird as it seems, symbolism, surrealism, and dadaism were all profoundly interested in realism
虽然看上去很奇怪 但是象征主义、超现实主义和达达主义都对现实主义
and the ways that realism fails to convey the truth of human existence.
The Symbolists, Surrealists, and Dadalists argued that the truth isn't found in everyday conversation
象征主义者、超现实主义者和达达主义者认为 真相并不存在于日常对话中
or rigorously researched domestic interiors and costumes, but in dreams, visions, imaginings.
也不存在于仔细研究过的室内和服装中 而是存在于梦境、幻象和想象中
The stuff buried deep in the psyche, the innermost recesses of the human brain
and in the immensity of the universe that it perceives and creates, and also sometimes in a hacked up newspaper article thrown into a half.
以及它所感知和创造的浩瀚宇宙中 有时也存在于一篇被拆成两半的报纸文章中
Next time we're gonna look at Expressionism, a movement that tries to convey the subjective, distorting experience of emotion and mood.
下节课我们将学习表现主义 一种试图传达主观的、扭曲的情感体验的运动
Yeah, a lot of those moods are bad. but until then, curtain.