Hey there! I'm mike rugnetta. This is Crash Course Theater. And today we'll be discussing Irish drama.
嘿 大家好 我是迈克·鲁格内塔 这里是“戏剧速成课堂” 今天我们将讨论爱尔兰的戏剧
Nope, not for it. There gonna be no leprechaun jokes. No lucky charms. No faith in Begorrah.
不 不是为了这个 不会再开妖精的玩笑了 没有幸运的魔法 也没有对begorrah(外语)的信仰
Because the culture that produced the most linguistically expressive and inventive canon
Of modern drama does not deserve dumb jokes. It deserves smart ones.
现代戏剧文化 只有聪明的笑话才配得上
We're gonna try. York is probably gonna come back later with the show lately.
我们会试一下 尤里克待会儿可能会戴上演出回来
We're gonna look at the founding of the Abbey theatre and the work of jm Synge,
the first legit literary star that the Abbey produced.
Then we're gonna head to England where a couple expats shook up booyah drama with some very funny place.
之后我们会去英国 那里有一对外来侨民在一些非常有趣的地方演出戏剧
With crack on. Ok. Sorry. That's the last one.
赶紧开始吧!好的 抱歉 最后一句
In the late 19th century, Ireland experienced an Irish renaissance.
19世纪末 爱尔兰经历了爱尔兰文艺复兴
It was different from the english renaissance in that it was Irish, came later, had less plague
和英国文艺复兴不同 首先它是爱尔兰的 其次它出现的较晚 之后是过程没那么曲折
And was an explicit reaction against England, which had colonized Ireland since the sixteenth century.
The Irish renaissance was largely a literary one, celebrating Irish history, folklore, and the Gaelic language.
爱尔兰文艺复兴的重点是文学复兴 它颂扬爱尔兰的历史、民间传说和盖尔语
Eventually a couple of its adherents the poets WB Yeats and Edward Martin
最后 它的一些追随者 诗人叶芝和爱德华·马丁
and the writer and folklorist Lady Augusta gregory thought that it was time
以及作家和民俗学家奥古斯塔·格雷戈里夫人 她认为是时候
to bring upon the stage of the deeper thoughts and emotions of Ireland.
They founded the Irish Literary theatre, which eventually merged with another theatre
他们创建了爱尔兰文学剧院 该剧院最终与另外一个剧院合并
to form the Irish National Theatre Society, first performing in Molesworth Hall.
In 1904, they took over a mechanic's home on lower Abbey street and acquired an actual physical stage the Abbey Theatre.
1904年 他们买下了下艾比街的一间机械师住宅 同时还买下了一个真正的实体舞台——艾比剧院
Its opening performance was a short symbolist play by WB Yeats "On Baile's Strand",
along with Lady Gregory's "Spreading The News", a gentle comedy about how a piece of gossip travels through a community.
以及格雷戈里夫人的《传播新闻》 这是一部温和的喜剧 讲述的是一段流言在一个群体中传播的过程
This theater is still going by the way albeit in a different location.
这家剧院虽然位置不同 但至今仍在运营
Yeats was a great poet. Lady Gregory, a fine folklorist and champion of Irish literature and culture,
叶芝是一位伟大的诗人 格雷戈里夫人是一位优秀的民俗学家、爱尔兰文学和文化的拥护者
she basically invented the Irish Folk Drama. But neither of them was a great playwright.
可以说是她创造了爱尔兰民间戏剧 不过他们都不是伟大的剧作家
Abbey's first great playwright, whose play "The Shadow of The Glen" Debuted on the theaters second night, was John Millington Synge.
艾比剧院的第一位伟大的剧作家是约翰·米林顿·辛格 他的戏剧作品《格兰的影子》第二天晚上便在该剧院进行了演出
Synge was born into an upper middle-class protestant family.

After college and music school, he moved to Paris to study literature and met Yeats.
在从大学和音乐学院毕业后 他去巴黎学习了文学并结识了叶芝
Yeats was like, leave. If you really want to be a writer, you should go to the remote Aran Islands
叶芝是这么说的:离开这里吧 如果你真的想成为一名作家 你就应该去遥远的阿兰群岛
which are really great if you like whiskey and knitwear and drowning.
要是你喜欢威士忌、针织衫和溺水 那里会很棒
And their Yeats told him that you should express a life that has never found expression.
叶芝告诉他 你应该表达一种从未被表达的生活
Saying was like, challenge accepted, pal.
辛格说:哥们 我接受挑战!
For several summers, he studied the people and the customs of the aran islands and
especially the language, a dialect that's rich musical and eloquent.
尤其是当地的语言 一种富有音乐色彩且动听的方言
This language really cracked open his writing.
As he wrote in a preface to his later play "The Playboy of The Western World":
in a good play every speech should be as fully flavored as a nut or apple.
在一个好的剧本中 每一句台词都应该像坚果或者苹果那样充满味道
And such speeches cannot be written by anyone who works among people who have shut their lips on poetry.
而这样的台词 那些对诗歌闭口不言的人是无法写得出来的
In Ireland, for a few years more, we have a popular imagination that is fiery and magnificent, and tender;
在爱尔兰 再过几年 我们就会拥有一种炽烈的、华丽的、柔和的广受欢迎的创造力
So that those of us who wish to write start with a chance
that is not given to writers in places where the springtime of the local life has been forgotten.
Between 1902 and 1909, Synge wrote six plays, five of them set in contemporary Ireland.
1902年到1909年间 辛格写了六部戏剧 其中有五部背景设在当代的爱尔兰
Like Chekhov, he died young at the age of 38.
辛格和契诃夫一样 38岁便英年早逝
At first glance, his plays seem romantic, concerned with forbidding landscapes and the noble rural people who inhabit them.
他的戏剧乍一看似乎很浪漫 关注的是令人望而生畏的景致以及居住在其中的高贵的乡村居民
But Synge was no romantic. He was an unsentimental realist whose work was tinged with myth.
但辛格其实一点也不浪漫 他是一个冷静的现实主义者 他的作品带有神话色彩
Because the rural people that he encountered lived with myth in their daily lives.
His work is naturalistic, too, but like the later plays of Ibsen and Chekhov,
他的作品也是自然主义的 但就像易卜生和契诃夫后期的戏剧一样
it pushes towards the symbolic, mixing comedy, tragedy, and satire…forming a heightened realism that borders on magical.
他的作品后来朝着象征性的 融合了喜剧、悲剧和讽刺的方向发展 形成了一种近乎魔幻的高度的现实主义风格
Synge was controversial in his day.
Not so much among the elites of the Irish renaissance as with audiences who decided that
his dramas were an insult to Irish nationalism and especially Irish womanhood.
When the Abbey staged "Playboy of The Western World" About a man who claims to have killed his father,
当《西方世界的花花公子》在艾比剧院演出时 (该剧讲述的是一个男人声称杀死了自己父亲的故事)
crowds tried to shout down the play every night and the police were called.
观众每晚都试图关闭剧院 还叫了警察
The crowd was especially upset by the use of the word "Shift", meaning a woman's slip or undergarment,
观众尤其对剧中使用的“shift”一词感到不满 意思是“女人的衬裙或内衣”
which either means that underwear is really scandalous or that audiences had already come prepared to
因为内衣真的很羞耻 或者说观众们早已准备好
hate a play that didn't square with their ideas of Irish nobility or both.
讨厌一部与他们对爱尔兰贵族的看法相悖的戏剧 或者两个原因都有
Let's take a look at one of Synge's less controversial plays.
And one of the greatest one acts ever written "Writers to The Sea",
which was first performed in 1904 and revived at the Abbey in 1906. Elvis out thought-bubble.
该剧于1904年进行了首演 1906年在艾比剧院复演 来看思想泡泡
In a fisherman's cottage on the Aran islands, Kathleen is baking bread
在阿兰群岛的一间渔人小屋里 凯萨琳正在烤面包
when her sister Nora comes in with a bunch of clothes pulled off a drowned man.
Is the drowned man their brother Michael? The clothes will tell.
The sisters have already lost four brothers and their father to drowning. So this would be bad.
这对姐妹的父亲以及他们的4个哥哥都淹死了 所以很糟糕
Their mother Maura comes in, worrying about her youngest son Bartley's plans to sail to a horse fair in conneMaura.
他们的母亲莫拉进来了 她最小的儿子巴特利打算驾船去康尼马拉的一个马市 她很担心
Bartley enters and asks for his mother's blessing, but she won't give it.
巴特利进来了 向他的母亲祈求祝福 但是母亲不愿意给
"If it was a hundred horses or a thousand horses you had itself,
what is the price of a thousand horses against a son where there is one son only?" She tells him.
那么一千匹马的价值跟一个儿子 只有一个儿子 比的话价值是多少?”她问他