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经济学人:一周要闻 多哥总统再次获选

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  • Hardliners won parliamentary elections in Iran, scooping three-quarters of the seats.
  • 强硬派赢得了伊朗议会选举,赢得了四分之三的席位。
  • The regime claimed a mandate for its confrontational stance towards America.
  • 该政权宣称其对美国的对抗立场得到了授权。
  • But thousands of moderates and reformers were barred from running and,
  • 但是,成千上万的温和派和改革派被禁止参加竞选,
  • as a result, turnout was the lowest in a parliamentary election since the Islamic revolution in 1979.
  • 因此,这次议会选举的投票率是自1979年伊斯兰革命以来最低的。
  • Faure Gnassingbé, the president of Togo, won another term in an election marred by irregularities.
  • 多哥总统福雷·纳辛贝在一场受违规行为影响的选举中赢得了另一个任期。
  • Mr Gnassingbé has been in office since 2005, when he took over from his father, who had first seized power in 1967.
  • 纳辛贝自2005年接替他的父亲以来一直执政,他的父亲于1967年首次掌权。
  • A strike by police in Ceará, in north-eastern Brazil, led to a sharp rise in the number of murders in the state.
  • 巴西东北部塞阿拉的警察罢工导致该州的谋杀案数量急剧上升。
  • At least 170 people have died since police stopped work on February 19th in a row over pay.
  • 自2月19日警察因工资问题连续停止以来,至少已有170人死亡。
  • A senator, Cid Gomes, was shot as he drove a digger towards striking police. The government has sent in the army.
  • 一位名叫熙德·戈麦斯的参议员在驾驶一辆挖掘机冲向罢工的警察时遭到枪击。政府已经派出了军队。
  • Protests by police in Haiti against poor working conditions led to battles between them and the army.
  • 海地警察对恶劣工作条件的抗议导致了他们和军队之间的战斗。
  • At least one soldier died. The country's Carnival celebration was cancelled.
  • 至少一名士兵死亡。这个国家的狂欢节被取消了。
  • Bolivia's Supreme Electoral Tribunal barred Evo Morales, a former president, from running for a seat in the Senate in elections due in May.
  • 玻利维亚最高选举法庭禁止前总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯参加定于5月举行的参议院选举。
  • Mr Morales left office in November after Bolivians protested against his re-election.
  • 莫拉莱斯在去年11月因玻利维亚民众抗议其连任而下台。
  • Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of two of the charges brought against him in New York:
  • 哈维·韦恩斯坦在纽约有两项指控被判有罪:
  • of rape (by having sex with a woman against her will) and of forcing oral sex on a woman.
  • 强奸(违背一女性意愿与之发生性关系)和强迫妇女口交。
  • He was acquitted of three charges, including the most serious.
  • 他被判三项罪名不成立,其中包括最严重的一项。
  • Scores of other women have accused him of sexual misconduct.
  • 许多其他女性指控他有不当性行为。
  • The latest Democratic debate produced the usual fireworks.
  • 最新的民主党辩论像往常一样激烈。
  • It was the last to be held before the South Carolina primary and Super Tuesday,
  • 这是在南卡罗来纳州初选和超级星期二之前举行的最后一次初选,
  • when Democrats in 14 states will vote on who they want to be their presidential candidate.
  • 14个州的民主党人将投票决定谁将成为他们的总统候选人。
  • Bernie Sanders remains the firm favourite following his decisive win in Nevada.
  • 伯尼·桑德斯在内华达州取得决定性胜利后,仍是最受欢迎的候选人。
  • Meanwhile, it was reported that Russia is meddling in the primaries to get Mr Sanders elected,
  • 与此同时,有报道称俄罗斯正在干预初选以使桑德斯当选,
  • and is also stepping up plans to interfere in the general election to re-elect Donald Trump.
  • 也在加紧实施干预大选的计划,使唐纳德·特朗普再次当选。
  • So it is a win-win situation for the Kremlin if either Mr Sanders or Mr Trump is victorious in November.
  • 因此,如果桑德斯或特朗普在11月的大选中获胜,那么这对克里姆林宫来说是一个双赢的局面。


Hardliners won parliamentary elections in Iran, scooping three-quarters of the seats. The regime claimed a mandate for its confrontational stance towards America. But thousands of moderates and reformers were barred from running and, as a result, turnout was the lowest in a parliamentary election since the Islamic revolution in 1979.


Faure Gnassingbé, the president of Togo, won another term in an election marred by irregularities. Mr Gnassingbé has been in office since 2005, when he took over from his father, who had first seized power in 1967.


A strike by police in Ceará, in north-eastern Brazil, led to a sharp rise in the number of murders in the state. At least 170 people have died since police stopped work on February 19th in a row over pay. A senator, Cid Gomes, was shot as he drove a digger towards striking police. The government has sent in the army.


Protests by police in Haiti against poor working conditions led to battles between them and the army. At least one soldier died. The country's Carnival celebration was cancelled.


Bolivia's Supreme Electoral Tribunal barred Evo Morales, a former president, from running for a seat in the Senate in elections due in May. Mr Morales left office in November after Bolivians protested against his re-election.


一周要闻 多哥总统再次获选 巴西警察罢工 民主党候选人竞争激烈.png

Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of two of the charges brought against him in New York: of rape (by having sex with a woman against her will) and of forcing oral sex on a woman. He was acquitted of three charges, including the most serious. Scores of other women have accused him of sexual misconduct.


The latest Democratic debate produced the usual fireworks. It was the last to be held before the South Carolina primary and Super Tuesday, when Democrats in 14 states will vote on who they want to be their presidential candidate. Bernie Sanders remains the firm favourite following his decisive win in Nevada.


Meanwhile, it was reported that Russia is meddling in the primaries to get Mr Sanders elected, and is also stepping up plans to interfere in the general election to re-elect Donald Trump. So it is a win-win situation for the Kremlin if either Mr Sanders or Mr Trump is victorious in November.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

decisive [di'saisiv]


adj. 决定性的

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力

tribunal [trai'bju:nəl]


n. 法官席,法院,法庭

senator ['senətə]


n. 参议员

striking ['straikiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,显著的
n. 打击

interfere [.intə'fiə]


vi. 妨碍,冲突,干涉

regime [rei'ʒi:m]


n. 政体,制度
n. 养生法(=regime

mandate ['mændeit]


n. 命令,指令,要求,托管地 vt. 把(某一地区)置





