It also helps to write down-this is a commitment. Write down goals. Divide and conquer. Break down the achievement.
书面写下也很有用…等于建立了契约 把目标写下来 分阶段进行 一一击破
Remember Langer's research? Write these things down. Make a list. It actually helps most people.
还记得兰格的研究吗 把目标写下来 列一张表 对多数人来说很有用
And finally, permission to recreate. What that means is give yourself permission to be human; give yourself permission to procrastinate at times as well; give yourself permission to recover.
最后一点 允许自己娱乐消遣 准许自己为人 有时候拖延一下也未尝不可 允许自己休整
You are not a machine; we are not machines. We need to understand the constraint of you of nature.
你不是机器 我们不是机器 我们需要了解能力的范畴
Because if we don't understand it, if we don't respect nature, nature is not going to respect us, and we are going to pay a price, in terms of our productivity, our creativity as well as our happiness-the ultimate currency.
否则就是违背自然 自然就会报复我们 让我们付出代价 效率降低 失去创造力与幸福感 也就是我们终极货币

I want to show you a quick excerpt by my favorite, Ellen DeGeneres. And this is the end, the end of her show on procrastination, which I highly, highly recommend you. You can find it in any of the video stores around here.
我给大家放一段视频 是我最喜欢的艾伦·德杰尼勒斯 这是一期有关拖延的节目的结尾部分 强烈推荐大家看看 任意音像店里都能找到
So here she is-the end of her show after she's talked about procrastination for over an hour. The one and only. Ellen DeGeneres "Here and Now":
这期节目时长一小时 主题是拖延 这是结尾部分 唯一的 艾伦·德杰尼勒斯《此时此地》
We are doing all these things to squeeze things together so we can save time.
And I don't know about you but I don't have anymore time. I have less time.
我不知道你们怎么样 但我时间不够了 我时间越来越少了
But let's just say we could save up a whole chunk of time and set it aside.
假设我们能省出一堆时间 空闲了出来
You know what we'd do with it? Nothing. Nothing at all.
然后拿它干什么呢 什么也不做
Isn't that the point to be able to do nothing at all?