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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- Because essentially when we are saying no to some opportunities, when we are saying no
- 因为我们对某些机遇说“不”
- to some offers, we are saying yes to ourselves.
- 对某些提议说“不”时 其实是对自己说“是”
- And how do we choose what do we say no to and what do we say yes to?
- 那如何选择对什么说“不” 对什么说“是”呢
- –By simply asking what do I really, really, really want to do.
- 很简单 问自己究竟想要什么
- Simplifying-doing less, rather than more. The key though is to reach optimum levels of simplicity. Because
- 简化 宁缺毋滥 关键就是找到最适宜的简化程度 因为
- we don't want to simplify too much and go to the other extreme.
- 过于简化就会走向另一个极端
- You see, in a way, it works, as many things work, many psychological phenomenon work, in a curve linear manner.
- 和其他事物及诸多心理学显现一样 简化与效率是以曲线形式存在
- Let me explain. So let's say we have a graph where this is amount of work.
- 我来解释一下 这张图表的X轴代表工作量
- And on this axis we have productivity, creativity and happiness.
- Y轴代表效率 创造力与快乐
- The way it work, the way it looks, is this way, meaning: if our amount of work is too high,
- 两者的关系是这样的 如果工作量太大
- that's when we experience the TBD, Too Busy Disorder. We are unhappy; we are not creative; and we are not productive.
- 就会发生TBD 即忙碌紊乱症 我们会不快乐 缺乏创造力 效率低下
- This is the burn-out. We may be productive and creative for a short while, but this is the burn-out phase.
- 精疲力竭 也许短时间能效率和创造力能维持一段时间 但这点代表精疲力竭
- On the other hand, if we do too little, that's also not good.
- 另一方面 如果我们什么也不做 那也不好
- And very similar consequences-we are unhappy; we are certainly not productive; and we are not creative.
- 后果相似 我们会不快乐 没有效率 缺乏创新
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/202001/603562.shtml