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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • How can I, in other words, overcome procrastination?
  • 也就是说 该如何克服拖延心理
  • Going back to our friend. Because this may be a little bit too extreme.
  • 回到我们朋友那 因为可能有点太极端了
  • You know 70 percent, more than 70 percent of college students, nationwide complain about procrastination.
  • 全国有70% 超过70%的大学生 抱怨拖延心理
  • Not others' procrastination-their own procrastination. The other 30 percent are in denial. No. Over 70 percent.
  • 不是别人拖延 而是他们自己拖延 另外30%矢口否认 超过70%
  • Now procrastination is associated with lower levels of happiness, weakened physical immune system,
  • 拖延与不快乐 生理免疫系统脆弱
  • higher levels of stress and could also lead to depression.
  • 压力过大等等都有关联 可能会导致抑郁
  • Not a very high correlation, but there is a positive correlation between the two.
  • 虽然关联程度不高 但是两者呈正相关
  • Fortunately though, there is a lot of research on procrastination. A research that can actually help.
  • 幸运的是 有许多关于拖延的研究 其中一项研究很有帮助
  • And the research is done at the University of Carleton in Canada,
  • 这项研究是由加拿大卡尔顿大学
  • where they have an actual procrastination research group. And I went, I browsed them…
  • 拖延心理研究小组进行的 我浏览了…
  • You can go on their website-great website, and there are great pictures there.
  • 你可以访问他们的网站 做得很不错 还有许多有价值的照片
  • And one of the set of the pictures is from their yearly conference on procrastination, which is remarkable.
  • 其中一组照片是来自他们年度的讨论拖延心理的会议 该会议意义重大
  • So here are some photos from that very important conference.
  • 这些是会议的照片
  • So on the first day they all arrived and they got together for a meal.
  • 所有人于第一天抵达 进行了聚餐
  • And after they got together for meal, they had another a meal because they were hungry a few hours later.
  • 聚餐后 他们又吃了一顿 因为几小时后有人又饿了


How can I, in other words, overcome procrastination?

也就是说 该如何克服拖延心理
Going back to our friend. Because this may be a little bit too extreme.
回到我们朋友那 因为可能有点太极端了
You know 70 percent, more than 70 percent of college students, nationwide complain about procrastination. Not others' procrastination-their own procrastination. The other 30 percent are in denial. No. Over 70 percent.
全国有70% 超过70%的大学生 抱怨拖延心理 不是别人拖延 而是他们自己拖延 另外30%矢口否认 超过70%
Now procrastination is associated with lower levels of happiness, weakened physical immune system, higher levels of stress and could also lead to depression. Not a very high correlation, but there is a positive correlation between the two.
拖延与不快乐 生理免疫系统脆弱 压力过大等等都有关联 可能会导致抑郁 虽然关联程度不高 但是两者呈正相关

Fortunately though, there is a lot of research on procrastination. A research that can actually help.

幸运的是 有许多关于拖延的研究 其中一项研究很有帮助
And the research is done at the University of Carleton in Canada, where they have an actual procrastination research group. And I went, I browsed them…
这项研究是由加拿大卡尔顿大学 拖延心理研究小组进行的 我浏览了…
You can go on their website-great website, and there are great pictures there. And one of the set of the pictures is from their yearly conference on procrastination, which is remarkable.
你可以访问他们的网站 做得很不错 还有许多有价值的照片 其中一组照片是来自他们年度的讨论拖延心理的会议 该会议意义重大
So here are some photos from that very important conference.
So on the first day they all arrived and they got together for a meal. And after they got together for meal, they had another a meal because they were hungry a few hours later.
所有人于第一天抵达 进行了聚餐 聚餐后 他们又吃了一顿 因为几小时后有人又饿了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

overcome [.əuvə'kʌm]


vt. 战胜,克服,(感情等)压倒,使受不了

immune [i'mju:n]


adj. 免除的,免疫的

complain [kəm'plein]


vi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉

procrastination [prəu,kræsti'neiʃən]


n. 耽搁,拖延

extreme [ik'stri:m]


adj. 极度的,极端的
n. 极端,极限

correlation [.kɔ:ri'leiʃən]


n. 相互关系,相关

remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl]


adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会





