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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- OK. It's the majority. It's most people in the West that, who do that.
- 很好 占大多数 几乎所有人都这样
- I used to do that too. Until I found out about this research.
- 我以前也这样 后来我读到了这项研究
- When you have your email on, while you are doing work that requires concentration,
- 当你开着邮箱 从事需要集中注意的工作时
- it is equivalent to taking off 10 IQ points. 10 IQ points. Now
- 等于智商减少10 整整10分
- I don't know about you; but I can't spare 10 IQ points.
- 我不知道各位怎样 但我可不能少10点智商
- Now for comparison's sake, if you lose a whole night sleep, so if you haven't slept for 36 hours,
- 作为比较 如果你一整晚通宵 36小时不睡
- your IQ is reduced by the equivalent of 10 points. Another point of comparison:
- 也等于智商减少10点 另一项比较:
- if you smoke marijuana, if you smoke grass, your IQ's reduced by 4 points.
- 如果你抽大麻 智商会减少4
- So if you have-look I mean it's the choice-more fun, less IQ points.
- 所以如果你…面临选择 是要找乐子 还是降低智商
- Well but don't inhale. Now I hope you didn't record that there.
- 但千万别吸毒 希望你们没录到前面
- Here is the study. This was done in the University of London.
- 伦敦大学进行过一项研究
- The IQ of those who try to juggle messages at work fell by 10 points,
- 上班时发短信的人 智商会降低10
- the equivalent of missing a whole night sleep, and more than doubled 4.4 seen after smoking marijuana.
- 与整晚通宵的人一样 抽大麻才4.4点 比这2倍还多
- Look, nothing will happen if you switch off your email for 2 hours at a time.
- 听着 如果你关邮箱2小时
- Nothing will happen. Except for thing that will happen. You'll get another message saying,
- 不会发生什么大不了的事 什么也不会发生
- you know-the server may have been down or, so you are not sure you got my email.
- 除了这种情况:你可能会收到另一条消息问:服务器是不是当了?你没收到我的邮件?
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/202001/603559.shtml