And you know what that often does? It very often leads to guilt and frustration.
这会怎样呢?这常常会导致内疚 沮丧
Why? Because I say to myself: how is that possible? I love doing what I'm doing!
为什么 因为我对自己说 这怎么可能 我喜欢做这些事
I'm so fortunate to have so many amazing, wonderful things, people, experiences in my life. And yet I fail to be happy!
生活中能有这么多美好人事物 我真是太幸运了但我竟然不快乐
There must be something wrong with me. No, there's nothing wrong with you.
我肯定有什么不对劲 不 你没有什么不对劲
It's perfectly natural, just like you will not be able to enjoy the two pieces of music played together even though individually they are your two most favorite pieces of music.
这正常得很 就好像你不可能同时欣赏两首歌 即使它们分别都是你最喜欢的音乐

Too much of a good thing. Quantity does affect quality. You know, this happens constantly.
过犹不及 多则劣 少则精 这种情况常发生
It happened to me two years ago when I was teaching positive psych.
两年前 我教授积极心理学时就发生过
It was one month into this semester, and it just didn't make sense to me: why wasn't I happy?
刚开学一个月 我很困惑 为什么我不快乐
The class was doing well. I was enjoying the class. I was doing a lot of work-consulting.
教学工作很顺利 我很喜欢上课 同时还担任咨询顾问工作
I was speaking around the country about positive psychology, about Israel.
在全国进行关于积极心理学 及以色列的讲座
I was writing and doing all the things that I love, that I care about, that I'm passionate about. Spending time with my family.
写作出书 做各种我喜欢在乎 充满热情的事 和家人在一起
And I took a step back and I realized "too much of a good thing". And as soon as I cut the activities, happiness levels went back up again.
于是我退一步 发现我“过犹不及“了 一旦我减少活动量 幸福指数又重新提升