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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
Essentially the exact opposite of Pennebaker. Results? Identical. Those who wrote about their peak experiences, their best experiences, 这个做法和尼贝克的做法相反。结果呢?完全一样。那些写下他们巅峰经验的人、写下最快乐经历的人, visited the doctor's office less time- in other words, it strengthened their physiological immune system and experienced more happiness. So both psychological and physiological results. 去看医生的次数少了。就是说,这个做法增强了他们的身体免疫系统、让他们体验更多快乐——不论心理还是身体上都得到同样的效果 Now when you look at this, some of you may be thinking that "well, what about the Lyubomirsky study?" 现在来看,你们有些人可能会想:“那鲁伯米斯基的研究呢?” Remember the Lyubomirsky study? That said when you write about positive emotions. Actually you feel worse. 还记得鲁伯米斯基的研究吗?那项研究表示,当你写下积极情感时,其实你感觉更糟 Whereas you write about negative emotions, you do feel better as Pennebaker suggested. Here's the difference. 而写下负面情感都会如尼贝克所说,感觉会好些。不同之处在于 The instructions that Laura King gave were mostly, were mostly about describing and re-experiencing, replaying your experience. 劳拉·金的做法主要是描述和重新体验、重现你的经历 It wasn't about analyzing "why did it happen", "how did it"... It was rather how it happen- in other words, replaying it. 而不是分析“怎么会发生这种情况”,而是它的发生过程——就是重现 When the instructions- and this is the Lyubomirsky study- were analyze the experience: why it happened, how did you get there and so on and so on. 当做法——而鲁伯米斯基的研究是分析这种经历为什么会发生,你为什么会遇上之类的 That's why it had the negative consequences over time, but just replaying the experience, just writing about how wonderful it is, 这就是为什么随着时间推移会产生负面效果、但只是重现经历、只写下这次经历有多美好、 re-experiencing emotionally what that was- that actually let you benefit. 重新体验当时的情感——实际上却会让你受益
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201910/595596.shtml