Maybe not word for word, but certainly, the general ideas. Because we can hold it, we can grasp it. Because it has a sense of coherence.
I can deal with it. I can handle it, as opposed to some dispersed ideas, disjointed words.
The exact same here. We want to feel that our lives have a sense of coherence that we can make sense of them.

Pennebaker: "An artifact of our ambiguous and unpredictable world is the anxiety of not attaining completion and not understanding a simple cause-and-effect explanation for traumatic disturbances. Alas, we naturally search for meaning and the completion of events; it gives us a sense of control and predictability over our lives. "
Again, that's why therapy helps, because we create coherence out of experience. This is why there was far less post-traumatic stress disorder after the Holocaust after there was the Vietnam war.
Because after the Holocaust, they spoke about these experiences. They created a story around it, a tragic one, but still there was a sense of coherence, as opposed to Vietnam where there was just random flashes of experiences without giving themselves permission, or without society, in many ways, giving them the permission to open up and to create a story out of it that they could hand, they could grasp.
The work of Pennebaker to a great extent relies on the work of a psychologist who we mentioned on the very first day of class. And that is Aaron Antonovsky.