And the study was run as follow: these men were told that the study was about taking certain test
and they were invited into the equivalent of William James Hall,
and they were told "unfortunately we were running behind, so you have to wait.
You have to wait until the study actually takes place. In the mean time, you know here is a waiting room and there are other people waiting for the same test.
And we'll come and get you. It may take a while. Sorry. We'll pay you for it for the time you have to wait extra.
So they ended up waiting in a waiting room. And with them was waiting another person.
A female, who unbeknownst to them was actually a confederate, was actually a part of the study.

But they thought she was just like them, waiting, also waiting in line for the study to take place.
So they were sitting there for 12 minutes with a woman, whose instruction was to strike up a conversation with this shy heterosexual man,
and to express a lot of interest and excitement about what they were saying.
So they were listening and they were asking questions. "Wow." "Really?" They were laughing at what they were saying for 12 minutes.
And then, that, the woman went into the experiment or so they thought. Another woman comes in.
Again, for 12 minutes, she sits down with the shy heterosexual man and seems very interested and laughs at what he has to say, and asks questions.
And so on and so... for 12 minutes. And the next woman comes in, as she goes into the experiment. And so on. Six times.