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来源:可可英语 编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • She had to call on strength she didn't know she had. "I told everyone, 'Keep the kids away,' " she recalls of spending time alone with him before the paramedics arrived.
  • 她必须依靠自己,以前她不知道自己有这么大的力量。“我对每个人说,‘别让孩子们进来’,”她回忆起在医护人员赶到之前和他独处的时光。
  • "It was hard, but I have to tell you, he gave all that he had to me, and I felt free because it was so hard for him. He didn't want me to see him like that, bathing him, feeding him. For him it was over."
  • “这很难,但我必须告诉你,他把他所拥有的一切都给了我,我感到自由,因为这对他来说太艰难了。他不想让我看到他那样,给他洗澡,喂饭。对他来说,一切都结束了。”
  • For Dion it was a sad but new beginning. She says he's still with her. "I see him every day through the eyes of my kids."
  • 对迪翁来说,这是一个悲伤而又崭新的开始。她说他还和她在一起。“我每天都通过孩子们的眼睛看到他。”
  • Yet comforting her three boys was another hurdle: "To bring my children to understand 'Don't look for Dad,' that made me really strong."
  • 然而,安慰她的三个儿子是另一个障碍:“让我的孩子明白‘不要找爸爸’,这让我真的很坚强。”
  • The onslaught of tragedy (she also lost her brother to cancer two days after Angélil died) forced Dion to grow in all aspects of her life.
  • 悲剧的冲击(她的兄弟因癌症去世两天后,安吉利尔去世)迫使迪翁成长在她生活的各个方面。
  • "Suddenly I'm having to make the decisions," she says of taking control of her personal life and her multimillion-dollar career.
  • “突然间,我不得不做出决定,”她在谈到如何掌控自己的个人生活和数百万美元的职业生涯时说。
  • "All my life I've had so much protection. I'm the 14th child of a family. I had a big army," she explains.
  • “在我的一生中,我得到了如此多的保护。我是家里的第14个孩子。我有一支庞大的军队,”她解释道。
  • Thrust into stardom at such a young age, "I never had time to think about what I wanted to do with my life. It just happened." But she's proud to say, "I'm the boss now."
  • 在如此年轻的时候,就被推入了明星圈,“我从来没有时间去思考我的人生想要做什么。它就这样发生了。”但她很自豪地说:“我现在是老板了。”
  • When it comes to the boss's employees, Dion isn't shy about revealing a soft spot for her dancer, stylist and close friend Pepe Munoz.
  • 谈到老板的员工,迪翁并不羞于向她的舞蹈演员、造型师和密友佩佩·穆奥兹(Pepe Munoz)展示自己的柔情。
  • She and the 34-year-old from Spain have been inseparable since he joined her show two years ago, and while she's shot down romance rumors, she does credit him with helping her feel and look as good as she does.
  • 自从两年前他加入她的节目以来,她和这位34岁的西班牙人就形影不离。虽然她否认了有关恋情的传言,但她确实认为他帮助她感觉良好,形象得体。
  • "He's a dancer, but he's got many, many more talents," she says. In addition to helping revamp her style over the past two years, Munoz spends multiple nights a week helping train Dion in ballet technique.
  • 她说:“他是一个舞者,但他有更多、更多的天赋。”除了在过去的两年里帮助改变她的风格,穆奥兹每周花几个晚上帮助迪翁训练芭蕾舞技巧。
  • "Dancing has been in my DNA all my life," says the star, who dreamed of becoming a ballerina before her singing career took off.
  • “我的一生都在跳舞,”这位歌手说。在她的歌唱事业起飞之前,她曾梦想成为一名芭蕾舞演员。
  • Taking it up now, "it's a dream. And so hard!" It's also transformed her physique, though some online critics took her to task for her slimmed-down frame.
  • 进行到现在,“这是一个梦。所以辛苦!”这也改变了她的体型,尽管一些网上的评论家批评她过于苗条的身材。
  • "I do this four times a week," Dion says of ballet. "People say, 'She's a lot thinner,' but I'm working hard. I like to move, and weight loss comes with it."
  • “我一周跳四次,”迪翁说到芭蕾。“人们说,‘她瘦多了’,但我很努力。我喜欢运动,减肥也随之而来。”
  • At this stage in her life she has no time for bullies. "As a young kid I never really felt confident beauty-wise," she reveals.
  • 在她人生的这个阶段,她没有时间欺负人。“作为一个年轻的孩子,我从来没有能真正感到自信的美丽智慧,”她透露。
  • "Having problems with my teeth, being very, very skinny, being bullied at school, I can go on and on."
  • “我的牙齿有问题,非常非常瘦,在学校被欺负,我可以一直这样下去。”
  • It's partly why the offer from L'Oréal—whose spokeswomen boast, "I'm worth it"—came as such a surprise to Dion, though she says she feels more "worth it" than ever before.
  • 这也是为什么欧莱雅——其女发言人自豪地说,“我值得”——的邀请让迪翁如此吃惊的部分原因,尽管她说她觉得比以往任何时候都“值得”。
  • "I would not go back," Dion says of her younger days. "Twenties, 30s and all that, it was wonderful, but I'm here. I've never felt this in charge."
  • “我不会回去的,”迪翁说她年轻的日子。“20多岁、30多岁等等,那一切都很美好,但我到了这里。我从来没有觉得这是可以控制的。”
  • In the next few months the singer will say goodbye to her Vegas show and hello to a new album and tour.
  • 在接下来的几个月里,这位歌手将告别她在拉斯维加斯的节目,开始新专辑和巡演。
  • Focusing on her growing kids, music and just enjoying life, "I'm not going back in time," she says. "I'm going forward, honey, I'm going forward."
  • 她专注于她正在成长的孩子,音乐和享受生活,“我不会回到过去,”她说。“我要前进,亲爱的,我要前进。”


She had to call on strength she didn't know she had. "I told everyone, 'Keep the kids away,' " she recalls of spending time alone with him before the paramedics arrived.


"It was hard, but I have to tell you, he gave all that he had to me, and I felt free because it was so hard for him. He didn't want me to see him like that, bathing him, feeding him. For him it was over."



For Dion it was a sad but new beginning. She says he's still with her. "I see him every day through the eyes of my kids."


Yet comforting her three boys was another hurdle: "To bring my children to understand 'Don't look for Dad,' that made me really strong."


The onslaught of tragedy (she also lost her brother to cancer two days after Angélil died) forced Dion to grow in all aspects of her life.


"Suddenly I'm having to make the decisions," she says of taking control of her personal life and her multimillion-dollar career.


"All my life I've had so much protection. I'm the 14th child of a family. I had a big army," she explains.


Thrust into stardom at such a young age, "I never had time to think about what I wanted to do with my life. It just happened." But she's proud to say, "I'm the boss now."


When it comes to the boss's employees, Dion isn't shy about revealing a soft spot for her dancer, stylist and close friend Pepe Munoz.

谈到老板的员工,迪翁并不羞于向她的舞蹈演员、造型师和密友佩佩·穆奥兹(Pepe Munoz)展示自己的柔情。

She and the 34-year-old from Spain have been inseparable since he joined her show two years ago, and while she's shot down romance rumors, she does credit him with helping her feel and look as good as she does.


"He's a dancer, but he's got many, many more talents," she says. In addition to helping revamp her style over the past two years, Munoz spends multiple nights a week helping train Dion in ballet technique.


"Dancing has been in my DNA all my life," says the star, who dreamed of becoming a ballerina before her singing career took off.


Taking it up now, "it's a dream. And so hard!" It's also transformed her physique, though some online critics took her to task for her slimmed-down frame.


"I do this four times a week," Dion says of ballet. "People say, 'She's a lot thinner,' but I'm working hard. I like to move, and weight loss comes with it."


At this stage in her life she has no time for bullies. "As a young kid I never really felt confident beauty-wise," she reveals.


"Having problems with my teeth, being very, very skinny, being bullied at school, I can go on and on."


It's partly why the offer from L'Oréalwhose spokeswomen boast, "I'm worth it"—came as such a surprise to Dion, though she says she feels more "worth it" than ever before.


"I would not go back," Dion says of her younger days. "Twenties, 30s and all that, it was wonderful, but I'm here. I've never felt this in charge."


In the next few months the singer will say goodbye to her Vegas show and hello to a new album and tour.


Focusing on her growing kids, music and just enjoying life, "I'm not going back in time," she says. "I'm going forward, honey, I'm going forward."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
revealing [ri'vi:liŋ]


adj. 有启迪作用的,透露内情的,袒露身体的 动词re

boast [bəust]


v. 吹牛,自夸,说大话
n. 自吹自擂,自夸

ballet ['bælei]


n. 芭蕾舞

intend [in'tend]


vt. 想要,计划,打算,意指

technique [tek'ni:k]


n. 技术,技巧,技能

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

thrust [θrʌst]


n. 推力,刺,力推
v. 插入,推挤,刺

credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

protection [prə'tekʃən]


n. 保护,防卫





