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来源:可可英语 编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A Shocking Survival Story: My ex tried to kill me twice
  • 令人震惊的生存故事:我的前任两次想杀我
  • Tiffany Mead survived her husband's brutal attack—and still wasn't safe. Now she wants others to know they can escape
  • 蒂芙尼·米德从她丈夫的野蛮袭击中幸存下来,但仍然不安全。现在她想让其他人知道他们可以逃脱
  • With one hand on the steering wheel of her purple PT Cruiser and her other hand wrapped around her throat in an attempt to slow down the bleeding, Tiffany Mead's only goal was to survive.
  • 蒂芙尼·米德一只手握着她那辆紫色PT漫步者的方向盘,另一只手按着她的喉咙,试图减缓流血,她唯一的目标就是活下来。
  • Her estranged husband Kris Ertmann had slit her throat and was now sitting in the passenger seat, forcing her to drive through the winding roads north of Salt Lake City while the blood poured down her chest and pooled beneath her car seat.
  • 她分居的丈夫克里斯·厄特曼(Kris Ertmann)割断了她的喉咙,现在坐在副驾驶座位上,迫使她在盐湖城北部蜿蜒的道路上行驶,血液顺着她的胸部流了下来,在她的车座下淤积。
  • "You could hear it. Drip. Drip. Drip," she says. She glanced at their youngest son, Noah, then 2, sitting quietly in the back seat and vowed to stay strong.
  • “你能听到。滴。滴。滴,”她说。她瞥了一眼他们最小的儿子,诺亚,当时只有两岁,静静地坐在后座上,她发誓要坚强。
  • "I didn't scream because I didn't want the last thing Noah remembered of his mom was her screaming the night she was murdered."
  • “我没有尖叫,因为我不想让诺亚想起他妈妈的最后一件事,就是她被谋杀当晚的尖叫。”
  • Eventually Ertmann allowed Mead to call 911 as long as she agreed to reconcile with him and tell dispatchers that she had tried to kill herself.
  • 最终,厄特曼允许米德拨打911,只要她同意与他和解,并告诉调度员她曾试图自杀。
  • When she later told first responders the real story—that Ertmann had attacked her when she met with him to discuss child support for Noah and their other son Wyatt, 3—Ertmann was charged with attempted murder.
  • 当她后来告诉急救人员真实的故事时——当她和厄特曼见面讨论诺亚和他们的另一个儿子,3岁的怀亚特的抚养费时,厄特曼攻击了她,厄特曼被控蓄意谋杀。
  • "I felt relieved," she says of that night in July 2013. "I thought, 'If I'm not safe while Kris was in jail, I'm never going to be safe again.' "
  • “我感到如释重负,”她谈到2013年7月的那个晚上时说。“我想,'如果克里丝在监狱里的时候我不安全,我就再也不会安全了。’”
  • It would turn out to be an eerie premonition. Ertmann's determination to kill Mead is featured in an upcoming episode of Oxygen's new true-crime series Murder for Hire, premiering April 7.
  • 这是一个可怕的预兆。在即将于4月7日首播的氧气真人犯罪新剧《谋杀出租》(Murder for Hire)中,埃尔特曼决心杀死米德将成为其中的一个亮点。
  • Despite being behind bars, Ertmann, now 31, would persuade a fellow inmate to pose as a friend of Mead and write a letter to a judge claiming Mead actually had tried to kill herself.
  • 尽管身陷囹圄,现年31岁的厄特曼还是会说服一名狱友冒充米德的朋友,并写信给一名法官,声称米德实际上曾试图自杀。
  • Even after that ploy was uncovered, Ertmann was relentless, trying to hire multiple people, including an undercover police officer, to carry out a hit on his ex-wife.
  • 即使在这一阴谋被揭露之后,厄特曼依然毫不留情,试图雇佣包括一名便衣警察在内的多人对他的前妻实施袭击。
  • In 2014 Ertmann pleaded no contest to one count of criminal solicitation to commit aggravated murder and one count of aggravated assault.
  • 2014年,埃尔特曼对两项指控均未提出抗辩,一项指控是涉嫌严重谋杀,另一项指控是严重攻击。
  • "I'd never seen anything like this," says Davis County sheriff department captain Jennifer Daley. "Tiffany is a shining example of somebody who can survive the unthinkable."
  • “我从来没有见过这样的事情,”戴维斯县治安部门队长詹妮弗·戴利说。“蒂芙尼是一个光辉的例子,说明一些人可以在无法想象的情况下生存下来。”
  • Today, Mead, 28, gets strength from her sons Noah and Wyatt, 8 and 9, and her new husband, Matt, who calls her Wonder Woman for her "superhero" bravery.
  • 如今,28岁的米德从她8岁和9岁的儿子诺亚(Noah)和怀亚特(Wyatt),以及她的新婚丈夫马特(Matt)那里获得了力量。马特称她为神奇女侠(Wonder Woman),因为她有“超级英雄”般的勇气。
  • "She is so resilient and so strong," he says, though he admits he knows she still struggles.
  • 他说:“她很坚强,很有韧性。”不过他承认,他知道她仍然在挣扎。
  • "The healing process is very much ongoing." Sometimes, Mead says, she is hit with new fears as she looks back on what she endured at the hands of her ex.
  • “治疗过程正在进行中。”米德说,有时候,当她回顾她在前任手下所承受的痛苦时,她会产生新的恐惧。
  • "I'm mad at Kris that he thought the only thing he could do was kill me," she says. "He just couldn't let it go. People break up all the time, and most of those people don't go and kill each other because they can't give it up."
  • “我很生克里丝的气,他以为他唯一能做的就是杀了我,”她说。“他就是无法释怀。人们都会分手,但大多数人不会因为无法放弃而去自相残杀。”
  • She hasn't yet decided how much of the story she will share with her sons, who she says haven't yet asked much about the scar that is her constant reminder of that horrific night.
  • 她还没有决定要和儿子们分享多少故事,她说儿子们还没有问她关于伤疤的问题,那是让她不断想起那个可怕夜晚的伤疤。
  • "If I could wear turtlenecks every day, I probably would," Mead says.
  • 米德说:“如果我能每天穿高领毛衣,我很可能就会想起来。”
  • "Every time people ask me what happened, I don't know what to say. People want to believe that stuff like this doesn't happen, but it does."
  • “每次人们问我发生了什么事,我都不知道该说什么。人们希望相信这样的事情不会发生,但它确实发生了。”
  • It's a truth she wants women everywhere to understand, along with the fact that there is help out there.
  • 她希望世界各地的女性都能理解这一事实,同时也希望能得到帮助。
  • "I want people to realize they can leave a violent relationship," she says. "I want them to know this can happen to anyone."
  • “我希望人们意识到,他们可以离开一段暴力的关系,”她说。“我想让他们知道,这可能发生在任何人身上。”


A Shocking Survival Story: My ex tried to kill me twice


Tiffany Mead survived her husband's brutal attackand still wasn't safe. Now she wants others to know they can escape


With one hand on the steering wheel of her purple PT Cruiser and her other hand wrapped around her throat in an attempt to slow down the bleeding, Tiffany Mead's only goal was to survive.


Her estranged husband Kris Ertmann had slit her throat and was now sitting in the passenger seat, forcing her to drive through the winding roads north of Salt Lake City while the blood poured down her chest and pooled beneath her car seat.

她分居的丈夫克里斯·厄特曼(Kris Ertmann)割断了她的喉咙,现在坐在副驾驶座位上,迫使她在盐湖城北部蜿蜒的道路上行驶,血液顺着她的胸部流了下来,在她的车座下淤积。

"You could hear it. Drip. Drip. Drip," she says. She glanced at their youngest son, Noah, then 2, sitting quietly in the back seat and vowed to stay strong.


"I didn't scream because I didn't want the last thing Noah remembered of his mom was her screaming the night she was murdered."


Eventually Ertmann allowed Mead to call 911 as long as she agreed to reconcile with him and tell dispatchers that she had tried to kill herself.



When she later told first responders the real storythat Ertmann had attacked her when she met with him to discuss child support for Noah and their other son Wyatt, 3—Ertmann was charged with attempted murder.


"I felt relieved," she says of that night in July 2013. "I thought, 'If I'm not safe while Kris was in jail, I'm never going to be safe again.' "


It would turn out to be an eerie premonition. Ertmann's determination to kill Mead is featured in an upcoming episode of Oxygen's new true-crime series Murder for Hire, premiering April 7.

这是一个可怕的预兆。在即将于4月7日首播的氧气真人犯罪新剧《谋杀出租》(Murder for Hire)中,埃尔特曼决心杀死米德将成为其中的一个亮点。

Despite being behind bars, Ertmann, now 31, would persuade a fellow inmate to pose as a friend of Mead and write a letter to a judge claiming Mead actually had tried to kill herself.


Even after that ploy was uncovered, Ertmann was relentless, trying to hire multiple people, including an undercover police officer, to carry out a hit on his ex-wife.


In 2014 Ertmann pleaded no contest to one count of criminal solicitation to commit aggravated murder and one count of aggravated assault.


"I'd never seen anything like this," says Davis County sheriff department captain Jennifer Daley. "Tiffany is a shining example of somebody who can survive the unthinkable."


Today, Mead, 28, gets strength from her sons Noah and Wyatt, 8 and 9, and her new husband, Matt, who calls her Wonder Woman for her "superhero" bravery.

如今,28岁的米德从她8岁和9岁的儿子诺亚(Noah)和怀亚特(Wyatt),以及她的新婚丈夫马特(Matt)那里获得了力量。马特称她为神奇女侠(Wonder Woman),因为她有“超级英雄”般的勇气。

"She is so resilient and so strong," he says, though he admits he knows she still struggles.


"The healing process is very much ongoing." Sometimes, Mead says, she is hit with new fears as she looks back on what she endured at the hands of her ex.


"I'm mad at Kris that he thought the only thing he could do was kill me," she says. "He just couldn't let it go. People break up all the time, and most of those people don't go and kill each other because they can't give it up."


She hasn't yet decided how much of the story she will share with her sons, who she says haven't yet asked much about the scar that is her constant reminder of that horrific night.


"If I could wear turtlenecks every day, I probably would," Mead says.


"Every time people ask me what happened, I don't know what to say. People want to believe that stuff like this doesn't happen, but it does."


It's a truth she wants women everywhere to understand, along with the fact that there is help out there.


"I want people to realize they can leave a violent relationship," she says. "I want them to know this can happen to anyone."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
persuade [pə'sweid]


vt. 说服,劝说

determination [di.tə:mi'neiʃən]


n. (正式)决定,规定,决心,测定,定位

bleeding ['bli:diŋ]


n. 出血;渗色 adj. 流血的;同情的 v. 出血;

relentless [ri'lentlis]


adj. 无情的,冷酷的,残酷的

multiple ['mʌltipl]


adj. 许多,多种多样的
n. 倍数,并联

resilient [ri'ziliənt]


adj. 适应力强的,有弹力的

reconcile ['rekənsail]


vt. 和解,调和,妥协
vi. 调和

criminal ['kriminl]


adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的
n. 罪犯

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

bravery ['breivəri]


n. 勇敢





