Carlos Ghosn announced a forthcoming press conference “to tell the truth”, presumably about the charges he faces for financial misconduct at Nissan. He was rearrested soon after in Tokyo on a new indictment and is expected to spend at least three weeks in jail. Mr Ghosn described this latest move by prosecutors as “outrageous and arbitrary”.
卡洛斯·戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)宣布即将召开一场新闻发布会,“吐露真相”,可能是关于其在日产汽车(Nissan)面临的财务不当行为的指控。不久之后,他因一项新指控再次被东京方面逮捕,并将面临至少三周的监禁。戈恩称,检察官的这一最新举动“令人愤慨、独断专行”。
Wells Fargo started the search for a new chief executive, after the abrupt resignation of Tim Sloan. Mr Sloan gave what many considered to be a poor performance in front of a congressional panel recently, when he was hauled in to explain what was described as a “pattern of consumer abuses” at the bank. Wells Fargo wants to replace him with someone from outside the firm.
Tim Sloan)突然辞职后,富国银行(
Wells Fargo)开始物色新的首席执行官。最近在一个国会小组面前,斯隆糟糕的表现让很多人大失所望,当时他被要求解释该行被曝光的“滥用消费者的模式”。富国银行打算聘请外部人员接替他的职位。

The IHS Markit British manufacturing index for March recorded by far the biggest jump in firms’ inventories over the survey’s 27 years, as companies stockpiled goods and components ahead of Brexit.
IHS Markit英国3月制造业指数创下该调查27年来企业库存增幅最大的纪录,因企业在英国脱欧前囤积了大量商品和零部件。
India’s Supreme Court ruled that the Reserve Bank of India had overstepped its mark when directing banks to declare a default when a company defers loan payments, and force the company into bankruptcy if it does not resolve its debt position within 180 days. The court found that the central bank could intervene on individual corporate defaults but could not undertake such a sweeping action. It is a big blow to the rbi’s effort to rein in India’s corporate debt.
This year’s flavour
新潮流 新风向
Burger King started selling a plant-based version of the Whopper. The veggie burger, being rolled out at its stores in St Louis, is made by Impossible Foods, a Silicon Valley startup that is at the forefront of the flowering plant-based foods industry. The Impossible Whopper imitates the taste of meat by using heme, an iron-rich protein, extracted from soyabean roots and mixed with other vegetable ingredients.
汉堡王开始销售植物肉的巨无霸汉堡。这款素食汉堡由硅谷初创企业Impossible Foods生产,目前正在圣路易斯的门店中推出。Impossible Foods处于风头正盛的植物食品行业的前沿。该公司的“巨无霸”通过使用从大豆根中提取富含铁的蛋白质血红素并与其他蔬菜成分混合来模仿肉类的味道。
Global recorded-music sales grew by nearly 10% last year, according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. Although revenues from digital downloads have fallen even faster than those from physical forms of music, such as vinyl albums, over the past five years, streamed music has surged. Nearly half of global sales now come from streaming, reversing an industry decline since 2001 that hit a trough in 2014. Music sales are still performing worse, however, than in the early noughties. The top three global music acts last year were Drake, bts (a South Korean boy band) and Ed Sheeran. Queen were the sixth-bestselling act, boosted by the film “Bohemian Rhapsody”.
Ed Sheeran)。受电影《波希米亚狂想曲》的影响,皇后乐队在最畅销艺人榜单排名第六。