BuzzFeed reports that during a heated exchange on Fox &Friends, a former deputy campaign manager for President Donald Trump told a black guest on the show that he was "out of his cotton-picking mind."
BuzzFeed报道,在与Fox &Friends的激烈交锋中,唐纳德·特朗普前副竞选经理在节目中对一位黑人嘉宾说,他“脑子有病”。(“cotton-picking”起源于南北战争前南方种植园主对黑人奴隶的称呼。当时,黑人奴隶主要工作就是帮助庄园主们采摘棉花。因此,这带着非常强烈的贬义。)
David Bossie is Trump's former deputy campaign manager.

He and Joel Payne, a Democratic strategist, were having a debate moderated by Fox News host Edie Henry.
The debate concerned the imagery and rhetoric used during the immigration debate.
Referencing a photo posted by the former NSA and CIA director to critique the White House policy that separated families at the border,
those he said, "Michael Hayden posted a picture of Auschwitz."
Payne said in response, "Yeah, that liberal Michael Hayden. Yeah that screaming liberal Michael Hayden."
Then Bossie told Hayden: "You're out of your cotton-picking mind."