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《酷刑,法律与战争》公开课 >
- Anyway after 5 years of working with him, I got a call on a Saturday morning from him,
- 和他合作5年后,在周六早上,我接到他的电话
- he spoke very little English but he called at home and asked me if he would come to his wedding that day
- 他会的英语不多,他是从家里打过来的他问我那天能不能去他的婚礼
- because um, his marriage was a common law one and in order to give his wife more security being in this country,
- 因为他的婚姻根据不成文法建立的为了在这个国家给他妻子更多的安全感
- he wanted her to um be legally his wife.
- 他想要她在法律上成为他的妻子
- I wasn't able to do it that day because I was busy and I was a little surprised by it too,
- 我那天没法去,我太忙了我也有点惊讶
- um and I told him I couldn't make it but then he said to me "Well what about the party tomorrow? The party's at my house."
- 我告诉他,我去不了然后他对我说:"那明天的派对呢?派对是在我家举行的"
- And I wasn't busy for that and so I went to that
- 我那天没事所以我就去了
- but in a therapeutic frame especially I was on the er states ethics committee and
- 在治疗的框架内,特别是我还在国家伦理委员会工作
- so some of these extracurricular roles can have consequences and affect treatment
- 这些正常见面以外的互动可能会产生后果,影响治疗
- and with the cross cultural aspects here
- 而且我们还有跨文化交流的问题
- I really wasn't sure er what would happen so I went to the party and everyone there was um,
- 我真的不知道会发生什么我去了派对,那里的所有人
- every time I tell this I stumble on this part that everybody there was short and dark and
- 每次说到这点,我都会很困惑所有人都又小又黑
- I was tall and white and so I really felt like I was out of place and everybody there was speaking another language
- 而我又高又白我真的觉得自己走错地方了每个人都说的是另一种语言
- and the only people that I could relate to were the kids that I knew and they were very cool.
- 我唯一能够沟通的人就是他的孩子他们也对我爱理不理
- And so I stayed there about a half an hour, forty minutes,
- 所以我待上了半小时40分钟左右吧
- I'm not real good in those situations anyway,
- 我真的无法很好地处理这种情形
- I left and I felt a good sense of relief when I left and I didn't think much of it.
- 我离开了,在我走的时候我有种解脱之感我也没有多想
- That was on Sunday that I went to that.
- 我是周日去的
- Three days later we met as we had been doing for 5 years on Wednesday.
- 三天之后,我们和5年来一样在周三见面
- On Wednesday then sitting there he started to rub his legs
- 周三,我们坐在那里,他开始搓腿
- and he had talked before about the factory job as being difficult on him because he was on his feet all day long
- 他之前说过在工厂工作的经历那对他来说很艰辛因为他要站上一整天
- and it was cold in the factory and his legs bothered, and so when he rubbed his legs,
- 工厂里很冷,他的腿受不了所以他搓腿
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201702/490616.shtml