adj. 热带的,炎热的,热带植物的
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- Cheetahs are getting dangerously close to becoming extinct.
- 猎豹正危险性地越来越接近灭绝。
- According to a new report, cheetahs have been driven out of 91 percent of their historical habitat. Only about 7,000 of the majestic, speedy cats are left in the wild.
- 据最新报道,猎豹已经被赶出它们百分之91的历史栖息地。在野外,矫健而敏捷的猎豹只有约7,000头。
- Cheetahs are currently listed as a "vulnerable" species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's red list.
- 猎豹目前被国际自然保护联盟红色名单列为易危物种。
- But the new report says the cats should be upgraded to the more urgent "endangered" classification as soon as possible because their numbers are dramatically declining.
- 但新的报告指出,猎豹应该尽快升级到更为紧迫的“濒危”类别,因为它们的数量急剧下降。
- The main threats cheetahs face are human-related: conflict with human populations, overhunting, habitat loss and illegal trafficking.
- 猎豹面对的主要威胁与人类有关,与人类群体的冲突,过度捕猎,栖息地丧失和非法贩运。
- And they encounter these dangerous situations both in and out of conservation areas.
- 在保护区内外他们都遇到这些危险的情况。
- Scientists say because cheetahs can adapt and thrive outside of protected areas, they could bounce back.
- 科学家表示,因为猎豹能够在保护区外适应和兴旺,它们能够复原。
- But they need some major conservation efforts put into place.
- 但需要一些重大的保护努力付诸行动。


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