n. 通知,发表,宣布
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- Thousands of Cubans will soon have internet access in their homes for the first time.
- 数千个古巴家庭将很快在家里首次接入互联网。
- The Cuban government announced the country's state-owned telecommunications company will install internet in about 2,000 homes in Havana.
- 古巴政府宣布,该国国有电信公司为哈瓦那约2,000户家庭安装互联网。
- Those homes will be online for two months. And, if all goes well, authorities say the trial could be extended.
- 这些家庭将两个月在线。而且如果一切顺利,当局表示试验可以延长。
- This is a big step for Cuba, which has one of the lowest online connectivity rates in the world.
- 这是古巴的一大步,它拥有世界上最低的网络连接率。
- Until now, only top officials and certain professionals could get internet access in their homes,mostly because the infrastructure was lacking.
- 到现在为止,只有高层官员和某些专业人士可以在他们家里上网,主要是因为缺乏基础设施。
- Everyone else has relied on public Wi-Fi hot spots or cybercafes to get online.
- 其他所有人依靠公共Wi-Fi热点或网吧上网。
- Monday's announcement comes about a week after Cuba inked a deal with Google to speed up local access to its services.
- 周一宣布的约前一周,古巴与谷歌签署了一项协议加快当地访问其服务。


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