The point is, to a certain extent as we get into Chapter 3
关键是 在某种程度上我们将进入第三章的学习
Is that youth is thoughtless
You're too selfish, not you personally
你太自私了 不是当面讲出来的
But one is too self- absorbed to be thoughtful
Kay, a kind of for a rare instance here is the one in Chapter 3

Who asked a lot of questions and wants to know more about Morgause, her family, this whole king
她问很多的问题并且永远想知道更多关于摩高斯 她的家人 这个国家的国王
and they throw some terms out here that are really confusing
Lot, she's married to King Lot and so Morgause is a queen of Lothian
Lot 她嫁给了国王Lot 而摩高斯是洛锡安的女王
But they also talk about Orkney, the Orkney faction those are all the same people, all the same people
他们都在说奥克尼 奥克尼派 都是相同的人 所有都是一样的人 所以
so who knows and keep popping up, don't let that bother you
都知道且保持着激情的迸发 别让那烦恼你了
They talked, Merlyn talked about the people a way against Arthur
他们聊着 梅林说着人们反抗亚瑟王的一种方式
And why they are against him and one of the curious things is while Kay asks these questions obviously what the author wants to talk about,
和为什么他们会反抗他以及其他有疑惑的事情 凯问的这些问题非常明显
Kay is bored with the answers
作者想要谈论 但是凯觉得答案非常无聊
It was like, okay enough, I heard enough
这就好像 好了够了 我已经听够了
I really don't want this much information