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- The moon is going to look pretty spectacular on Nov. 14. Spectacularly big, that is.
- 11月14日的月亮看起来很壮观。确实非常大。
- It's because the full moon will appear as much as 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter that Monday night, making it a supermoon.
- 这是因为周一晚上的满月看起来比平常大百分之14,亮百分之30,使其成为超级月亮。
- A supermoon occurs when a full moon or a new moon is closest to Earth while orbiting it.
- 当满月或新月最接近地球时就出现超级月亮。
- This impressive sight occurs about four to six times each year.
- 这一令人印象深刻的景象每年大约发生四到六次。
- But this month's supermoon is especially notable because it's the closest a full moon has come to Earth in the last 68 years.
- 但这个月的超级月亮尤其引人注目,因为这是过去68年来满月最接近地球的一次。
- And it will be another 18 years before the full moon gets that close again.
- 等到下次满月如此接近要18年。
- The last supermoon of 2016 will occur on Dec. 14 and will coincidentally block the view of the annual Geminid meteor shower.
- 2016年最后一次超级月亮将出现12月14日,恰巧挡住观看每年的双子座流星雨。


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