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- A new World Wildlife Fund report says wildlife populations have declined by 58 percent since 1970.
- 一份新的世界野生动物基金会报告称,自1970以来野生动物的数量减少了百分之58。
- Based on the current data, Living Planet projects that the loss in wildlife population could reach two-thirds of the 1970 levels by 2020.
- 根据目前的数据,《生命行星》称到2020年野生动物数量比1970年减少三分之二。
- Poaching, overfishing, and of course climate change are contributing to the loss of wildlife.
- 偷猎、过度捕捞以及气候变化是导致野生动物下降的原因。
- However, there's still not a consensus on how to address climate change, and some people can't even accept it as a reality.
- 然而,就如何应对气候变化仍然没有达成共识,有些人甚至不能接受这个现实。
- Exploitation of fresh water sources and increasing rates of pollution are also having negative impacts on animal populations.
- 对淡水资源的开发以及污染率的增加同样对动物数量产生负面影响。
A new World Wildlife Fund report says wildlife populations have declined by 58 percent since 1970.
Based on the current data, Living Planet projects that the loss in wildlife population could reach two-thirds of the 1970 levels by 2020.
Poaching, overfishing, and of course climate change are contributing to the loss of wildlife.

However, there’s still not a consensus on how to address climate change, and some people can't even accept it as a reality.
Exploitation of fresh water sources and increasing rates of pollution are also having negative impacts on animal populations.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201610/474933.shtml