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- And I'm sure there's some parents out there who can relate to what I'm talking about.
- 我相信 台下有一些家长他们能理解我的意思
- Yeah. Hmm, everybody upstairs And there were other good reasons for me to show up.
- 没错 就是上排那些人我来这里的原因不止这个
- Sure, I got an Academy Award but I never had something called Magic Meatball.
- 诚然 我获得过奥斯卡金像奖但我还没在餐车前排队等候半个小时后
- After waiting in line for half an hour at a food truck Yes, i've talked face-to-face with President Obama.
- 品尝 魔法狮子头 的味道诚然 我曾和奥巴马总统面对面交流过
- But I never met a guy named Kweder who sings bad cover songs at Smokes on a Tuesday night.
- 但从没跟一个叫Kweder的家伙说过话他星期二会在Smokes那里高唱不良歌曲
- I've never been an Bui's i've never been an Hemo's.
- 我从来不是Bui成员也没成为Himo派
- Yes, I have played a detective battling demons but i've never been to a school in my life.
- 诚然 我扮演过与恶魔斗争的侦探但是我从来没有去过一所学校
- Where the squirrel population has gone bananas I mean they break into the dorm rooms.
- 那里的松鼠群体已经完全失控闯进学生宿舍
- They walked around the campus I think I saw some carrying books on the way to class.
- 畅游于校园我还看到有些松鼠拿着书本去上课了
- So I had to be here. I had to come even though I was afraid I might make a fool of myself.
- 所以我今天一定要来 我必须来尽管我害怕自己会出洋相
- In fact, if you really want to know the truth I had to come exactly because...
- 其实 如果你们真的想知道真相正是因为我有可能出洋相……
- I had to come exactly because I might make a fool of myself You know what am I talking about?.
- 正是因为我有可能出洋相 所以我才一定要来我为什么这么说呢?

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201610/473706.shtml