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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • And you dress me up in army fatigues or throw me on top of a moving train.
  • 你们可以让我穿上陆军迷彩服或是让我跳上飞奔的火车
  • Someone said unstoppable or.. Ask me to play Malcolm X, Rubin Hurricane Carter.
  • 有人刚才说过这个让我扮演马尔科姆.艾克斯 或是鲁宾.卡特
  • Or Alonzo from Training Day. I can do that But a commencement speech? It's a very serious affair.
  • 或是《训练日》里面的阿伦佐 这都没问题但是毕业典礼呢?这是非常郑重的活动
  • And a very different ballgame There's literally thousands and thousands of people here.
  • 和以往参加的活动大有不同台下坐着成千上万的听众
  • And for those who say Well, you're a movie star, millions of people watch you.
  • 有人会说你可是电影明星哦 无数的人都看着你
  • And watch you speak all the time Oh, that's true. That's technically true.
  • 无数人看着你讲话没错 严格意义上讲 这话不假
  • But I'm not actually there in the theater watching them watching me. I think that make sense.
  • 但我从没坐在电影院里看着台下的观众在看我 我觉得是这个道理
  • I mean I'm not there when they cough, or fidget around or pull out their iphone and text their boyfriend.
  • 我是说 当他们咳嗽或烦躁的时候或是掏出iPhone给男友发短信的时候
  • Or scratch their behinds, or whatever is it known when in the movie theater.
  • 或是在找挠后背之类的就是在电影院里常坐的事情
  • But from up here, I can see every single one of you And that makes me uncomfortable.
  • 但在这里 我可以看到你们每一个人这让我感觉怪怪的
  • So please, don't pull out your iphones and texts no texts to your boyfriend until after I'm done, please.
  • 所以拜托大家 不要掏出手机发短信不要给男友发短信 直到我讲话结束 拜托了
  • But if you have to scratch your behinds, I mean I understand, go ahead.
  • 但如果你要挠挠后背的话我能理解 请便吧
  • I was thinking about the speech, what I should say I figured the best way to keep your attention.
  • 我曾思考着 要来这里讲些什么我觉得 如果要让你们专心听我说话


And you dress me up in army fatigues or throw me on top of a moving train.


Someone said unstoppable or.. Ask me to play Malcolm X, Rubin Hurricane Carter.

有人刚才说过这个让我扮演马尔科姆.艾克斯 或是鲁宾.卡特

Or Alonzo from Training Day. I can do that But a commencement speech? It's a very serious affair.

或是《训练日》里面的阿伦佐 这都没问题但是毕业典礼呢?这是非常郑重的活动

And a very different ballgame There's literally thousands and thousands of people here.


And for those who say Well, you're a movie star, millions of people watch you.

有人会说你可是电影明星哦 无数的人都看着你

And watch you speak all the time Oh, that's true. That's technically true.

无数人看着你讲话没错 严格意义上讲 这话不假

But I'm not actually there in the theater watching them watching me. I think that make sense.

但我从没坐在电影院里看着台下的观众在看我 我觉得是这个道理

I mean I'm not there when they cough, or fidget around or pull out their iphone and text their boyfriend.

我是说 当他们咳嗽或烦躁的时候或是掏出iPhone给男友发短信的时候

Or scratch their behinds, or whatever is it known when in the movie theater.


But from up here, I can see every single one of you And that makes me uncomfortable.

但在这里 我可以看到你们每一个人这让我感觉怪怪的

So please, don't pull out your iphones and texts no texts to your boyfriend until after I'm done, please.

所以拜托大家 不要掏出手机发短信不要给男友发短信 直到我讲话结束 拜托了

But if you have to scratch your behinds, I mean I understand, go ahead.

但如果你要挠挠后背的话我能理解 请便吧

I was thinking about the speech, what I should say I figured the best way to keep your attention.

我曾思考着 要来这里讲些什么我觉得 如果要让你们专心听我说话

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fidget ['fidʒit]


vt. 使坐立不安 vi. 坐立不安 n. 烦躁,烦躁之

hurricane ['hʌrikən]


n. 飓风,飓风般猛烈的东西

commencement [kə'mensmənt]


n. 开始,毕业典礼

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

uncomfortable [ʌn'kʌmftəbl]


adj. 不舒服的,不自在的





