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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • To others how does that collate to the fact to this section of self also the distinction between responsibilities and rights imposed in the.
  • 完全相反 这个应该怎么跟事实联系起来跟这部分自我 还有施加于群体上的权利和
  • Community itself, say whatever, it's 6 and 9, 13 and 9, seems like there's distinction there Sam: So, what damage? I'm not sure what.
  • 责任的划分 第6 9 13还有第9 应该是有区别的损害是什么 我不确定对自身造成
  • Damage to the self, I mean the damage that torture that torture would do to Americans? Audience Member: Would there be any.
  • 的损害是什么 指的是对美国造成的伤害吗对施虐行为的辩护在
  • Distinction between how torture is justified or not in your own community or universally Sam: Well I think that the danger seems to be.
  • 美国国内和在全球范围内有区别吗我认为真正的危险是
  • That the more it's accepted as a sort of necessary thing that you don't like the more it can kind of move over into some other sphere where.
  • 你越发认为这种行为你虽然不喜欢但是却必不可少 这种行为就越有可能扩散到其他
  • Actually it's good that we did it And then there's kind of a situation where the damage has been done to the point where you can't recognise that.
  • 领域去 有一种情形是造成的伤害的程度已经到了你看不出
  • It was damaging anymore and then that's when the others come and point out to you that you have been so damaged I don't know if that.
  • 它在造成伤害 这个时候应该有外人告诉你你已经受到了怎样的伤害 不知道
  • Makes sense to you, but it seems that if it is possible for a country to reach a point where they are unable to see that what they're doing.
  • 你能不能理解这一点 但是我想如果一个国家看不出自己做的事情对自己造成了


To others how does that collate to the fact to this section of self also the distinction between responsibilities and rights imposed in the.

完全相反 这个应该怎么跟事实联系起来跟这部分自我 还有施加于群体上的权利和

Community itself, say whatever, it's 6 and 9, 13 and 9, seems like there's distinction there Sam: So, what damage? I'm not sure what.

责任的划分 第6 9 13还有第9 应该是有区别的损害是什么 我不确定对自身造成

Damage to the self, I mean the damage that torture that torture would do to Americans? Audience Member: Would there be any.

的损害是什么 指的是对美国造成的伤害吗对施虐行为的辩护在

Distinction between how torture is justified or not in your own community or universally Sam: Well I think that the danger seems to be.


That the more it's accepted as a sort of necessary thing that you don't like the more it can kind of move over into some other sphere where.

你越发认为这种行为你虽然不喜欢但是却必不可少 这种行为就越有可能扩散到其他

Actually it's good that we did it And then there's kind of a situation where the damage has been done to the point where you can't recognise that.

领域去 有一种情形是造成的伤害的程度已经到了你看不出

It was damaging anymore and then that's when the others come and point out to you that you have been so damaged I don't know if that.

它在造成伤害 这个时候应该有外人告诉你你已经受到了怎样的伤害 不知道

Makes sense to you, but it seems that if it is possible for a country to reach a point where they are unable to see that what they're doing.

你能不能理解这一点 但是我想如果一个国家看不出自己做的事情对自己造成了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

collate [kɔ'leit]


v. 对照,校对,校勘

distinction [dis'tiŋkʃən]


n. 差别,对比,区分,荣誉,优秀





