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加利福尼亚大学电视台公开课(MP3+字幕) 睡眠健康:第186期

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Try to sleep 9 hours per night during one week and come to see me
  • 你试一试在一个星期里每天睡9个小时 然后再来找我
  • because I must regard you The second thing is now if I put some body of our weight
  • 这样我就会很看重你 第二件事是 如果人们的体重增加一些
  • my population of their weight You see, it's not so much variation, not so much
  • 我们的人群增加一些体重 大家看到 其实变化并不是很大
  • Here, yes, for the age but you see
  • 在这个年龄段是重合的 但你们看到
  • it is the same variation that in normal one Now the obese
  • 超重人群的变化趋势和正常人群一样 下面是肥胖人群
  • but surprise is not here it is here and here
  • 但让人吃惊的不是这里 而是这个年龄段
  • It's low for the young people and only for them
  • 年轻人的睡眠时间很短 而且只有年轻人短
  • not for the rest of the population Again, in the fact, give me the explanation
  • 其他年龄组的人群都不短 事实上 给我一些解释
  • I will leave you that So, what we can see?
  • 你们给我解释 所以 我们得出了什么结论?
  • Overall, obese individuals have shorter sleep duration than those with normal weight
  • 总体上来说 肥胖人群的睡眠时间 低于体重正常的人群
  • The difference in sleep duration is significant only in individuals younger than 45 years
  • 只在45岁以下人群中 睡眠时间显示出显着差异
  • Keep that, I will come back in one moment Now I was saying, I am with the general population
  • 记住这点 一会儿我还会回来 我刚才说了 我选择的是一般人群
  • Maybe, I must look at the health status of these people The health status of the people is determined
  • 也许我还应该看看这些人的健康状况 决定人们健康状况的是
  • by your medical condition and your psychiatry condition because for sure, psychologically
  • 你的生理状况和精神状况 因为从心理学角度来说
  • if you are disturbed you can have an issue of weight
  • 如果你心理失常 你的体重就会增加


Try to sleep 9 hours per night during one week and come to see me

你试一试在一个星期里每天睡9个小时 然后再来找我

because I must regard you The second thing is now if I put some body of our weight

这样我就会很看重你 第二件事是 如果人们的体重增加一些

my population of their weight You see, it's not so much variation, not so much

我们的人群增加一些体重 大家看到 其实变化并不是很大

Here, yes, for the age but you see

在这个年龄段是重合的 但你们看到

it is the same variation that in normal one Now the obese

超重人群的变化趋势和正常人群一样 下面是肥胖人群

but surprise is not here it is here and here

但让人吃惊的不是这里 而是这个年龄段

It's low for the young people and only for them

年轻人的睡眠时间很短 而且只有年轻人短

not for the rest of the population Again, in the fact, give me the explanation

其他年龄组的人群都不短 事实上 给我一些解释

I will leave you that So, what we can see?

你们给我解释 所以 我们得出了什么结论?

Overall, obese individuals have shorter sleep duration than those with normal weight

总体上来说 肥胖人群的睡眠时间 低于体重正常的人群

The difference in sleep duration is significant only in individuals younger than 45 years

只在45岁以下人群中 睡眠时间显示出显着差异

Keep that, I will come back in one moment Now I was saying, I am with the general population

记住这点 一会儿我还会回来 我刚才说了 我选择的是一般人群

Maybe, I must look at the health status of these people The health status of the people is determined

也许我还应该看看这些人的健康状况 决定人们健康状况的是

by your medical condition and your psychiatry condition because for sure, psychologically

你的生理状况和精神状况 因为从心理学角度来说

if you are disturbed you can have an issue of weight

如果你心理失常 你的体重就会增加

重点单词   查看全部解释    
explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

status ['steitəs]


n. 地位,身份,情形,状况

psychiatry [sai'kaiətri]


n. 精神病学

duration [dju'reiʃən]


n. 持续时间,期间

psychologically [,psaikə'lɔdʒikəli]


adv. 心理上地;心理学地

overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

determined [di'tə:mind]


adj. 坚毅的,下定决心的

variation [.vɛəri'eiʃən]


n. 变化,变动,变种,变奏曲

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt





