Sleep Disorder Center Discovers Insomnia Therapy As Effective As Drugs
One in three adults report problems with insomnia, and when you’re feeling stressed or anxious, it is easy to pop some sleep aids for a quick fix every so often.
Usually this helps, but for the 5 to 15 percent of adults suffering from chronic insomnia, relying on prescription pharmaceuticals is not an attractive option.

As part of efforts to provide patients with more options, some doctors lately have proposed psychological interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, or simply CBT-i.
CBT is a kind of talk therapy used to treat a variety of mental illnesses. At its foundation is a model known as the “vicious circle,” also known as spiraling.
The vicious circle explains how negative thoughts lead to feelings and then to self-destructive behaviors.
Physicians at the Melbourne Sleep Disorders Center used the technique with insomniacs; finding that the therapy is an effective alternative to medication.