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加利福尼亚大学电视台公开课(MP3+字幕) 睡眠健康:第173期

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I'm in debt to their efforts and also of course, the funding agencies whom we are battering nonstop.
  • 他们给了我很多支持当然还要感谢我们的研究经费的来源机构我们会不断的打交道
  • And so led like to thank you for your attention it's a good and important question we have very few women in our studies.
  • 谢谢大家认真听我的报告这是个很好的问题 很重要我们的研究很少有女性参与进来
  • Excepting Dr. Tiscali's study of reduced sleep quality it was about half women and we did not see a sex difference.
  • 除了塔莎莉博士对睡眠质量下降的研究之外她的研究中一半试验参与者为女性我们没有发现性别差异
  • In the studies of sleep restriction most of our studies have enrolled a majority of men and the reason for that is that.
  • 在睡眠限制的研究中大多数研究只招募男性志愿者原因是
  • As you know glucose tolerance is influenced by the phase of the menstrual cycle so when you enroll women in these randomized cross-over design.
  • 你们知道葡萄糖的耐受力会受到月经周期的影响所以如果招募女性参与这些随机交叉试验
  • They have to be in the follicular phase in both conditions which means they have to have regular cycles which means they don't...they have and so on.
  • 她们必须在两种条件下都恰好处于卵泡期也就是说她们的月经周期必须规律这意味着她们不能这样 只能那样 等等
  • And so it becomes very difficult I always think we should pay women three times as much as men....
  • 所以情况会变得比较困难我一直觉得我们付给女性的费用应该是男性的三倍
  • But our RB doesn't think so so the order effect of the first study was of course a criticism that came up.
  • 但我们的老板不同意第一项研究的顺序效应当然遭到了一些批评
  • That we had built a sleep debt and then the subject we cover the sleep so it was not really comparing.
  • 他们认为我们制造了睡眠负债然后我们让试验参与人补回来所以这并没有真正对
  • Normal sleep to sleep restriction which is why we did the second study which was a randomized cross-over design.
  • 正常睡眠和限制睡眠进行比较这就是为什么我们开展了第二次试验也就是针对短期睡眠和长期睡眠
  • Of short sleep versus long sleep the lepton findings have not been reproduced even by ourselves under all conditions.
  • 制定的随机交叉试验我们在任何条件下都没有再次得到有关瘦素的研究结论


I'm in debt to their efforts and also of course, the funding agencies whom we are battering nonstop.


And so led like to thank you for your attention its a good and important question we have very few women in our studies.

谢谢大家认真听我的报告这是个很好的问题 很重要我们的研究很少有女性参与进来

Excepting Dr. Tiscalis study of reduced sleep quality it was about half women and we did not see a sex difference.


In the studies of sleep restriction most of our studies have enrolled a majority of men and the reason for that is that.


As you know glucose tolerance is influenced by the phase of the menstrual cycle so when you enroll women in these randomized cross-over design.


They have to be in the follicular phase in both conditions which means they have to have regular cycles which means they don't...they have and so on.

她们必须在两种条件下都恰好处于卵泡期也就是说她们的月经周期必须规律这意味着她们不能这样 只能那样 等等

And so it becomes very difficult I always think we should pay women three times as much as men....


But our RB doesn't think so so the order effect of the first study was of course a criticism that came up.


That we had built a sleep debt and then the subject we cover the sleep so it was not really comparing.


Normal sleep to sleep restriction which is why we did the second study which was a randomized cross-over design.


Of short sleep versus long sleep the lepton findings have not been reproduced even by ourselves under all conditions.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派

restriction [ri'strikʃən]


n. 限制,约束

tolerance ['tɔlərəns]


n. 忍耐力,宽容,容忍,公差





