And you know, some sort of punishment if they don't get done some sort know, it would be difficult but certainly.
如果完不成 他们就会受到一些惩罚这是难以实现的但毫无疑问
I think that the...we have the ideal condition the lab is nice the rooms are like a nice holiday inn.
The food is not great, but it's quite ok the people are very nice, very supportive they are plod you all the time.
食物不算最好 但也凑合而且工作人员也很好 非常愿意帮助他们他们随时都在说
Stay awake. You did great, you did great that's not real life so I think that.
别睡 你做得很好 你做得很好这不是真实的生活所以我认为
The impact of sleep deprivation chronic partial sleep deprivation in real life is greater than what we are measuring here in the lab.
So that's one part regarding insomnia I think that I'm fascinated with the work from Elise Ganjas.
Where he examined the cortisol profile of people with insomnia which...who based on polysomnography.
Have insomnia complaints but normal sleep time in the lab or the insomnia complaints.
And short sleep time in the lab and he showed that those with short sleep time in the lab really had elevated even in cortisol levels.
在实验室睡觉时 睡眠时间也很短他指出 那些在实验室睡眠时间很短的人他们的皮质醇水平出现了升高