adj. 保守的,守旧的
n. 保守派(党),
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- Some flight attendants have an issue with Air France's conservative dress instructions ahead of the airline's first flight to Iran in nearly a decade.
- 近十年来向伊朗的首次航班,一些机组人员对法国航空公司保守的着装指示有意见。
- The company reportedly told female employees to wear a "loose-fitting jacket and headscarf" before setting foot in the Iranian capital.
- 据报道,公司告诉女员工在登陆伊朗首都前要穿“宽松的外套和头巾”。
- Iran is a predominantly Muslim country, and women are expected to keep their heads covered.
- 伊朗是一个穆斯林占主导的国家,妇女都会遮住她们的头。
- That stands in stark contrast to France, where some religious head coverings have been banned over security concerns.
- 这与法国形成鲜明对比,基于安全顾虑一些宗教头罩已被禁止。
- France's airline union said the decision goes against French law and says women should be given the chance to choose whether they feel comfortable working on flights to Iran.
- 法国航空公司工会表示,这一决定是违反法国法律的,在飞往伊朗的航班上女性员工应该有机会选择舒服的方式。
- But in a statement, Air France said, "This obligation is not required during the flight and is respected by all international airlines serving the Iranian Republic."
- 但在一份声明中,法国航空公司表示,“飞行期间这项义务是不要求的,并受到所有为伊朗服务的国际航班的尊重。”
- Air France already requires female staff flying into Saudi Arabia to wear an abaya, or a full-body covering, after they exit the plane.
- 法国航空公司已要求飞往沙特阿拉伯的女员工在离开飞机后穿长袍,或全身遮盖。


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