n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪
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- 2016 is on track to be the warmest year on record, according to a global temperature forecast released Thursday.
- 根据周四全球气温预报,2016年可能是有记录以来最热的一年。
- The U.K.'s weather service, the British Met Office, says the global mean temperature is expected to rise between 0.72 degrees Celsius and 0.96 degrees Celsius above temperatures from the latter half of the 20th century.
- 英国气象局表示,从二十世纪中叶开始全球平均气温上升了0.72摄氏度到0.96摄氏度。
- A researcher said: "2015 is on track to be the warmest year on record,
- 一位研究人员说:“2015是记录上最热的一年,
- and this forecast suggests 2016 is likely to be at least as warm, if not warmer."
- 而这一预测表明2016年可能至少会一样热,如果不是更热的话。”
- The report says "man-made global warming" was, unsurprisingly, a factor in their forecast.
- 报告称,令人意外的是“人为造成的全球变暖”是他们预测考虑的一个因素。
- El Nino was also a consideration, but played a smaller role.
- 尼诺现象也是一个考虑因素,但起的作用较小。
- El Nino temporarily warms waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean and impacts weather in a variety of ways, depending on where you are in the world.
- 尼诺暂时在热带太平洋东部使海水温度上升,并以各种方式影响天气,这取决于你在世界什么地方。
- Beyond just temperature, El Nino can contribute to intense wind, rainfall and drought.
- 除了温度,尼诺现象也会带来强风、降水、干旱。
- The British Met Office doesn't expect constant, consecutive record-breaking temperatures.
- 英国气象局没想到的是温度连续突破纪录。
- But notable 2015 and 2016 temperatures show how impactful natural weather fluctuation in combination with man-made factors can be.
- 但2015与2016的温度值得注意,结合可能的人为因素影响自然气候波动。


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