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第137期:2012年Michael Lewis普林斯顿大学(1)

编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Thank you. President Tilghman. Trustees and Friends
  • 感谢Tilghman主席 各位校董和朋友们
  • Parents of the Class of 2012 wherever they put you
  • 2012年级的家长们
  • Members of the Class of 2012
  • 普林斯顿2012年级的同学们
  • Why don't you give yourself a round of applause?
  • 为什么不给自己一次掌声呢?
  • So the next time you look around a church and see everyone dressed in black it'll be awkward to do that. But enjoy the moment
  • 下一次你在一所教堂里 看到大家都穿成黑色的时候 像这样欢呼就很尴尬了 享受这一刻吧
  • Thirty years ago I sat where you sat
  • 30年前 我坐在你所坐的地方
  • I must have listened to some older person share his life experiences
  • 我一定也听过某位年长的人分享他的人生经历
  • I don't remember a word of it
  • 但我已经一点都不记得了
  • I couldn't even tell you who spoke
  • 我连是谁发言都没印象了
  • And you won't be able to either
  • 你们也不会记得吧
  • What I do remember, vividly, is graduation
  • 而在我记忆中仍栩栩如生的 是毕业
  • I'm told you're meant to be excited, maybe even relieved let you... getting out of you, and maybe all of you are
  • 他们告诉我你应该很激动 或者感到轻松 先不说你们……但也许你们现在就是这样
  • I was not. I was totally outraged
  • 我却不同 我义愤填膺
  • Here I'd gone and given them four of the best years of my life and this is how they rewarded me, by throwing me out
  • 我来到这里给了他们我人生中最好的四年 而他们就是这样报答我的 把我踢走
  • At that moment I was sure of only one thing
  • 在那时我只确信一件事
  • I was of no possible economic value to the outside world
  • 我对外面的世界没有任何经济价值
  • I'd majored in art history, for a start
  • 我修的是艺术史 那是我的起点
  • Even then this was regarded as an act of insanity
  • 即使在当时这也被视为疯子的行为
  • I was almost certainly less prepared than you are for the marketplace
  • 我为市场做的准备一定差过 几乎在座的每一个人
  • Yet somehow I have wound up somehow rich and famous
  • 而现在我竟摇身一变成了富人和名人


Thank you. President Tilghman. Trustees and Friends

感谢Tilghman主席 各位校董和朋友们

Parents of the Class of 2012 wherever they put you


Members of the Class of 2012


Why don't you give yourself a round of applause?


So the next time you look around a church and see everyone dressed in black it'll be awkward to do that. But enjoy the moment

下一次你在一所教堂里 看到大家都穿成黑色的时候 像这样欢呼就很尴尬了 享受这一刻吧

Thirty years ago I sat where you sat

30年前 我坐在你所坐的地方

I must have listened to some older person share his life experiences


I don't remember a word of it


I couldn't even tell you who spoke


And you won't be able to either


What I do remember, vividly, is graduation

而在我记忆中仍栩栩如生的 是毕业

I'm told you're meant to be excited, maybe even relieved let you... getting out of you, and maybe all of you are

他们告诉我你应该很激动 或者感到轻松 先不说你们……但也许你们现在就是这样

I was not. I was totally outraged

我却不同 我义愤填膺

Here I'd gone and given them four of the best years of my life and this is how they rewarded me, by throwing me out

我来到这里给了他们我人生中最好的四年 而他们就是这样报答我的 把我踢走

At that moment I was sure of only one thing


I was of no possible economic value to the outside world


I'd majored in art history, for a start

我修的是艺术史 那是我的起点

Even then this was regarded as an act of insanity


I was almost certainly less prepared than you are for the marketplace

我为市场做的准备一定差过 几乎在座的每一个人

Yet somehow I have wound up somehow rich and famous


重点单词   查看全部解释    
spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

applause [ə'plɔ:z]


n. 鼓掌,喝彩,赞许
v. 鼓掌

relieved [ri'li:vd]


adj. 放心的,放松的,免除的

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的





