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The military's top brass is acknowledging that the _1_ number of sexual assault cases is ruining trust in the US forces. But as NPR's Larry Abramson reports rejecting congressional _2_ to reduce the authority of commanders who had administered justice.
军队高级官员承认,军队中不断上升的性侵案件破坏了美国军队的信任感NPR新闻的拉里·艾布拉姆森报道,军方拒绝国会减少指挥官管理审判的权力 。 。但是据
The senate armed services panel _3_ with at least seven different proposals. One in particular would take the decision to prosecute sexual assault and other major crimes away from the commander. But army chief of staff Raymond T. Odierno resisted that idea.
参议院武装部队委员会正在处理至少七个不同的议案 。其中一个特别的议案将会决定取消指挥官起诉性侵案及其他重罪的权力 。但是陆军参谋长雷蒙德·奥迪耶诺抵制这个想法 。
"I want the commander fully involved in the decisions that _4_ on the moral and cohesion of the unit to include punishment."
“我希望指挥官全程参与,决定这对军队道德和凝聚力所产生的影响,并决定处罚 。”
But Odierno admitted the growing number of sexual assaults _5_ many troops to lose their trust in leadership and some senators said that loss of trust mean someone else needs to pursue sexual assault cases. Larry Abramson NPR News, Washington.
不过奥迪耶诺也承认,军队中性侵案件频发使许多士兵丧失了对领导层的信任,一些参议员表示,失去信任意味着需要其他人来调查性侵案NPR新闻,拉里·艾布拉姆森华盛顿报道 。 。
1、top brass 高级军官;要员;顶部轴衬
eg:...a reshuffle of the army's top brass.
...军方要员的一次改组 。
n. 废墟;毁坏;灭亡
vt. 毁灭;使破产
vi. 破产;堕落;被毁灭
eg:My wife was ruining her health through worry.
我妻子的忧虑正在损害着她的健康 。
eg:The farmers say recent inflation has driven them to the brink of ruin.
那些农民们说最近的通货膨胀已经把他们逼到了破产的边缘 。
eg:One dead child was found in the ruins almost two hours after the explosion.
一名遇难儿童在爆炸发生近两小时后在废墟中被找到 。
eg:The abbey was in ruins.
这座修道院成了一片废墟 。
习惯用语:in ruins 成为废墟 financial ruin 经济损失
vt. 检举;贯彻;从事;依法进行(同近义词carry out, undertake, pursue, address, have)
vi. 起诉;告发;作检察官(同近义词law, take legal action)
eg:The police have decided not to prosecute because the evidence is not strong enough.
警方已决定不起诉,因为证据不够充分 。
eg:The attorney who will prosecute the case says he cannot reveal how much money is involved.
即将起诉这件案子的原告律师说他不能透漏涉案金额 。