Why, of course, said Tomtit, I mean for the chief to seize a fair damsel and carry her off on his horse to be his bride,
the wild hoofs clattering among the rocks. Hoot! cried all the boys scornfully. And the chief said to Tomtit:
Little boy, I know of no fair damsel to steal, and besides, I do not want a bride. It's pretty hard, said Tomtit,
wiping his eyes with his little sleeve. I've done just what you fellows told me to, and now you won't order anything I want to see.
That night the boys ordered the robbers to hold a high celebration in the great hall. Wild songs were sung with jovial glee.
The boys watched the merrymaking for some time, but they did not find it very interesting, and soon went to bed.
The next morning Old Pluck called a meeting of his companions.
Boys, he said, this robber life is a good deal stupider than anything we left behind us. Let's get back to school as fast as we can,
and enjoy what is left of the Christmas fun. We will admit that we are sorry for what we have done, and will promise not to run away again;
and Tomtit can go to the master and tell him so. I'll be the first one whipped, ruefully remarked Tomtit;
but if you boys say so, of course I'll do it. The boys now took leave of the robbers,
Tomtit having been first presented with the piece of blue taffeta to make him a jacket.
When they reached the school, Tomtit told his tale, and he was the only one who was not punished.