There was a certain lady of a thin, airy shape, who was very active in this solemnity.
She carried a magnifying glass in one of her hands, and was clothed in a loose, flowing robe,
embroidered with several figures of fiends and specters, that discovered themselves in a thousand chimerical shapes as her garment hovered in the wind.
There was something wild and distracted in her looks. Her name was Fancy.
She led up every mortal to the appointed place, after having officiously assisted him in making up his pack, and laying it upon his shoulders.
My heart melted within me to see my fellow-creatures groaning under their respective burdens, and to consider that prodigious bulk of human calamities which lay before me.

There were, however, several persons who gave me great diversion upon this occasion.
I observed one bringing in a fardel, very carefully concealed under an old embroidered cloak, which, upon his throwing it into the heap, I discovered to be poverty.
Another, after a great deal of puffing, threw down his luggage, which, upon examining, I found to be his wife.
There were multitudes of lovers saddled with very whimsical burdens, composed of darts and flames.
but, what was very odd, though they sighed as if their hearts would break under these bundles of calamities, they could not persuade themselves to cast them into the heap,
when they came up to it; but, after a few faint efforts, shook their heads, and marched away as heavy loaden as they came.