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美国小学英语教材6:第251课 罗宾汉和他的伙伴(8)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Then he noticed for the first time the bows and arrows which the Knight had brought, and asked what they were.
  • 他第一次注意到了骑士带来的弓和箭,并询问这些做什么。
  • A poor present to you, answered the Knight; and Robin, who would not be outdone,
  • 骑士回答道,这是一点点心意,罗宾汉不甘落后,
  • sent Little John once more to his treasury and bade him bring forth four hundred pounds, which were given to the Knight.
  • 他再次派遣小约翰去拿他的宝藏,告诉他拿400英镑过来,并把钱给了骑士。
  • After that they parted, in much love. And Robin prayed the Knight if he were ever in any trouble,
  • 他们在不舍中道别,罗宾汉祈祷着,如果骑士再次遇到麻烦,
  • to let him know at the greenwood tree, and he would help him. V In many ways life in the forest was dull in the winter,
  • 他可以来绿林,他可以帮助骑士,第五部分,冬天的森林生活是乏味的,
  • and often the days passed slowly; but in summer, when the leaves were green and flowers and ferns covered all the woodland,
  • 每天的时间过得很慢,但在夏天,当叶子变绿,花朵和蕨类植物覆盖整个森林时,
  • Robin Hood and his men would come out of their warm resting places, like the rabbits and the squirrels, and would play, too.
  • 罗宾汉和他的伙伴会从温暖的栖息地出来,就像兔子和松鼠一样,他们也会玩耍。
  • Races they ran to stretch their legs, or leaping matches were arranged, or they would shoot at a mark.
  • 他们通过竞赛来伸展腿部,或是组织跳跃比赛,或者打击目标。
  • Who of you can kill a deer five hundred paces off? So said Robin to his men one bright May morning,
  • 谁能够在500步意外射中一头鹿?罗宾汉在一个五月的晴朗早上对他的伙伴说,
  • and they went into the wood and tried their skill. To the great joy of Robin Hood, it was Little John who brought down the hart.
  • 他们进入了森林,尝试着训练技能,让罗宾汉高兴的是,是小约翰打中了雄鹿。
  • I would ride my horse a hundred miles to find one who could match with thee, he said to Little John.
  • 我可以骑马100英里,去别的地方找一个可以和你比较的人,他对小约翰说。
  • Will Scarlett, who was perhaps rather jealous of this mighty deed, answered, with a laugh,
  • 威尔·斯卡莉特或许会嫉妒小约翰的强项,他笑着回答道,
  • There lives a friar in Fountains Abbey who would beat both him and you.
  • 在喷泉修道院住着一位修士,他可以把我们俩都打败。
  • Now Robin Hood did not like to be told that any man could shoot better than himself or his foresters;
  • 如今,罗宾汉不喜欢听到有人说,有人会比他或者先祖射击更好的人;
  • so he swore lustily that he would neither eat nor drink till he had seen that friar.
  • 罗宾汉大声叫骂着,在找到那名修士之前,我会不吃不喝。
  • Leaving his men where they were, he put on a coat of mail and a steel cap, took his shield and sword,
  • 让其他人留在原地,他穿着一身动物皮衣,戴着钢帽,拿着他盾和剑。
  • slung his bow over his shoulder, and filled his quiver with arrows. Thus armed, he set forth to Fountains Dale.
  • 将弓悬挂在肩膀上,箭筒装满箭,他就这样去了喷泉谷。
  • By the side of the river a friar was walking, armed like Robin, but without a bow.
  • 一名修士在河边走路,和罗宾汉的行头一样,但却没有带弓。
  • At this sight Robin jumped from his horse, which he tied to a bush,
  • 罗宾汉一看就跳下了马,他和一撮灌木缠绕在了一起,
  • and called to the friar to carry him over the water, or it would cost him his life.
  • 并呼叫修士带他过河,否则他将丧命。


Then he noticed for the first time the bows and arrows which the Knight had brought, and asked what they were.

A poor present to you, answered the Knight; and Robin, who would not be outdone,
sent Little John once more to his treasury and bade him bring forth four hundred pounds, which were given to the Knight.
After that they parted, in much love. And Robin prayed the Knight if he were ever in any trouble,
to let him know at the greenwood tree, and he would help him. V In many ways life in the forest was dull in the winter,
and often the days passed slowly; but in summer, when the leaves were green and flowers and ferns covered all the woodland,
Robin Hood and his men would come out of their warm resting places, like the rabbits and the squirrels, and would play, too.
Races they ran to stretch their legs, or leaping matches were arranged, or they would shoot at a mark.
Who of you can kill a deer five hundred paces off? So said Robin to his men one bright May morning,


and they went into the wood and tried their skill. To the great joy of Robin Hood, it was Little John who brought down the hart.

I would ride my horse a hundred miles to find one who could match with thee, he said to Little John.
Will Scarlett, who was perhaps rather jealous of this mighty deed, answered, with a laugh,
There lives a friar in Fountains Abbey who would beat both him and you.
Now Robin Hood did not like to be told that any man could shoot better than himself or his foresters;
so he swore lustily that he would neither eat nor drink till he had seen that friar.
Leaving his men where they were, he put on a coat of mail and a steel cap, took his shield and sword,
slung his bow over his shoulder, and filled his quiver with arrows. Thus armed, he set forth to Fountains Dale.
By the side of the river a friar was walking, armed like Robin, but without a bow.
At this sight Robin jumped from his horse, which he tied to a bush,
and called to the friar to carry him over the water, or it would cost him his life.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
quiver ['kwivə]


v. 颤抖,振动
n. 震动,颤抖,箭袋,箭袋

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

knight [nait]


n. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位

shield ['ʃi:ld]


n. 盾,防卫物,盾状物
vt. 保护,遮蔽

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

bow [bau]


n. 弓
n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头

deed [di:d]


n. 事迹,行为,[法]契约
vt. 立契转让

dull [dʌl]


adj. 呆滞的,迟钝的,无趣的,钝的,暗的

stretch [stretʃ]


n. 伸展,张开
adj. 可伸缩的





